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  1. We all know, that the "The Defiant" can only pack 2 guns on each side - port and starboard. The model, however, has 4 guns on each side.
  2. EDER : 6223 -> 6493 = 270 [Level 4] XOTI : 6212 -> 6454 = 242 [Level 4] +OTHER1 : 3000 -> 3216 = 216 [Level 3] +OTHER2 : 3000 > 3192 = 192 [Level 3] +OTHER3 : 3000 > 3172 = 172 [Level 3] A test with a simple quest. The test is simple : I'm always on solo. I take 0 companions. All are left behind. I pick them again after have acquired a small amount of XP. There is absolutely no link between them. Because if I don't recruit 2 lasts companions : eder and Xoti have same amount of XP. 270 and 242. So with 6 left behind or 2 = same thing. I have try to check or uncheck in a different order = no differences. Only explaination : FIRST recruited have a flag, second a second flag with a low priority ETC. WITH a definitive diminushing return. But with that, there is a problem : 270 - 192 = 78. 29 % less XP, and I am already with a level 3. (I need ideally MORE XP, than less for my Hired Companion...) If I want to keep Eder but don't want favor it, I can't. Eder will always get more XP. There are few people in others topics with 4 levels of difference with the left behind. This difference come to that^^... So I am pretty SURE^^ that the LIST of service is the problem : When you uncheck Eder for example, Eder will come immediatly first of the list. I think he have a flag of "preference". (= an advantageous amount of XP when left behind because first recruited.) So proposition : I am OK with this system, but why not create an element of gameplay arround of that ? Allow to the player to choose the priority list with XP ? I move Eder, to the last place, I place my hired number one. I gain now 270 XP and eder 172. Or more simple, why all the companion doesn't have same amount of XP ? It is difficult to add a proof of concept with a saved game, but a simple try with the first quest allow to show that.
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