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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Got Startopia, Gangsters and the D&D games. Doubt I'll play any of the latter, though, heh. I guess I'll jump into Startopia first.
  2. Would have been nice if they had made this decision from the start. But I don't have faith in them providing it DRM-free.
  3. Odd that this 'request' even has to be made, heh.
  4. Well if they treat them like they did in AP, that should be fine.
  5. I must be weird in that I don't really get bothered by game engines' 'aging'
  6. Why not have your neglected NPCs just go out and do sidequests
  7. The initial spike is rather impressive, guess it'll taper off over the next 2-3 days to a more gradual climb (seems to be the pattern with these).
  8. Not really seeing any of it in this thread, though. Disappointing to see this problem getting more widespread. Did have to laugh at the Sudanese attacking the German and British embassies for some reason. I guess they just need an excuse to fight the 'West' at this point. edit : Sarcastic 'nice' probably didn't come across well
  9. You'd be a moderate Muslim, I think that's the term they use for them.
  10. I doubt they want a carrier group off the coast.
  11. Should have left Gaddafi in power, I guess.
  12. Suitably positive previews. Also, tutorials are for the weak.
  13. Heh, Ginger Lynn on WCNews, never would have imagined that - always impressed how that site has kept going over the years without any actual WC games.
  14. Some Privateer-esque MMOG, I'm guessing.
  15. Maybe he's dead ?
  16. I have to disagree. I fail at being sarcastic
  17. http://www.gog.com/n...a_game_for_free Get Realms of Arkania 1+2 if you do a survey.
  18. Sleeping Dogs' ending sure was everything stuffed in a nice package.
  19. Well, not so much a deadline as just deciding to focus on it on the list.
  20. Far too much on the go, MWO, GW2, EVE, and Sleeping Dogs. Must at least get Sleeping Dogs done before I get Borderlands 2
  21. Glassdoor comments on game companies They might be all spiteful, bitter people like me but you never know.
  22. So tacked on MP for some games, I guess.
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