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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Torn between Dishonored and XCOM. Haven't tried Assassins Creed 3 yet and skipping Borderlands 2 entirely (I found BL1 completely 'meh').
  2. You mean have a bunch of single issue focused parties all clamoring for a seat in senate/house? Nah. A viable third party option would go a long way though.
  3. I'd take Christie for president, I admire a blunt politician.
  4. Obama has been a mixed bag for me, as much as I want to vote for an alternative candidate... Romney just isn't the answer. Honestly what ARE his views? He has a history of being a moderate governor, last election and this one he's far right, with the exception of the first presidential debate where he comes off as moderate only to lean back to the right.
  5. This. I want to learn from a dragon's centuries of wisdom over tea and biscuits.
  6. This thread reminded me of that Ricky gervais skit.
  7. Get well soon Malc, any type of bone injury sucks.
  8. I voted for Call of Duty. 4 hour campaigns ftw!
  9. Got through Sandy pretty well enough, though I had a close call with my neighbor's tree almost hitting my car.
  10. I was lucky to get my electricity back this morning but a portion of the town I live in still doesn't have it. I hope they get it back soon, sleeping in a freezing house is a pretty miserable experience.
  11. Just found out class is canceled for the next two days. Hurricane apocalypse, ho!
  12. I wish all text editors did that.
  13. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Syraxis
  14. None (other than the fact its an RPG). Make it stand out with what it can bring to the genre.
  15. Does that mean the $4.0m stretch goal reward will be included in the final product as well?
  16. It might be a talking point in some board meeting but I'd doubt more unless the sales are good. Taking would imply they had a stake in the so-called pie to begin with. Since they have their own IP that they can invest directly into and take a larger share of the profits from, and take some of said profits to invest into other new IPs. Yes. They will be in an astronomically better negotiating position. That is, if PE is successful sales wise.
  17. I don't know, how dark would a combination of Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Swords, a dash of Diablo II, Witcher II, topped off with a scoop of pumpkin pie ice cream be? edit: And no, I'm not implying some of the fantasy titles listed are "dark" in anyway.
  18. I want one of those soccer jerseys.
  19. You mean that gibberish was an actual developed language? News to me.
  20. There's no playback for these things is there? The ustreams are at inconvinent times for me and I'd like to be able to watch them.
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