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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. He, here's a good image showing how this nonsense fake outrage was orchestrated, as always, someone from feminist frequency had to be involved. I really don't want this to turn into yet another "GamerGate vs FemenistFrequency" internet war, but damning if true.
  2. Is that Linus Torvalds?
  3. I'm going to explain this once, which you will no doubt ignore. How high is the possiblity of there being an actual killing spree against men by "SJWs"? Ok, how many times has the panic defense actually been used by murder defendants? Also, are you going to post here again or did you make an account just for that? You know it says in the article you linked all but one attempt at that failed? And I find it funny that you're claiming the defense "It's just a joke" for #KillAllMen, but are asking for this JOKE to be pulled here. It reeks of double standards. I'm honestly convinced Arouet is trolling after reading these past few pages.
  4. Pillars of Eternity, that's what.

  5. And she's supposed to be a professional journalist? She and others like her are why I've stopped reading most gaming news blogs.
  6. From the same twitter user who brought it up to Sawyer: It speaks volumes about this person's mental health.
  7. Can't say I'm shocked, this game is amazing. Today I played PoE, enjoying my day off work.
  8. Update: Restarting the game resets the window position to the default location on screen.
  9. Ran into the same bug just a few minutes ago.
  10. From a visual standpoint, the game looks beautiful. Dragon Age: Origins director and BG team members are leaving me casually optimistic for this.
  11. Worked yesterday, trying to class work done early so I can enjoy the nice weather outside. I remember playing that at this arena type place in my younger days! Man those were they days...
  12. 1. Project Eternity 2. Wasteland 2 3. NA I have no interest in DA:I.
  13. I never tried Pathfinder before but I'll bite into this.
  14. Unless you live in Florida. Then it just makes it humid to the point of nearly being uninhabitable.
  15. I'd be down for a modern setting RPG no matter the premise.
  16. 3 months later ( ): It's been going really well! But sadly we've had to break for the summer as our Inquisitor is busy for the summer (as we all are). My class is an Arbitrator which isn't terrible but I really wanted the Assassin (our GM doesn't want people having the same class which makes sense as we're a group of 4 players). Looking forward to starting up again because.... we're going on a SPACE HULK
  17. Just starting a game with a group of people from class, doing character creation/rolls today and Friday will be our first official session. Can't wait!
  18. Cleaned out my closet, ordered a new PC tower for the parts I just got, did a couple iOS dev tutorials.
  19. I can't remember any XP that had more content than the base game.
  20. Eh shouldn't his health insurance cover the majority of these? Obsidian DOES provide adequate employer health insurance... right? Anyways get well soon Jim!
  21. Hope you don't have to deal with Windows 7 activation like I did: Got a free copy of the ultimate edition from my school (they're signed up with Microsoft's Dreamspark program). Turns out... the key was invalid! Then I had the pleasure of talking with "Bob" from Microsoft India to clear that up -- fun times.
  22. Watching the nephew for the last time before I leave for school tomorrow. Even though I'm only an hour away and have Skype -- gonna miss the little bugger.
  23. It must be something where you live, the weight lifters at my local gym were in my experience friendly and helpful.
  24. Almost finished packing my stuff I'll be taking to college with me. I have about three semesters left before I graduate and I'm only living on campus now because I got a student position job in the school's IT department.
  25. Was this inspired by Van Helsing or something?
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