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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. The chants you are talking about where really good but you can do them with a ranged based class instead of tanking The chanters aura is big enough to reach everyone so no need to be frontline
  2. If by worst, you mean silly overpowered, then yes, they are the worst I tried hard to make heralds work. I repsect that people like them but i didnt think much of them at all. Out of my party of 5 the herald was the worst performing one in there by far. It was really hard to get the summons spells off because you had to build up phrases then go through the really long cast times that summons spells have when you are a front line tank with heavy armour. Not only this alot of the time you are surrounded by enemies so you get interrupted alot and if you get interrupted in the middle of a summons spell you lose all your phrases so you have to start building them up again. This is why Paladin / Chanter is a bad synergy IMO. Probably one of the works multiclass builds i have played , if not the worst.
  3. Actually I was being kind. It is probably less than 5% of total players who actually play on PotD. As mentioned by another poster, only .07% (that's less that one percent), beat Pillars of Eternity on PotD difficulty. and the rest of the people just gave up and stopped playing it because it was to easy.
  4. @op What difficultly are you playing on? Any build can be very effective on the lower difficultys
  5. Things like accuracy and defenses don't need to scale. No they added an extra amount of stats to the enemies above what they get at level up on POTD.
  6. So if you are Invis but not untargetbable does that mean that only AOE attacks will be able to hit you?
  7. On POTD they added flat bonuses to enemies that dont scale with level. The enemies will of course level up but the POTD bonus stats they get dont scale they are a flat bonus. Go on nexus website and read the notes on the three mods on there that adjust difficulty: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/158?tab=description https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/158?tab=docs https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/83 https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/43
  8. Hi Obsidian When you guys fixed POTD difficulty balancing after release in that patch you did you balanced the game without taking into consideration the three DLCS that are getting released. For example i just finished the Beast of Winter (Which was unreal by the way) at level 14. After i finished BOW i had all the new equiptment including 2 sets of legendary plate armour that i brought with me to complete the rest of the game. I had to stop my play-through because it was far to easy. I was playing on POTD level scaling all upwrards. I estimate that i probably had about 50% of the game left to finish. Can you please rebalance the difficulty on POTD to make it harder fotr the end game as you havent taken into consideration how the expansions will effect it. I am guessing that after all three have been released this issue will become even worse.
  9. This is completely not true and the biggest load of crap i have ever heard in my life. In the early levels on POTD it helps to have 2 dedicated tanks with high AR. That leaves you with three other characters to build freely. I have played hundreds of hours on POTD and never once used any PEN enhancing abilities either. They are completely not needed at all. If you are in a fight and there are alot of enemies that have high AR eg paladins, fighters DONT target them first. Lock them down with your tanks and use your other party members to kill of the casters, rogues, monks ect,,then kill the enemies tanks last Also after you hit about level 12 all 5 of your characters will be able to walk around naked and beat the game with a broomstick because POTD hasnt been balanced properly towards the middle and end of the game. The release of the new expansion has made the balancing even worse because you get a whole heap of powerful items from it that you bring in to complete the remainder of the game (I am literately 100% not being sarcastic)
  10. It did in the first game does it in the second game? It doesnt say it does in the description. I noticed that new 5th level arkemyr invis spell lets you atttack while invisible and it doesnt break which is a really good spell was wondering if the rogue does the same?
  11. Im pretty certain that it isnt even doing 240 damage over its entire duration. That alot of damage and im not noticing it.
  12. I sometimes land heaps of disintegrates on enemies and it appears to hardly do any damage. The description says 240 raw per ??? sec. If i was doing this much damage the enemy should be melting but this is not happening Anyone no why this is?
  13. If you go onto the Mod on the nexus website and reads his notes under the DOC tab he explains it really well what he has done and he also explains the mistakes Obsidian have made with there level scaling and POTD enemie bonuses. He goes on to say that the extra stats enemies get dont scale with power level, they are just a flat bonus. This is why the game is so hard at the beginning but becomes much easier towards the end. eg. +20 deflection at the beginning of the game will have far bigger an impact then at the end of the game. This is all OBS have done for POTD, introduce flat enemie bonuses that dont scale.
  14. its probably not s bug they just nerfed it
  15. I'd put money on Frostseeker outperforming it on literally any character/build in the game, outside of ghosts and pure single target fights (of which there are very few). There are other ranged weapons that are also far superior if you know how to use them. The Red Hand is great for a couple reasons; you can slap it on anyone and it will do good damage, it's attainable fairly early/easily, it can trivialise Vessel fights, and you can use it to give your entire party +20/40% damage. Ok you show me frost seeker beats it. If you want to make comments like that you have to back them up. I have played with both weapons and its pretty clear red hand is far better
  16. Fire priest with abydons hammer is the stongest build in the game in POE1 you dont need it though. Scrolls are the key to tough boss fights in the first game. trust me
  17. ah sh&t (you sure about that?) Sorry But that is still not enough PEN if you play POTD and want to weigh up the difference between swords and other weapons. And again i make my case that greatswords have to low PEN. 7 PEN is way to low for a 2 handed weapon
  18. A normal 1 handed sword has 7 pen. They said in there last patch notes when they buffed 2 handed weapons that they all got an extra +1 pen. I thought that a 2 handed sword would have atleast an extra +1 PEN more then the 1 handed version. So if they havent stuffed this up did a greatsword use to have 6 PEN before the buff? Look at Boerers post above; he has said 2 handers are supposed to have +1 PEN compared to there 1 hand versions (if i got it wrong, maybe Boerer can chime in ) is that i never in a million years even thought that the greatsword would have had 6 PEN before the buff. So as it stands at 7 PEN, that is just not enough to compensate for either Dual weilding or using a shield. IT needs to be higher. If the two handed sword has the same PEN as a 1 handed sword WTF would you even bother using the 2 handed sword for? If an enemie has even 2 or 3 AR more then your PEN you are Fcked
  19. any party can beat it easy Most people spammed high level scrolls on it to debuff and paralyze it and other scrolls to protect the party. Just make sure your accuracey is high before targeting the dragons. A well placed wall of many colours will help aswell
  20. You dont need a build with that weapon. Just give it to anyone and you will out DPS anyone in your party guaranteed no matter what your build is. Its about to get nerfed in the next patch i think judging by someone from OBS comments on another thread
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