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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Already confirmed to be fake.
  2. My nephew was born this morning, he's pretty mellow for a newborn.
  3. I voiced my support in the dedicated thread on their forums, I'm curious to see what the hype behind demon/dark souls is about.
  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Anyone have new year's resolutions? Do your best to keep at those goals.
  5. Dawn of War II. A rather nice change imo from the base-building & micromanagement typically found in RTS games.
  6. We have been getting various knuckle-bones and the like.. the trouble being if they're inside the house they stink up the carpets... If they're outside the house.. he's coming back in covered in mud... Reminds me of all my dogs, R.I.P. all of them Except for the one that bit me of course.
  7. The "reviews"
  8. Bought Dawn of War II for $6.79 on today's deal. I'm not really a warhammer/40k fan, but I like the first dawn of war game and also heard the mechanics of II are different so I held off on getting all three games.
  9. Merry Christmas, hope you all enjoy the holiday!
  10. How long was that game in development for? Seems a good handful of the hyped PS3 exclusives should have been released years ago.
  11. I wouldn't mind making a turn based 4th ed. game... Day one purchase! Get to it.
  12. Actually scratch that. It's difficult to actually define and I think my personal belief on the subject is rather off.
  13. *~*editz*~*
  14. I saw an opposum in my backyard today; I didn't know they were in NJ. Dreadful creatures.
  15. Considering his uncle & family has more influence in the government, that wouldn't surprise me.
  16. A 27 year old who's a general of said army... minus any actual military training.
  17. if that is true, Stalker 2 is one of the VERY few games I have looked forward to. Hopefully the metro 2033 dev picks up the IP and continues the franchise.
  18. I'm passing on this one too, South Park was funny when I was in middle school.
  19. Apparently GamePro is dead. I thought they were gone years ago.
  20. Yeah it is, it's been around for years.
  21. The only good elf is a dead one. Except for the dunmer; they're okay.
  22. My total playtime for skyrim so far is 33.6 hours, and I'm only level 12 and haven't done the Jurgen windcaller quest yet.
  23. My new favorite news source
  24. Anyone know if DarN has released any UI mods for skyrim yet? Haven't seen any myself.
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