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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Alan Parker- 6 Albatross- 14 Ali Shaheed- 7 (-1) Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 4 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 14 (+1) Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 17 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 19 Sergei Surkov- 2 Sis- 20 Steven Heck- 17 Yancy Westridge- 4
  2. Who would want to do such a stupid thing? My shotgunner says hy. Your shotgunner is also probably dead. Killed Brayko on first try actually.
  3. Alan Parker- 7 Albatross- 14 Ali Shaheed- 8 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 5 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 13 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 17 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 17 Scarlet Lake- 17 Sergei Surkov- 2 (-1) Sis- 20 (+1) Steven Heck- 17 Yancy Westridge- 4
  4. Another half assed PC port then. Thanks a bunch guys.
  5. Gorgon, it's probably the same one linked earlier:
  6. Who would want to do such a stupid thing? My shotgunner says hy.
  7. Predators international trailer
  8. I guess JK 2-3, Shenmue 2 and Freespace 2 aren't sequels. They're... puddings, yes. Let's call them puddings.
  9. Not really funny, but the concept is cool.
  10. She'll go DOWN. Alan Parker- 8 Albatross- 13 Ali Shaheed- 9 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 5 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 13 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 17 (+1) Ronald Sung- 8 SIE- 16 Scarlet Lake- 17 Sergei Surkov- 3 (-1) Sis- 18 Steven Heck- 16 Yancy Westridge- 5
  11. Jedi Knight and Shenmue too.
  12. PoP: Forgotten Sands
  13. Not to mention that being a whatever specialist doesn't mean you can't start the fight with a good ol' incendiary grenade.
  14. Round Two
  15. KotOR: Mandalorian Condom Armor. DA: Wizard Condom Hat with Teeth. Mass Effect 3: ???
  16. The vanity view is triggered only at some specific places to give you an idea of the landscape and of the path you're going to take. I'm not sure it's something you can activate whenever you want. You're confusing things. Vanity view is for staring at your character.
  17. I don't remember manga girls, where were they?
  18. Because you can't reach gamebreaking levels without cheating?
  19. Who called it? Who called it?I called it.
  20. Some people did not like the fact the RPG stats played into your aiming skill. No matter how good YOUR (players) aiming was the skill points played a part into your hitting. Similar to the whining about bloodlines firearms skill/shooting. For example if you only have 1 skill point in the rifle skill and was using a sniper rifle the rifle would randomly sway left/right and up/down as you aimed even if you were not moving, also you would reload slow. More points into the skill the sway became less and less and your reload speed increased for every point. I personally liked the system. If one wants to play a FPS then go play modern warfare or call of duty where the game mimics YOUR skill. In a CRPG you ROLE PLAYING a character so of course the RPG stats should and do play a part in the characters ability ingame. CoD isn't claiming to be a CRPG, DE is however. I see people were dim back in 2000 too.
  21. Don't mention it.
  22. 404, hope it WAS good http://www.mediafire.com/?kdizq2ngzrg
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