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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Yeah because people making money is so, like, wrong. Doofus.
  2. Bottle could be full of acid, something flammable or even just piss. Unless the cops have psy-operators who can divine the contents of every liquid-based missile hurled at them.
  3. Yup, that's exactly what I think.
  4. Keyrock, how long have you been into BDSM NWN?
  5. Before we get funny about the sandwich... what's in it?
  6. Why? We all love lesbians. I do, I could watch them all day.
  7. I'm not there so I'm not going to armchair general. All I will say is that police dressing like soldiers, and acting like them, is always a slippery slope. The whole thing has got a Bonfire of the Vanities feel to it. Hey, we're living in The Future, right?
  8. Yes, happy Name Day. Drunkenly watching riot porn in a onesie when you are 32 is splendid.
  9. * shrugs * Will be modded soon enough.
  10. Looking at games synergies on my Steam friend list my RPG friends and my RTS friends seem to play the other genre pretty heavily, without any conscious crossover when I friended them (if that makes sense). I have well over a hundred Steam friends, mostly from Company of Heroes. Not very scientific conclusion - RTS players like CRPGs.
  11. I don't like the PoE portraits. Not a problem, as I'll use customs like I did in every IE game.
  12. So you are a content tourist. Groovy. Just don't expect the rest of us to be.
  13. * slow hand clap* an epic melange of fail, as predicted.
  14. Card game. Zero interest.Nada. Hope it does well and all, but for me... meh.
  15. I agree with the general positive vibe, and that indeed this news could be coated in a thick layer of awesomeness. But, as the link sez... Pathfinder's designers knew the risks when they went down the D20 route - that's been in place since 3E (i.e. almost fourteen years). But apart from that rules stuff, which as many of us agree can be a blind alley when it comes to pen and paper rules in a CRPG, it looks interesting. Unless of course it's a card trading game thing, in which case I'll just fall asleep (q.v. Tragic - The Gathering).
  16. The Americans would struggle for a while while they got used to not having fast air and support weapons. Then they'd adapt. Their superior small unit tactics would prevail. They would, in short, kick the snot out of the Taliban. The idea that the only metric of a fighting man's effectiveness is linked to support assets is palpably incorrect. Were that so most pre-1914 warfare would have ended in stalemate. In fact, given that the Spartans would have lost at Thermopylae and the Greek demos never occurred, we'd all be living in some sort of high Medieval dystopia and the point would be moot.
  17. I saw Man on Fire again the other night. Damn that's a good movie, Denzel Washington's best*. As usual, Chris Walken steals the show with his signature two-minute soliloquy. * Hmmm, mebbe Glory with a cheeky Training Day coming in a close third.
  18. I agree. Ms. Connelly / Mrs. Bettany sets a consistently high standard for classy hawtness.
  19. I've liked Decaprio ever since The Beach (crap movie, but he sorta shone in it IMO). He doesn't choose the most obvious projects and clearly gives a **** about his work. Then he pops up in stuff like Django and nails it. As for Megan Fox and Vampire Chick... meh.
  20. Oooh. I love a good counter-factual. As you know, GD, I share a many of your libertarian values, albeit from a different cultural tradition. Nonetheless, I utterly understand where you are coming from and am [broadly] sympathetic. The biggest problem with libertarianism, as someone attracted to it, is it's Utopianism. All utopian ideologies are inherently dangerous, as they offer easy solutions to intractable problems. I'd throw some Hobbes into my libertarianism, some gnarly realism that went against the grain. For me, this means that America has an unenviable but inevitable role to play in preserving liberty beyond it's shores. It's a bitter pill, but one best swallowed. 2003. GW Bush leaves Iraq alone. What happens next? Gadaffi remains in power. North Korea puffs outs it's chest, as does Iran, and now has nukes with a far-extended range. The Arab spring happens anyway, but ISIS analogues take over Egypt? I dunno. The world is a mess now, but given the realities of the Middle East and the thirty-year war within Islam (i.e. Shia versus Sunni) it was going to be a mess anyway. Sometimes having the mess that suits you best is the most you can hope for. The biggest mistake George W Bush made was paving the way for Obama. He is completely unsuited to the challenges your country faces. He is a sunny-skies president in stormy times. Like most leftists, he hasn't a clue what to do when there's no tax money to foist on client voters, and views foreign affairs as a distraction from consolidating party political power. I look at it like this - whatever space the America vacates leaves room for either (a) Islamists (b) Russians or (c ) The Chinese. Furthermore, your southern borders are hostile, and will become increasingly so as Latin America eyes you ever-more warily. As for A,B & C, as a Briton, there are not people I wish to see in the ascendant. If Europe falls, the West falls. America is the bulwark of Western values. We're in this together, this strange, fractured post-Cold War. So I understand why Isolationist values might appeal, but in the long-term they will do America little good.
  21. Which book are you reading? I just finished the Thousand Names and I had a tough time getting into at first as well. I'm having the same issue with the second book in the series. Yeah the Thousand Names. It took me a good ten chapters to get into it. My issue with modern fantasy and sci-fi is word-bloat. This is a good story, but could easily lose ten thousand-plus words IMO.
  22. Wolf of Wall Street The Lego Movie I'd suggest both are extremely good at what they do, and will stand the test of time.
  23. If it does, it will be contingent on pressing the gameplay button, or manipulating the gaemplaye wheele
  24. I'm lovin' how Obama desperately doesn't want to do this but has to.
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