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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I remember Leland spouting "The only thing more lucrative than a war, is a cold war". Or something.
  2. He talks in a criticizing tone.
  3. Did that, and it was still Turn up the Radio . Anyway, I really like those 'hidden things' like shooting the TV during the Al-Bara mission: Mira: "What did you do that for?" Mike: "I really hate that show" Mike (while wrecking an entire watertower in Russia): "Timber!" I wonder how many of these I missed... I don't get the timber joke. You can even ID the TV in the Al-Bara mission. Mina says something like: We've got a TV in the safehouse too.
  4. I hope no DLC and straight sequel. I hate DLC. Hate is a very strong word. Besides DLC provides players with something to do wail we wait for something new. Replay the game a 10th time just for the built-in-silencer pistol and a smoking? No thanks.Patch(es) and either expansion or sequel. Spare me the Sims crap.
  5. Yeah it's totally not like you have to, y'know, keep yourself alive with barely any hp while the enemy flanks and gangs up on you.Also, dumb parallel.
  6. It turns the "why do scientists play god" theme around, or so I heard.
  7. My friend was all over it back in the day.
  8. So you can "forget" about it and start the argument over in 3 months? Or pretend that the west doesn't do exactly what you're accusing JRPGs of? Nope. Must have been Candle Ja
  9. So you did decide this all by yourself.
  10. Ooooookaaaaaay. *takes a step back*
  11. And it's related to a dancing ...whatever that is, becaaaauuuse?
  12. Yes. Did you? Just because Square loves spiky hair doesn't make every JRPG the same.
  13. ?
  14. They are dying breed in the west... In Japan for Example last three month sales was lead by PSP, and they do get 3-4x more games on handhelds like we do here... Western Developers are just all over the AAA games, and then they are crying about high costs and low sales... That's because the Japanese have been perfectly happy playing practically the same game over and over for the last 20 years. You decided this all by yourself?
  15. Well, no. I thought "if it wasn't perfectly viable then they wouldn't have made this skill". Apart from that, yeah, I could imagine the downsides.
  16. Gary Marshall directs porn
  17. I beat Deng partially with martial arts and I only had it leveled to Jump Attack at that point.Also, my first playthrough of FO2 had only martial arts as a weapon skill.
  18. I don't see the problem. CGI trailer, it's primarily there to catch people's attention, send them in an awe and set mood. It's setting the mood quite well and regardless of it's actual representation of the final games' quality, it is a great video. And we are talking about it so it got our attention, yes? As a bonus, there even are a few gameplay sneak peaks in them (arm blade, energy shield).
  19. ... a space siege sequel then? Suddenly it all becomes clear..
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