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Everything posted by Teclis23

  1. voting for trump and being an anti vaxxer? and i used the redhand and the frosty bow on my last playthrough I kept watching the dps on the records sheet and the redhand was well infront. Like a long way in front. The video he showed me was just on one encounter. Maybe it was beating it because of it extra damage power that you think is bugged, this would add alot of dps over time
  2. why dont you start off by helping the modders with deadfire https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104763-need-a-mod-just-ask-us/page-3?do=findComment&comment=2090801
  3. @op your over thinking it you willl be fine just pick a class you like for roll playing reasons and go with that Maybe just stay away from the complicated sub-classes like beserker for your first playthrough
  4. I had a rogue/ monk set up with dual hand mortars and the redhand blew it away in dps. I dont think the frost bow out dps it by the way either. Maybe on trash mobs it might
  5. I absolutely love the game engine, graphics, combat ect in Deadfire and completely hate the writing, story and narrative. It is the excact opposite of a gripping immersive plot. When you play deadfire you want nothing to do with the plot you just want to enjoy the game engine, graphics and combat. If they do a Pillars 3 they should use a different writing and narrative team. Even better they should use there technology they have developed with the unity engine and do a crpg in a different world that has nothing to do with the stupid bickering about gods no one cars about. The game should be centered around a local issue and be all about building power and influencing the world around you.
  6. They should get rid of full attacks alltogether. The last thing the game needs is a significant dps buff. The balancing on the last half of POTD is not in a good state at the moment because it is far to easy.
  7. MAxquest this is awesome thanks. That spreadsheet broke it down very well. One thing though can melee attacks be interrupted? If so the extra benefit from the 1.5 sec speed bonus for dual weilding vs Two handed style maybe alot more powerful then everyone thinks . Over the course of a whole fight that could possible lead to alot more interuptions on your melee attacks
  8. Dual wield is better than two-handers, but you're overstating the problem. -The talent gives a 15% recovery speed bonus, not a 20% boost. -Only some one handers are faster than two handers if you're not dual wielding, and not by 80%. Slow one handers like swords, battle axes and sabers are the same speed as two handers, at a base 4 second recovery. Fast one handers have a 3 second recovery. Your other points are correct. And there's another one that you didn't mention, which is that all other things being equal, hitting really fast, but for low damage per hit is always better than hitting very slowly, but for very high damage per hit. First, attacking quickly lets you adjust more quickly to what's happening in combat. Say you're a paladin fighting on the front line -- if your time between attacks is short, you can use lay on hands on a badly injured ally quickly. If you're a fighter, fast recovery time makes interrupt powers like knockdown more useful as well since you can react to dangerous enemy moves faster. Second, hitting hard but slow is more likely to waste damage on overkill. For example, if you hit for 100 damage every 10 seconds and attack an enemy with 20 hp left, you waste 80 damage. A character that hits for 10 damage every second, though it has the same dps on paper, is actually going to do more damage typically over the course of a fight. But, in spite of that, dual wield would be close enough to two handers to be acceptable if it weren't for full attacks. The fact that there are so many ways for weapon damage builds to deal nearly double damage when dual wielding, but almost no benefits on any skill tree exist for any other weapon styles really makes dual wield the clearly superior choice. Note that according to Josh Sawyer on the Something Awful forums, obsidian is aware of this and they're experimenting with a solution to making full attacks less insane with dual wielding. You think a one handed sword is the same speed as a great Sword? Na man your dreaming? Anyone got the speed stats for these two weapons handy?
  9. I would prefer this to but they won’t do it. Two weapon style needs to get nerfed. It’s just ridiculous having two weapon style so dominant over both using two handlers and single weapon style Or the recovery penalty for two handlers should be reduced it is quite high
  10. S-tier? you want Whisper OT Amplified wave (there best spell) Defensive Mindweb Time parasite Ciphers are gods in POE1 and pretty much garbage in POE2 I use to use arquebus with quickswitch talent to switch through them with cipher The electric bow is the best ranged weapon but it is better on a ranger Dont use any damage over time weapons becuase they dont generate focus
  11. The only reason I would use a two hander is because some of them can look kind of cool But seriously this isnt cool, its quite frustrating when two handed weapons are vastly inferior to dual weilding
  12. I am no master at game speed mechanics. I want to make that clear. But with the limited understanding i have the fillowing seems to be quite evident: Two weapon style gets: - 15% recovery bonus if you pick the talent - another inherit recovery bonus just for dual weilding is it 30%? - one handed weapons acan be faster then two handed weapons with no dual weilding buffs anyway - the benefit of using the magic abilities of two weapons - you can apply afflictions and special attacks quicker due to less recovery - full attacks are jus insane Two handed style gets: - extra base damage over the 1 handed equiv (about 40%)? - extra 15% damage from the talent - there can be a recovery speed penalty above a one handed weapon (without any two handed buffs included) - you can only use the magic abilities of one weapon - +1 pen above the two handed equiv Im trying to figure out why anyone would want to use a two handed weapon vs dual wielding???....................... Hmmmmmmm........... Ummm Hmmmmmm............. Nup cant do it
  13. Yeah i really dont like the current pen vs AR system It just doesnt feel right at all when you play the game . It is just a too dominant game mechanic that sets the tone for most combat encounters. Every encounter the first thing i check is the enemies AR and every encounter is to much about beating there AR. The old system they used in the first game was far better
  14. Disintegrate was ok when i tried it but by the time you get it you dont need it anyway beacause the game is too easy in the last half of it
  15. On the other side marked pray works for everyone in the team and can't be resisted... Is much better vs boss for example. And the upgraded version apply for free to another enemy when you get the kill, so is pretty spammable also in normal encounters. marked prey works for everyone in your team not just the ranger? Really?
  16. Faith and conviction has diminishing returns. 12 def bonus at level 3 is more of a benefit to you then 15 def at level 15
  17. @op Have you seen the fighters first level perception and graze to hit and hit to crit conversion (once upgraded) active ability ? This is far more powerful then the rangers marked prey because it is not single target. So if you throw a fireball it will buff the entire AOE. Marked prey will only effect one enemy in the fireball blast. The fighters accuracey buff will also work with single target spells.
  18. it will be in BETA tuesday and full release friday
  19. Who says single classing is better then multiclassing anyway? Alot of the multiclass builds have there power built in very early and then there power gets weaker as they progress. For example look at the paladins Faith and Conviction passive where you get +12 deflection at level 3. I followed all my paladins disposition conversations correctly and it only went up another three points to 15 deflection when i was a level 15 character. This is incredibly strong early game but quite weak late game. Or Look at barbarian for example with there level 7 blood thirst (or lust) ability. That is by far the most powerful offensive passive ability in the game. +50% recovery speed on kill is so powerful its not funny. I would argue that Barbs are possibly stronger as a single class then mulitclass because all you need is Blood thirst and your right to go. A single class barb will get it FAR quicker then a multi-class. Priests are stonger as single. Druids are stonger as single. Monks kick a$$ as single class. Im not convinced that Ciphers are better as multis either. Rogues/ wizzies and fighters definatley suit being multi classed If anything i think alot of the high power spells and abilities of most classes are very underwhelming and need a buff but that wont happen because the game currently has huge balancing problems towards the mid to late game
  20. IT has generally been trending for it to be out every 2 weeks Expect it to be in BETA by Early next week and full release at the end of the week Im pretty confident this will happen
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