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Everything posted by Oner

  1. 16+ and all that
  2. And no reason it should be not.
  3. I fail to see how getting enemies to blow themselves up (including Simons to a degree) is useless, but whatever.
  4. Funny thing is, they don't necessarily need the IP, since every iteration of Alpha Protocol has a wildly different name (G19, Deus Vult etc).
  5. I'm imagining Bio commenting on this. "It's nothing like KotOR I-II! KotOR ripped off the original SW movies' art style, TOR is ripping off the prequel movies!"
  6. Roly-Poly Monsters
  7. It was in an interview actually. ~"If there will be a sequel, saves will definitely carry over." Though IMO the interviewee was Molyneuxing.
  8. Osterfest with yodeling ghouls and supermutants serving beer!
  9. In case any of you live under a rock: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
  10. Just not another russian PA.
  11. Nope, a series. You mean Evolution? I said remake, not live action.
  12. There is/was a DBZ remake aired not too long ago.
  13. Albatross- 22 Conrad Marburg- 9 (-1) I can't come up with any jokes to make fun of you. Your punishment is -1 point! Henry Leland- 19 Konstantin Brayko- 18 (+1) Yay for gay purple cheetah jackets! \o/ Omen Deng- 26 SIE- 23 Scarlet Lake- 26 Sis- 26 Steven Heck- 21
  14. Yeah, but at least this time it applies, unlike the AP-to- VtM:Bloodlines idea.
  15. Space Pirate Captain Harlock Sekikam trailer
  16. Yes, it is still ongoing and yes, climactic battle.Of course it did not lead anywhere, you were watching a crappy anime full of even worse filler.
  17. And Thief: Deadly Shadows. The Sunken Colony constituted of four big rooms! D: That would be "**** you I'm a dragon". Don't ask me why.
  18. Tigranes, did you play Incubation? BTW, I'd be willing to waste my lifeparticipate in a grand battle of wit and planning in a game of vanilla Disciples II, if anyone feels like playing.
  19. I won't know your problem if you don't write it down.
  20. Naruto 387: Naruto vs QUALITY For comparison:
  21. Rango trailer
  22. The evil ancient Chinese Empire will reemerge to attack America and your (optionally vaguely messianic) character has to join the elite Brotherhood of Steel to stop them (only after all kinds of riff-raff flocks to your heroic-awesome 1/10 charisma and/or willpower, of course).Duh.
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