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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. The difficulty you are playing on will make a huge difference. Also how much experience have you had? If not playing POTD then both options will work no problem. If playing POTD and you have little experience the beserker / streetfighter will be incredibly difficult for you to manage. It will be very squishy and the beserker sub kit looks good on paper but when you put it into practice you may not want all the headaches that come with it. If you are new to the game I would strongly advise not to roll a beserker multiclass
  2. what would you do with all the zeal though you dont really need it? The only time in my last playthrough when i would have needed it would have been vs the undead dragon in BOW. The extra heals would have helped Apart from that i never really needed extra zeal. (i ran 2 pallys both as tanks)
  3. Enhanced UI mod essential? Why? Why do you think it is so important you made a pretty big deal out of it?
  4. The bow is super strong for DPS if you take the +1 pen electrical talent and use the hunting bow model for +50% recovery
  5. @OP Kite them down to the stairs at the bottom of the map. Try and Kite only a few enemies at a time so you can split them up easy
  6. Its bugged. It has been reported It will probably go to the bottom of the pile and its a pretty big pile More then likely it will never be fixed
  7. or make magic items more rare it is to easy to be able to get legendary armor so quick and so easy to be able to steal all the stuff from shops in neketaka. Legendary armor should be rare with only one or 2 sets in the game Being able to do this makes magic items feel cheap and also causes balancing problems like you have said
  8. I've used the helmet and still got terrified. I'm not saying it's not a good idea to use it in the fight, but the question was regarding it preventing the terrified affliction; which it doesn't. Read my post I never said it did and clearly also said that it doesn’t.
  9. I cannot even imagine trying to kill that dragon solo on POTD . It took me about 15 attempts with a full party and I was down to my last 2 characters with barely any health left and all healing used up when I did kill it. It was my first playthrough where I came across it though so I wasn’t prepared. Next time will take the right potions and scrolls
  10. When people think of rogues they think of sneak attacks and deathblows When people think of barbs they think of blood thirst and blood lust These are all probably the best and most powerful offensive passive abilities you can get in the game. Am very interested in what people have to say here.
  11. Leveling up (building power) The cartoony feel Graphics The character avatars look awesome with the right gear Arkemyrs quest (so funny after robbing him) Killing benwith with the piano bomb (lol) The freedom of the semi-open world Building builds with the multi-classing The subclasses Discovering synergies
  12. The worst thing about paladins is being forced into certain dialogue in conversations or you get hit with a deflection penalty. Not cool
  13. yeah but using void-ward takes up a ring slot where you could be using another ring and using healing potions, lay on hands and other buffs to keep you alive while using self immolation has an opportunity cost. You wouldnt have to do those things if you werent burning yourself alive.
  14. Yeah i allways love people posting builds because it allways helps getting new information but im not seeing the love with this build. You have to waste a whole heap of spells and abilities for such a questionable outcome It is not practical to do this and the cost of doing it is far to high. You lose 2 high level spells with the 2x salvation of time casts and the time it takes to do this. Salvation of time is an AOE aswell so this could almost be viewed as a waste of the spell using it on one person
  15. If you have 2 pallys as front line tanks it is very effective because they can both apply there heals and exhortations on each other to keep each other alive The problem is is that this is very very very boring. I promised myself that i will never roll a pally again . I really did not enjoy there playstyle at all and will never be rolling one again There are alot of fun builds out there and pally hybrids arent one of them
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