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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Man, those bikinis are made of 1980s sofa coverings.
  2. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1892480689/insomnia-an-rpg-set-in-a-brutal-dieselpunk-univers I excite. You too? Am thinking of backing this at a high tier.
  3. I'm bummed that there ain't turn-based sandwich preparation in Pillars of Eternity.
  4. I'm not interested in comparisons, personally, just pleased that thoughtful games like Original Sin and Pillars are being Kickstarted in the first place.
  5. I'm just bemused to be lectured about the state of the Left in the 1980s from someone who was a sperm at the time.
  6. I notice you chose not to offer your age or where you are from. I was about in the late 80's and politically-aware. Were you?
  7. White liberal self loather's gonna self-loathe.
  8. The main reason the armies of the world use and invest in tanks... is because there are so many bloody tanks. I agree that armoured, mobile weapon platforms aren't going out of fashion any time soon, the question is do they need to be what we know as 'tanks?' In Iraq tanks were a mixed blessing - a strangely vulnerable force multiplier (for example, insurgents in urban warfare don't need to destroy a tank, simply damage it. I refer you to the endless YouTube videos from Syria where tanks are easily marooned after a lucky RPG strike FUBARs a track). Most people agree that next generation armour will be light, extremely fast and use smart weaponry. But I refer you to my opening sentence - none of that changes the fact that tanks exist in epic numbers and will remain in the armouries of world armies for another fifty-plus years. Only the Russians and Chinese are developing new main battle tank prototypes. The US think that, with the most modern iteration of the Abrams, they have armoured supremacy for the forseeable future.
  9. Sorry Wals, it's entered Peak Skank and has spiralled into selfie ho oblivion.
  10. Yeah, he comes across as a pretty nice guy.
  11. 1. Where do you live? 2. What age are you? For the mainstream left in the late 80's Command Economics was a given. The final collapse of the Soviet Union plunged a dagger into it's heart. I also don't believe in conspiracies. I do, OTOH, believe in 'direction of travel.' Gramscian long-marchers aren't exactly conspiracy theories, they are rather clever idealogues who understand politics as memes. That isn't a conspiracy, but it is certainly a movement with a direction and purpose.
  12. Am very sorry, but the new Robocop sucked ass. Edit - apart from Samuel L. Jackson of course, the only good part of the film. I recently saw The Wolf of Wall Street which is probably my favourite film of 2014 so far.
  13. Born in the USA, as others have pointed out, is all about interpretation. It's also about Freedom of Speech. A draft-dodger like Springsteen can become a blue-collar hero and make millions (his daughter is a show-jumper, by the way) while he opines on the fate of veterans.
  14. Any novel where the entire first act revolves around a virtual, interactive copy of Gary Gygax's Chamber of Horrors must be carved from a throbbing block of Win.
  15. Unfortunately Sacred 3 is being made by a totally different developer and will be almost a totally different kind of game. The German magazine Gamestar previewed it in their June issue, and said things like "not even Gothic 4 was so different from its predecessor." and "Sacred 3 is the anti-thesis to Sacred" or "Advertisement should seduce you not rip you off. If someone is going to write Sacred 3 on a package, they should make an effort to include something similar to Sacred inside." or "It would have been more fair to have given this fun game a different name, but somewhere, someone at the publishers decided the game would earn more money with the name Sacred 3 on it, even if it raises false expectations." That's my free translation from German. The original Sacred developers are developing a game called Unbended, though. I'm personally most looking forward to Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Age of Decadence, and Lords of Xulima. Hey thanks for the heads-up. I wasn't aware. I'll take a much closer look before I make any decisions.
  16. I always play Fighter / Thieves in D&D games.
  17. Apart from Pillars I'm kinda looking forward to Sacred 3 as a Diablo-like ying to Pillars's yang.
  18. I don't see how you can say any of this. ...but...but I just did.
  19. I think this game rather proves my thesis - No emo NPCs or Omnisexual fanservice No social justice developer guilt No social issues No plot to speak of No wordy exposition Totally vanilla setting... And it rocks. Utterly rocks. Because, as Tigs points out earlier... you can do stuff. In really cool ways. It's got *gasp* gameplay. Modern RPG developers please take note.
  20. That reminds me. Did I say I was reading It Never Snows in September? No. Are you enjoying it?
  21. Delve into it and it gets cleverer - I'm going to use lots of well-established tropes and plot devices to push my story forwards, plus I'm going to tell you exactly what established tropes and plot devices I'm using. On top of that, the shamelessness is still going to feel fresh and fun. Really very good.
  22. Yes it is very easy to make a bitchin' Samuel L Jackson lookalike.
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