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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. SC2 will be released first imo... and i atm kinda doubt it that it will be ready before spring 2010
  2. LOL at health regeneration... The game will look like this... kill few enemies and if under 50% Alt+Tab to facebook chat a while with friends, repeat... oh joy... i rather hit my left knee with a hammer...
  3. Darkfall betatesting but atm servers down
  4. Into the marketing department instead of development
  5. Yes when you play a lot of FPS, it is skill based aswell, but i did not play any FPS for 5 years, installed AvP 2, Unreal 2, Quake 4 and Doom 3 all put on hardest difficulty. AvP 2 - i got almost instantly raped... all others - I breezed through all of them in few days... I did not bother with HL2, Gears of War, Crysis and Far Cry after that experience...
  6. Same with me, i just hope there will be still some indies who can make a game which is at least at half difficulty that some of the games of my youth were... nowadays i get bored by almost every game i play because they made it so unchallenging
  7. Is a character who is focused only on magic able to finnish the game, or do i have to make a hybrid? (never finnished it so far )
  8. because selling for 100% price to 250000 people and then selling for 50% to 1million people is at the end more money... there will always be people willing to pay anything to get the game on day 1... it's just business as usual...
  9. and another one... i wonder what game they truly tested, it was for sure not PC version http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/grandtheftauto4
  10. In BC updates they lately added Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, Zul Aman, Sunwell Plateau and some nice content for solo or small group players (Ogrila, Netherwing Magisters Terrace)
  11. More accessible raid are totaly fine, what is wrong is the total lack of them... When BC was out there was Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, The Tempest Keep ... Now you have Obsidian Sanctum, Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity Lack of dungeons is the problem, not their accessibility
  12. No. Karazhan was 10x harder than Naxxramas... We were able to clear Karazhan for the 1st time after 3 or 4 resets, we cleared Naxx 10 in 1 day, and Naxx 25 in 2 days after we set a foot in there for the 1st time... And everything with almost same people. And yes as you said you have to be not asleep in there... And seriously if biggest challenge in a dungeon is to not fall asleep, its something wrong... And about craftable items... i just quote what a 30 years old guy who played wow for 4 years said...
  13. So what you're saying is that if three games come out that all deserve tens, the third game shouldn't be getting it because that would be "handing 10's out like candy"? Flawless logic there. I'm pretty sure they (try to) score each game what they think it deserves, relatively independent of whether they've already given a ten that month/week/day. nah the games which do get 10/10 nowaday would get max 6/10 few years ago... same with movies... it's sad...
  14. It's really simple, everyone needs to have above 1600 dps (I think it might be lower than that) on 25 man and all dps has to do is not move when it's raining rock spikes on them specifically (DBM/Bigwigs will tell you when that's happeneing) and stay out of the "fart clouds". Tanking is a little more complicated in that the main tank will get picked up and the OT has to taunt fast. That's really it. As he said simplest raid boss in game
  15. Have they tried Sartharion with drakes up? Sarth with 3 drakes up is harder (and this is in the words of the top guilds in the WORLD) than Mu'ru from Sunwell Plateau. From the words i heard, they got to bored from the Naxxramas, that most of the people quit before they was able to start on 3 drakes. My current guild has killed them and they start to have problem with attendace aswell not even "Immortal" Achievemet is big enough motivation EDIT: If our guild was able to kill them, there is seriously something wrong with WotLK raid difficulty...
  16. Now i just got info that my previous guild stopped to raid, because like 75% of them are bored with how easy the raid content is and just quit the game Never killed anything in Sunwell Plateu before WotLK... they dont have enough people to make 10manned raids now
  17. I've actually considered giving WoW another shot because of this, and how I keep hearig that casual gamers are having a blast playing it. Well, that and Jeff Kaplan, the lead designer, is gone now. I really didn't like the direction he took the game in. With a new guy or gal in his spot, maybe WoW will return to its roots of being a PvE game first, with PvP mini-games acting as both a different aspect for players to explore and experience and as an alternative form of end-game. Get away from this e-sport crap. leveling till lvl 80 is awesome, also all the lore about the quests, but raiding is a joke... after we put our feet first time into 25 manned content we cleared it all in 3 raid resets, and we are guild who killed Kil'Jaeden two weeks before release of Wrath of the Lich King...
  18. I stopped reading most of the commercial review magazines, because it looked like only games with lot of add space covered in them did get high numbers... i played few of them and few of them very so crap that i just buy stuff according to customer reviews nowadays... and yes i liked few games with average score of 5/10 aswell, was shaking with reviewers competence on that lot of times aswell...
  19. I dont know, but in most japanese RPG games are realy nice relationships part of the story... tbh dont remember any western game having at least half depth of that implemented...
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