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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Guess it is then. Duke Nukem by Valve?
  2. Magic arrows glowed and they stayed for at least a while before disappearing if you hit the ground. You could make a glowing trailer behind an enemy. I hope this feature stays in DS 3. :3
  3. Maybe I'm tripping, but IIRC, it was a dev. Dunno about the headset.
  4. Says the guy who missed half the details.
  5. The dev sorted some games in to groups and he anted a definition for RPG that made sense and didn't contradict the groupings.
  6. Fixed. I read a post not long ago on another forum how a movie didn't make sense because the genius didn't bother paying attention.
  7. Dude, read the thread. All of it.
  8. Pissing off Alby won't make him automatically friends with VCI, no?
  9. Mortal Kombat Reboot Live Action Trailer!
  10. That's just wrong on so many levels.
  11. Trying to stealth though some levels without being detected or even hitting anyone reminded me of the puzzle-ness of Commandos, the first one. Except that its harder in AP because you don't have a whole view of your environment. He was talking about the character development I think.
  12. Not my version. Haven't gotten a single gamestopping glitch (2 playthroughs), compared to the 5 or so I had in ME2 (single playthrough). You and me both... Maybe it's the PS3? There's a tech support forum you can check you know.
  13. Because they agreed to help off screen. Mike even says it when the mission begins. No problem BTW.
  14. Nah, they were inside. I remember because it felt very satisfying when my one man army mowed through them. IIRC there was a lone ice troll at DE's entrance. Maybe you're confusing the wights with that?
  15. Spoiler #1: Spoiler #2:
  16. Mike will be probably something he loves. "AP, a game where you can be a proper dickwad to your annoying, always flirting colleague. And everyone else!"Yahtzee is one thing, he's "opinion" spreading like wildfire among his fans as "fact" is another.
  17. Discount on sneaky armor and intel, sends help for 2 missions + possible endgame handler.
  18. Never said otherwise.
  19. The Crate-or crated the world in it's image, the planet's surface covered in craters. Sry, I'm spent.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMac7RkZmr8...feature=related
  21. +1 in favor of Quest for the Mule Mojo!
  22. Are we sure it was a prototype? By the end of the game I was thinking that the Missiles were basically standard and Halbech was selling weapons of a more standard variety. Dunno about prototype, but they were brand-****in'-new.
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