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Everything posted by Sannom

  1. CD Projeckt RED is a development studio, not a publisher. As for CD Projeckt, they only distribute in Eastern Europe. You're thinking of Arkane Studios, I believe.
  2. The secret project is out, it's called Armored Warfare. Some sort of Counter Strike, but with tanks. Some of your quotes sound like they were said before South Park was announced.
  3. You don't need an installer for GOG, you just need to download the files from their store. The installation and the playing can be done entirely off-line after that.
  4. I must say, having Obsidian being the main developer behing a competitive "Counter Strike with tanks" was not something I thought could ever happen. Now that it has happened, how can I be sure about anything else? There is that new Kickstarter which has been mentioned a few times, so I guess we can expect something there. I don't think Obsidian will ever stop to work on licenced property, so I'm expecting something there at one point too.
  5. Well, that was weird. Yet another side project it seems, I really hope they've got something more substancial to work on aside from PoE.
  6. Didn't Obsidian participate in the creation of the trailer with the release date? How could they have been surprised with the release date? I think people are starting to make s*** up to continue blaming the publishers for every bad thing about Obsidian's games. As far as we know, Obsidian's relationship with Bethesda was one of, if not the, best they've ever had with a publisher. The Metacritic thing is an unfortunate turn of events that Urquhart has decided never to repeart, but I'm not sure Bethesda or Obsidian can be blamed for it.
  7. 1) Definitely new information. Thanks! 2) We already knew those facts. 3) I figured, but that's a confirmation, so that counts as new.
  8. The bits of backstory for the feathery black woman definitely sounds like something new.
  9. We've gone ten pages without taking anyone's taking an obvious troll's toxic trolling seriously. That's an improvement. I still remember the "isometric is lame!" fiasco from a few months back. As for the update, I'm still a fan of the Earth Godlike, their flappy ears remind me of the Wreath natives from the comic book Saga. Not really a fan of the name of the Death Godlikes. With that appearance, I believe it would have made more sense to call them Darkness Godlikes.
  10. Does that mean that those of us who don't buy it on Steam will have a completely DRM-free experience?
  11. I wonder why there are so many people asking for the Chanter, when I feel like we've already had an update dedicated to them. Anyways, Mob Rulers for me, mainly for the Druid because we know anything about them except for the fact that they can shapeshift.
  12. UPlay has become less painful since the days of Assassin's Creed 2, no? It no longer requires a constant connection, at least.
  13. Not by Obsidian anyways, all that stuff belongs to Lucas Arts, or whichever entity got the rights after it was closed.
  14. Problem with that : I don't know where that design comes from, but it seems to be pretty much universal. A japanese film-maker used it : No-Face in Spirited Away. A duo of french comic-book writer and artist used it : the mummy in Smoke City.
  15. Anthony Davis is a relatively active member of the Codex, and he used his thread over there to make some publicity for a bunch of stuff he was selling in prevision of his move back to California.
  16. I wouldn't know about how, but I know it can be done because it has been done. Lionheart gave 75% of a monster's XP when you snuck past them. And the game wasn't as you describe.
  17. Actually, you completely fit the profile I described. You want the exclusive, different gameplay that comes with the stronghold. You want more content, but wrapped in a different package than the usual quest. That's exactly what I described.
  18. Actually, no. For the people who strongly wants the stronghold, the rewards that come with it are secondary to the simple break in gameplay it provides. If they were just interested in more content and its rewards, they would just ask for bigger and more numerous side-quests. That's why it's optional, because there are people who really don't like that kind of gameplay in their RPG and made themselves clear about that fact in the past.
  19. They probably never represent the majority. However, it seems that in most of those conflicts, the islamists are always the loudest, most agressive, best organized, best armed and best funded group among the rebels. You never know where Western money and arms go, but you can be sure that Saudi Arabia, the Qatar and Turkey make damn certain that their help goes to the sunni extremists.
  20. They solved that problem in DA:O, by limiting the distance to which you could pan the camera. Basically, the selected character had to be in the screen.
  21. More bad-ass? Seriously? If anything, Jaheira's new portrait makes her more feminine in both appearance and expression, and tends to focus on her elven ascendance rather than her human's. Her expression and the staff she's wearing in BG1 signal the fighter. She's posing in BG2
  22. Isn't Bioware's stance that the Maker could not exist at all, a direct parallel to all religions in the real world?
  23. No. That will teach you not to pre-order. Because of that pre-order craze, publishers, and EA in particular, have been more and more dickish to their customers as time went by. So, anything that will stop it is good to take.
  24. I thought the Templars were the anti-mage faction in this, and that they split from The Chantry because they thought that it wasn't hard enough with the mages? And if I remember correctly, although the Inquisition in this game was reborn thanks to the Chantry, it's actually very independant. Having a mage in such an organization doesn't seem far-fetched. Yeah, but each origin had a different name.
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