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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I.. totally don't remember that.
  2. You mean the impenetrable shield vs everything cutting sword twist?
  3. http://www.techolive.com/2010/04/review-operation-wolfsburg Don't forget to read the comments!
  4. There's nothing like getting demon skin boots on lvl 35 and throwing the rare boots of +stamina +resist +twice as high defense away.
  5. How about a dark elf photojournalistbard?
  6. Don't they just roll it over though?
  7. I know you're joking Oner, but considering the posts I've read of Dungeon Siege fans that have arrived here, I don't know how a story-heavy DS will be received by fan of the franchise. Hopefully Obsidian this time can make gameplay just as fun as the narrative, so that both action-rpg lovers and C&C/story/PS:T fans will be satisfied. I liked DS 2, so if I count as a fan *shrug* as long as it's polished (or at least fun) and the devs aren't compelled to not say a word about the game post release I won't complain.Even if they just took DS 2 and added more story I'd be content. We won't know reactions until E3, and half the world will hate the game anyway, just like always.
  8. In that case.. I can't believe Obs is raping that poor DS franchise with their "story" and "narrative" nonsense!
  9. \o/ There's nothing like triple somersaults in unrealistically heavy armor!
  10. Was bored one day and decided to watch a video of this Alpha Protocol thing (good title, immediately thought it must be some spy/Tom Clancy-kind-of-thriller game ). "Nice vid" and just as closing the tab I saw Obsidian from the corner of my eye and I was like WHAT?
  11. So Joseph, what will it be? Realistic medieval action or over-the-top matrix limb chopping?
  12. There's nothing 2D about . Duke Nukem Manhattan Project is apparently coming out on Xbox and the dimwit's are already bitching "Did they never play Shadow Complex? This is ****in' ugly".
  13. Sorry, wrong. It's from some old game, IIRC someone on this forum posted it a few weeks ago.
  14. Please Monti, you're disappointing me.
  15. In IWD 2 the guy who talked the npc decided how thing's would get done.
  16. From what I read, it seems stability help your aim when hip shooting while moving.
  17. It's not flawless, but not something you just drop either.
  18. I like the cover system.
  19. At least they're not strafing between two set points.
  20. I'm probably being dense...but where? He's referring to the right foot I think.
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