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Everything posted by Oner

  1. The evil ancient Chinese Empire will reemerge to attack America and your (optionally vaguely messianic) character has to join the elite Brotherhood of Steel to stop them (only after all kinds of riff-raff flocks to your heroic-awesome 1/10 charisma and/or willpower, of course).Duh.
  2. Albatross- 22 (+1) Operation Nin-JA Conrad Marburg- 12 Henry Leland- 20 Konstantin Brayko- 16 (-1) I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me.. Omen Deng- 24 SIE- 23 Scarlet Lake- 26 Sis- 26 Steven Heck- 21
  3. Requiem: Avenging Angel had bullet time earlier (and I think even that game wasn't the first to have it), but apparently it wasn't bulletty or time-y enough to be noticed.
  4. What's a honeycomb mission structure? http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...t&p=1051657
  5. You'll kill 2 extra sith in the endgame.
  6. Great interview is great.
  7. I wonder when the badly drawn deviant art/badly written 'fic Sis porn will start appearing.
  8. Albatross- 20 (+1) Now you're in the big leagues. Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 20 Konstantin Brayko- 19 Omen Deng- 23 SIE- 22 Scarlet Lake- 25 Sis- 26 Steven Heck- 22 (-1) You're out of place.
  9. Robert Ebert on video games, round 2 Wonder those 2-3 games aside from Shadow of the Colossus were.
  10. Albatross- 19 Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 20 Konstantin Brayko- 19 Omen Deng- 23 SIE- 23 (-1) Sneaking good. Metallica, Napster, You and your Mom, baaad. Scarlet Lake- 25 Sis- 25 (+1) See, now she is in her mid twenties! Steven Heck- 23
  11. Great joke at the end.
  12. Not a bug, but not being able to figure out how to pick up the very first item in Gothic made me cry. The game breaker bug in AP as well as the computer freezing completely once per day (memory leak perhaps?). The bug where I lose save games in Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3. "Plenty of bugs to go around in games, but those are the most recent ones I remember as particularly aggravating."
  13. This one.
  14. Aren't you supposed to be a furry?
  15. E3 2010
  16. *Looks at AKAmasol's avatar* DAMN, now I know why the T_T emote was always so friggin' familiar.
  17. Albatross- 19 Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 20 Hong Shi- 2 (-1) For a classy guy, you command a bunch of punks. Not. Cool. Konstantin Brayko- 19 Omen Deng- 22 SIE- 24 Scarlet Lake- 24 Sis- 24 (+1) BALANCE MUST BE KEPT, EQUILIBRIUM PRESERVED - THE SEALS CANNOT BE BROKEN UNTIL JUDGEMENT DAY Steven Heck- 23
  18. As do I with yours.
  19. 8-bit Twilight.
  20. Albatross- 18 (+1) Yay for scarves! Conrad Marburg- 13 Henry Leland- 19 Hong Shi- 4 Konstantin Brayko- 19 Mina Tang- 5 (-1) Omen Deng- 21 SIE- 22 Scarlet Lake- 23 Sis- 23 Steven Heck- 23
  21. Not against running zombies or when you need to kill the regular ones "Like ****ing right now!" I'm not sure flamethrowers and zombies are ever a good idea. I mean zombies aren't going to care they're burning, and it'll take a bit to boil the brain/destroy the brain (if it happens at all), so essentially you've created a mobile fireball that wants to eat your brains. My point exactly.
  22. Always bet on Duke.
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