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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. Yeah ive been having a look at the rangers concussive tranq? Yeah it really really powerful. Its easy to overlook it because you need a pretty deep understanding of how the game mechanics work to really appreciate how powerful it is. They get no save and all beneficial effects have there time reduced for 30 seconds. Does anyone no if it stacks with itself? eg you can keep firing and reduce all beneficial effects?
  2. Rangers seem to be based on: The pet Stacking high single target accuracy And that’s about it IMO they need a pretty significant overhaul
  3. Im mean the really stupid thing is is that nearly all the other classes are better at ranged attacks then the ranger Monk gets swift strikes (haste) Wizard gets haste (DOAM) Rogue can apply all there afflictions on ranged attacks Barbarians frenzy (+25% speed) + Bloodlust and blood-thirst Chanter gets the speed chant (currently bugged at +40%) Fighter gets the best accuracy buff, armored grace plus extra weapon spec damage Absolutely no reason to roll a ranger apart from the deep leap build that Boerer did. Thats a bug aswell though and would make the game way to easy. Rangers have alot of accuracy stacking abilities but you dont need that much accuracy. You also have to position the pet to get most of the accuracy buffs which is a pretty significant downside. Even driving flight is reduced damage on hit and you cant proc afflictions with it you are saying ? Thats insane
  4. Hey does anyone no how this works? Does it do a short stun? Wonder how long Also does it work with driving flight? Eg it will concuss two people? Also wonder if it will work with frostseeker bow ( more bounces) and driving flight? That would be pretty cool chain stunning battlefields
  5. No they don’t. Generally speaking active abilities or spells that provide the same benefit don’t stack but they do stack with passive abilities. So if you are chasing high deflection the paladins faith of conviction ( passive) will stack with the wizards mirrored image
  6. well its not as simple as u make out the chanter has summons and a ranger has pets u can see my point here
  7. yeah i spent about 6 hours today playing the game before i figured it out seriously not frickin cool!!!!!! worst multclass synergy ever
  8. So if you multiclass a Ghost heart ranger with a chanter the ghost hearts pet gets cancelled out after using any chanter summons This is a pretty big bug as it effects the ghost heart kit significantly reported thanks
  9. Man i am so pissed off Just restarted my play-through with this build and summoning chanter summons cancels out the ghost heart ranger pet OMG not cool this is a bug obvisouly ive reported it
  10. Im getting all kinds of wierd stuff going on. And alot of it. If everyone is getting the same OBS need to no so they can fix it ??
  11. The basic approach is: Get in range of your cannons with Full Sail Turn to board or starboard Hold Position (increases ACC a lot) Fire cannons Jibe Hold Position Fire Jibe ...and so on https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104486-how-are-people-winning-ship-bounties-on-potd-i-am-getting-a-flogging/
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