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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 (-1) Sis- 24 (+1) Status Quo is GOD (There, you forced me to repeat myself. Are you happy now? ARE YOU?!) Steven Heck- 20
  2. Okay, but I was talking about texture popups Don't despair Worst, I interpreted your words correctly.
  3. I don't remember that spider but meh, they're in every game. Seems to be DS 2 either way.
  4. Eyecandy is in the eye of the beholder Ah, so that's why beholders are so popular! They're the pinatas of the Forgotten Realms!
  5. Alan Parker- 4 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 (-1) I bet she's secretly a stalker. Sis- 24 (+1) Everyone's jealous of the show stealer. Steven Heck- 20
  6. Alan Parker- 4 (-1) Sorry Mr Bell, you did everything you could but Parker has his limits. Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 24 (+1) Steven Heck- 20
  7. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Conrad Marburg- 11 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 12 (+1) Mr Hong needs more luv. Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 22 Steven Heck- 20 (-1) Oh look I'm funny, that makes me a great character! Vote 4 me! Yancy Westridge- 1
  8. Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 0 (-1) I always wanted to down a sheik. Conrad Marburg- 11 (+1) Deus Vult. Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 21 Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 22 Steven Heck- 20 Yancy Westridge- 2
  9. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 2 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 12 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 20 (-1) I'm funny, vote for meeee Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 22 (+1) Steven Heck- 20 Yancy Westridge- 2
  10. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 2 (-1) Not even his harem mourns him. Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 20 Scarlet Lake- 22 Sis- 23 (+1) It's on! (Wanna bet that Omen will win in the end? ) Steven Heck- 20 Yancy Westridge- 2
  11. I probably ****ed up my calculations, but... 9 hours?
  12. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 4 Conrad Marburg- 10 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 20 Scarlet Lake- 21 Sis- 22 (+1) Steven Heck- 20 Yancy Westridge- 2 (-1) My gatling is better than yours.
  13. Er, there's a poorly illustrated Robin Hood hat and a countdown timer. King's Quest then. Which reminds me, I should play Mask of Eternity once. And I don't care how departed it is from the original games.
  14. Alan Parker- 5 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 5 Conrad Marburg- 9 Grigori Pazinhov- 1 (-1) Sorry old chap, but there can only be one, and s/he ain't Russian. Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 19 Scarlet Lake- 21 Sis- 21 (+1) HERESY Steven Heck- 20 Yancy Westridge- 3
  15. At least it has a plot and a minimal connection to the main story, unlike, say, a weapon collection DLC.
  16. Final Fantasy XIV Alpha to Beta comparison So Squenix took the proper cues from western RPG developers and added rats as low lvl enemies. The traditions have been held up, all is well. StarCraft II airliner
  17. A hollowed out wood wall that thinks it's made of 10 cm solid steel.With spikes.
  18. JavaZone trailer: Java 4-ever
  19. Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 7 (-1) Why is he still in? Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 3 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 6 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 Sis- 21 (+1) Status Quo is GOD Steven Heck- 19 Yancy Westridge- 3
  20. Says the guy called Starwars Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 7 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 3 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 11 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 6 (-1) You should've listened to me. SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 Sis- 21 (+1) OVER 9000!!! Steven Heck- 18 Yancy Westridge- 3
  21. Vuvuzela in Doom
  22. Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 16 Ali Shaheed- 7 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 3 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 Sis- 21 (+1) Because I can Steven Heck- 18 Yancy Westridge- 3 (-1) RIP Yancy, we hardly knew ye
  23. The only real problem with this definition is that some people always "know" for a fact that it's in fact the game that's broken.
  24. And now for something completely different
  25. Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 15 (+1) Always Ali Shaheed- 7 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 4 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 14 Mina Tang- 8 Omen Deng- 18 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 Sergei Surkov- 0 (-1) BOOM HEADSHOT Sis- 20 Steven Heck- 18 Yancy Westridge- 4
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