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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. To be fair to the Red Army, most military historians tend to view WW2 as a game of two halves. That is to say pre and post Stalingrad. By 1943 the Soviet army had got it's sh1t together in terms of doctrine and equipment and wasn't as suicidally wasteful as it had been. It was audacious, even reckless because (a) it was led by a dictatorship with scant regard for human life (although even that disregard began to lessen after 1943) and (b) Soviet war production and lend-lease gave them astonishing manpower and equipment superiority.
  2. I'm a bit confused tbh, a lot of the earlier videos they released looked better than this. The dragon fight, for example, looks fugly and blocky, even when I watched it on max HD.
  3. Yeah, it sort of reminded me of the feelings I got when I saw the Dead Island trailer for the first time. I thought this was especially clever though, as (a) there's no real violence / shooting (and the game is, fundamentally, a shooter) and it gave a clear idea of where the player stands in the grand scheme of things. It just did it for me, I'm pretty excited about The Division anyhow, and everything I see just oozes more and more quality.
  4. Wut? Bioware making a game that uses a 'Chosen One' trope? Geddouttahere.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPq_NVi-TC4 And Ubisoft wins E3. Impactive, technically accomplished, stylish.
  6. On June 24th, when the Western Armies is released, there will be hordes of noobs coming online. Feast on their sweet flesh. If you want some sparring / practice then just look me up.
  7. I'm usually in the mid-fifties on my win / lose ratio as both Germans and USSR - my USSR ratio is a smidge higher. I usually play 3 v 3 and 3 v 4 There are now some kewl trailers for the CoH2 Western Front Armies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmeJBJHmisg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-1esHlSXNY
  8. If Bruce is told the truth by someone who doesn't share his views, he ignores them or asks for 'clarification.' It's actually patronising and insulting. I shan't bother engaging with him any more.
  9. They could clone Jeff from a mosquito that once bit him in 2005.
  10. Can't get excited about it, sorry. Unless they get Jeff Goldblum to come back as kewl chaos theory guy. He could download a virus into T-Rex using an old MacBook Pro.
  11. No, you just like girls that look sort of... like boys.
  12. With respect, you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. The beginning of the end was the day they agreed on the Euro and the entire institution fudged the entry criteria for the unproductive, borderline corrupt southern Club Med fringe.
  13. The EU Founders, and those that followed, were pretty transparent about their objectives: Ever-closer Union. They haven't lied or obfuscated. They want a Federal Europe. National governments are to blame as much, if not more, than the EU institutions. Their vainglorious lust for political validation, to be in the Big Boy's club, to be part of the supra-national and stateless elite has led them to wilfully lie to the people. You reap what you sow.
  14. Beer. Beer. Beer.
  15. ^ AS far as it goes, but it proves my point - those are the fringe parties. Most of 'The Right' who did well in the elections (FN notwihstanding) are not even remotely in the same ideological grid square. The biggest mistake the liberal left have made in Europe is to try and paint anyone with valid concerns about immigration as being 'far right' or racist. It's come back to bite them on the arse.
  16. Personally I think the FN is the most sinister of all the populist parties. Partly because France is so important, partly because Marine Le Pen is an effective politician but mainly because it's a leopard I don't believe has really changed it's spots. Oh, and it's actually more of a hard left party when you look at their economic policy. Mainstream politicians have a duty to listen to the mood music and change tack, to take the wind out of extremist's sails. The rancid and ludicrous Hollande has manifestly failed to do this. Before him, Sarkozy also failed. The French are deeply conservative and loathe change. I suspect if they keep on voting for the FN they will get change all right, but possibly not of the type they hoped for.
  17. Then again, I'm a fairly experiential person.
  18. Prostate checks are fun.
  19. Bruce what do you mean by 'The Right?' Do you mean Civic Nationalists with poujadist tendencies and protectionist, neo-Socialist economic policies (FN in France)? Or do you mean scary Neo-Nazis like Golden Dawn (Greece) or Jobbik (Hungary)? Perhaps you mean Alternative for Germany, a thoughtful bunch of wonkish types who want monetary reform? Or do you mean UKIP, the essentially Libertarian, populist anti-immigration / EU party in Great Britain? Or any of the others you lump in with 'The Right'? I suspect you mean the likes of Golden Dawn etc but like many on the political left it suits you to lump them all in together. I'm no fan of the Left but I understand the difference between Euro-Socialist, Social Democrat and Hard Left / Greens. 75% of the right-of-centre parties who did well last week are fairly tame, mainstream and avowedly democratic. The DPP in Denmark are ludicrously cuddly compared to Jobbik, for example.
  20. Hmmm. Well I'll promise you one but I've got a book to write. If I can do more I will, Diablo III lends itself to a short essay on AAA game development and hubris, which go together like beef and mustard. I'm also Paragon Level 100 atm. Nonetheless, right now it's FO:Tactics.
  21. Hey felipepe, why don't I bag Fallout: Tactics. (a) I love that game (b) gives me an excuse to play it again (c ) It's my favourite Fallout Game (d) And as such my review will give plenty of the Fallout Taleban a heart attack Edit - failing that I could write you a freaking book about the politics of Diablo III and I loved the original Sacred. Sir, I am your servant, you choose which one you want me to write.
  22. Thanks for your interest. Yes, I consider JA2 a RPG (is in the list on the OP), but I already have one of the lead modders behind Patch 1.13 writing the review. Mine will be better
  23. This is an awesome project and has my official Seal of Approval I might write something for you, would you consider Jagged Alliance 2 an RPG? I have an article I knocked out a few years ago collecting digi-dust at the bottom of a hard drive somewhere.
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