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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. Yes i am sure... and you dont need to buy VGA box http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hama-SCART-To-VGA-...e/dp/B0002W69MY and i bet there is much cheaper option to that
  2. Only japanese and NA 20GB and 60GB models were hardware BC, the older EU 80GB versions are software BC but the newest 80GB EU models and all other aswell are not BC anymore iirc... worldwide 40GB were never BC compatible... EDIT: There are some converters with which u can connect Component cable to DVI in monitor. You will need few more cables to connect the Audio output to your stereo aswell There are some Component to HDMI reductions/converters aswell if your LCD does have HDMI in... You just have to make a little bit of research on it, because not all of them can convert analog to digital signal... EDIT2: Another option is to use the PS2 Scart cable, buy Scart Coupler and scart to vga reduction... that should work, but you'll get lower resolution and lower image quality... and some LCDs are unable to handle that low resolutions... I for example can't play PS1 games on my LCD through Component cable due to low resolution on them...
  3. And another proof that DRM fails http://www.dailytech.com/Obamas+Gift+to+Br...rticle14660.htm
  4. Best way is imo go to the community support forum of your Distro... You dont get much help on gaming forums about linux, 90% of people are windows only, with very low knowledge about any other OS...
  5. Sony never released 60GB BC compatible PS3 in europe, and some 80GB released in Europe are without BC aswell afaik... So watch out if you wanna trade in... The easiest way to play ps2 games is to buy PS2, even new are cheap as hell, but you dont get the upscaling
  6. Um yeah, I think you missed your shot. Most things are tied to a server these days... Nope... only minority of the stuff released today is tied to the server... That is not true if you are only EA or Steam customer As great as it would be to have everything DRM-free, I don't see the industry going that way. At least not yet, Ubisoft is making a nice start, though. Dont count only PC gaming but gaming in general, you dont need online activation for most of the console and handheld games
  7. Um yeah, I think you missed your shot. Most things are tied to a server these days... Nope... only minority of the stuff released today is tied to the server... That is not true if you are only EA or Steam customer
  8. http://www.dailytech.com/New+Xbox+360+Hard...rticle14662.htm
  9. on PC it works from USB stick aswell, you just need to know command how to run programs as administrator, but i realy do not have a clue how it works on PS3
  10. You dont need internet, you just need to put the file you want to instal on the harddrive and use terminal to install it... At least that way it works on PCs when you are not connected to the net...
  11. And the next step will be Deep Packet Inspection from your ISP and an awesome product of Unlimited Gaming for only 50EUR/USD per month... and we end up with gaming with triple the price and nothing in hand... not to mention the day i see uninterupted 1080p/60 HD internet stream is the day when North Korea and South Korea make finaly a peace treaty... EDIT: The traffic needed for that in 24bit quality would be 2,985,984,000 bits per second!!! So you would need to have 3Gbit connection, and over 90% of it would be dedicated only to your game... Now imagine 100+ people using it in your close neighbourhood at peak times every day... Seriously, any ISP which would allow such big traffic in their tubes without major cut from the income pie would be insane... Not gonna happen ever... EDIT2: And now imagine, that you have 1000GB monthly data transfer limit... you would use that limit in approximately 2680 seconds... which is approximately 45 minutes...
  12. Icewind Dale II, got to the last boss fight then my hard drive died ... never found time to play it again
  13. If you find eating bum of your own funny, you are pretty easy-to-amuse
  14. And now we can all see why 360 leads HW sales Um, I didn't pay for any of them, the one positive is that Microsoft is willing to replace the faulty 360's easily enough. But it's still a hassle. Uhm ye my fault... it should be HW shipped All the statistics are about shipped consoles and when you get new console for your old one it is shipped aswell
  15. Darkfall Online!!! Pure Awesomness... not enjoyed such thrill and fear about your character in game for long time... If anyone kills you you lose all items so you are forced to be aware every second of the game!!!
  16. Full list online, first 5 positions are no surprise for me
  17. OMG!!! But how you can finnish the game without spending 10 days on maximum powerbuild ??
  18. In some countries yes, in some not, modding your own console is in most of the countries legal, and only thing you risk with doing it is lose waranty... I would not do it in USA though
  19. www.gog.com they put even Rise of the Triads in there few days ago... one of the 1st FPS i have ever played
  20. http://forums.simcentral.net/local_links.php?catid=9 Thanks a lot \o/
  21. That's PC elitist or PC snob to you jerk If you make the plunge, check out both these sites, what they have done with MVP 2005 on the PC is unbelievable, I am sure they will work 2k9 over as well http://www.mvpmods.com/ http://www.eamods.com/ It looks interesting Do you know by any chance about some sites which still holds High Heat Baseball 2003 mods? looks like my google skills are failing me atm
  22. I would try Little Big Planet... There is no Worms like game on PS3 or PSN yet afaik
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