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Everything posted by Verde

  1. But I've never a seen Mage go down that fast. Equip: Lover's Embrace + Soulbound Dagger Blackblade Hood + Stalking Cloak (I'm using Devil Caroc but I think there are a bunch of other candidates) Swift Gloves + Time Dilation Ring + Sash of Judgement, and ofcourse, Assassin slippers. Striking from the shadows, always. @Boeroer I rem seeing you play an Assassin or something similar? Also, what's the best way to attach screenshots here?
  2. Game isnt even out and ppl talking about sequels? Let's see how good it is first.
  3. My biggest non bug complaint at this point is not being able to see or change equip on non party chars. It's a whole process outfitting your team.
  4. Obs is now on the list of devs that can't be trusted, along with newly included Bioware. They are slaves to their corporate masters.
  5. This has got to be a nightmare for the team bc a game at this point is usually being polished...its still in full bug squashing mode. In all my years of gaming (20) this is the worst condition I've seen a game 1 year out.
  6. The idea of eating a corpse during battle is odd. I think they should be able to create consumable food from corpses after battle for use in the next battles.
  7. You are a really rolling the dice if you buy this game Day 1 with Obs track record of buggy af releases. Heck the entire import system didnt work at ALL when Deadfire was released and there was a good chance the final boss didn't show up regardless of your choices.
  8. What's there to like about Xoti?
  9. Imagine leaving Pillars 2 in a state of disarray and then making this announcement lol
  10. I mean it's gonna be one of the very last weapons you get from one of the hardest fights in the game. You might give yourself anxiety if you create a build with it in mind
  11. The biggest problem in my opinion, are pervasive bugs that affect basic mechanics. Since these bugs occur consistently, it changes builds. I'll give you a perfect example - the Stag spiritshift (a natural choice for badassery and 2H prof) stalls on certain HEALING spells and others, the very spells a Lifegiver would cast. The fact you can't cast Nature's Balm in Stag form is build breaking. The very purpose of a build is compromised. And there are others like AoE afflictions not applying, suppress affliction not working (for real?!) and now traps are all wonky so I need a high Per char all times. I love Deadfire enough to play multiple playthroughs but need to draw a line in the sand. I played PoE1 a year out and it was great. I thought it ran well and didn't run into any memorable bugs.
  12. I didn't notice that much if a difference as an Aristocrat. A few snobby remarks here and there. Now Deadfire background, THAT'S the one to try. A discernable different experience, and one quite enjoyable after a few playthroughs.
  13. For the record, you guys are right. She is written that way. What's frustrating is there just isn't that much there to her in Deadfire. Her companion quest is weird but creative, but it's all still tell don't show (protip - show don't tell). I think she would have been the most interesting romance by far esp bc she can't have children as a Godlike. Overall it seems Obs shares the same opinion about Palle that she does
  14. Trickster MC, Swash Eder, Goldpact Knight custom, Tekehu Druid Storm build, and Priest of Magran custom. Wizards are lame Playing an Ancient now and it's fun but the lack of trap detection is pissing me off haha.
  15. It's weird but the atmosphere finally clicked on my last playthrough, when I realized it's more fun for me to run 2 or more custom adventures in my party. After about 1/3 way thru, your companions rarely have anything to say unless it's story or DLC. I feel a lot more attached to my customs then I do the one dimensional companions. Eder, ofc, is an exception, and same with Tekehu. There isn't a playthrough I don't create a custom Paladin tho ha.
  16. I think the reasons are challenge or the adra stone for upgrading Legendary -> Mythic. I casually tried the Ooze, and got walloped.
  17. It's unacceptable. I won't be supporting any Obs product at full price until I see some drastic QA changes.
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