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Everything posted by Verde

  1. Now I play Deadfire more like Icewind Dale with a mostly custom party.
  2. Dire Blessing is one of the best low level buffs imho. As we know, Per is King.
  3. Pride. The downfall of gamers everywhere.
  4. It's legal as long as the slaves aren't native to the Deadfire. Supposedly.
  5. I've done another playthrough recently and I dont rem anything implying that rummaging through his room was the solution, but your right in the sense that after talking with Aldyes, it makes sense to look for *something*. If anything there should have been evidence at Crookspur. And from a thematic perspective, Furrante specifically says he got to his position of power by not divulging his secrets...yet he keeps incriminating evidence right in his room, incriminating enough to sentence him to death. Not very smart for such a savvy pirate eh?
  6. Echoing what others said. Common terminology in project management and delivery.
  7. Obsidian's track record of offensively buggy games doesn't help either.
  8. Each game does a few things really well, a number of things decently, and a few things less than stellar. I hope PoE3 combines the best of both worlds And for the love of God, stop giving us urgent main quests and then a bazillion side quests to dilly dally.
  9. What classes, other tha Rogue, are you choosing the passive for? Bc by your admission you are stacking.
  10. Yep. This is the heart of the problem, and this is why Hollywood, for instance, has been creatively dead for, what, like, twenty years at least? Nothing has been created, in terms of innovation. (And of course now, with the global market, the main audience of mainstream American movies is no longer even in America, it's in China. Way more profitable.) I don't see this as a problem, xzar. Movie studios are in business to make money, not to be creative, innovative, or original for the sake of being creative, innovative, or original. What pays the bills and makes profits is producing movies that the paying customers want to see. Period. If you can produce a movie that both has a compelling story and good characters that people will want to pay to see, and also happens to be creative, innovative, and original, good for you. But that's easier said than done. And Hollywood's investors prefer to invest in things that are much more reliable. Hence the current trend of superhero movies. 10-25 years, it was movies based on old TV shows. Name recognition puts fannies in seats. Big movie studios are, but not all necessarily.
  11. That's true, you can have other tanks besides fighters. I'm just so used to Eder at this pt haha.
  12. 5% is so measly tho. I think there better talents you can pick at any stage. 10 or 15% would def make it legit.
  13. I can't remember my fighter ever being interrupted tbh, whereas casters have the risk of getting interrupted more often due to their cast times. Plus, how many fights are you gonna win without a tank vs without a wizard? Heck I don't even reg role with a Wizard bc they take so damn long to do anything.
  14. Litanies take too long to cast. If they were faster it would be easier to get off at the beginning of battle *cough cough Exhortations*
  15. Now what about that Stag's Carnage? Is there a more obvious fix needed ?
  16. Friendly reminder to support indie devs and look into Outward. There are Watchers in the game, no joke
  17. Quick Switch and Deep Pockets should be available to everyone. Arms Bearer and Fast Runner are, I don't see why these aren't. I'd love if one of the devs released a combat overhaul like one dev from CDProjekt did for Witcher 2. It completely polished the combat up, a year later. That was a smart move on their part - garnered lots of goodwill and made a good game ever better.
  18. There will be one last patch. It was promised and they know if they leave the game, a crowdfunded game, in this state, there will be a big black mark on their record, and their reputation will slowly be tarnished by the plague that is the angry gamer. Similar to Bioware releasing a messy Andromeda -> Anthem, I predict Obsidian crashing hard if they lose track of their fans and customers. Only time will tell how Outer Worlds turns out, which could be their saving grace...or another microtransactions crapfest within a derivative world.
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