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Everything posted by kilay

  1. btw found that here so maybe you can set it to 0
  2. Just to point out that i've redid the Eder Unbroken-Streetfighter cuz i forgot to add the passive abilities (not a great mod ) A fixed version is in upload
  3. Just to point out that i've redid the Eder Unbroken-Streetfighter cuz i forgot to add the passive abilities (not a great mod ) A fixed version is in upload
  4. i've sent to you the update for last version but on Nexus there is the 1.3 version
  5. On Nexus the mod is updated and btw i'm talking of this one https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/135 not of this one (that probably isn't compatibile anymore being updated last time on 21 May) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/31
  6. Just the entire list of my mods Hidden Godlike Subraces Unlocker Italian Localization Fix PATCH 2.0.0 Character Creation More Colors Bird Companion Scrolls Overhaul Guenhwyvar Figurine (Elder Panther) UI Slow-Fast Mode Tags Remover Eder StreetFighter-Unbroken Paladin Tweaks Bug Fixes and Spiritual Weapons Keywords Priest of Rymrgand (DLC) and other Hidden Classes Unlocked Multiclass Level Cap Unlocked The Good -The Bad (Soulbound Weapons) and other stuffs and the ones that i have translated to italian More Custom AI Conditions Enhanced UI - Afflictions and Inspirations Extended Spell All Classes Unlocked TT1 Unique Items Fell free to discuss here about them
  7. Faccio solo presente che in firma ho aggiunto delle mod tradotte in italiano e altre fatte da me
  8. try to do that https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99886-loss-of-saves/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2031521
  9. btw i will try to unlock also the different skin color applied to godlike models
  10. Try that https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/136 i can't change the skin color but for hair color you have more choices and also different presets to make some freaky combos
  11. That has to be intentional, some coder wanted to annoy some artist... no way you pick 149 by accident i guess that the other 1 px x 1 px is taken by the border EDIT : Nope i'm wrong, there isn't a border
  12. maybe you're mixing it with other mods? I haven't any issue of this kind
  13. This was something I was trying to figure out by chasing references in the gamedatabundles, so thanks for the confirmation. Mostly I just wanted poor Eder to have a pet of his own. make a figurine with no charge, or some kind of ability that summon a pet/familiar
  14. i'm using that mod and it's working fine, what's your issue?
  15. bump... the situation is worst than before (in 1.2 than 1.1), now i'm not able to scroll to the top of the character sheets and no attributes give tooltips and neither on the value the bonus aren't showed, this now happens to any character
  16. the News interface is buggy if you change or run the game with a different language than english There is a weird question marker instead of the proper pictures?????
  17. So many cool mods! Can't wait to see the ones this thread is suggesting. Here's the mod with both summon bird and ghost bird Though hasn't the part for the custom name, you need to put your modified stringable. Thnks, i will update the mod and will put you in my credits
  18. to open and search in unity files i commonly use this one https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Perfare/unitystudio/branch/master/artifacts
  19. here if you want i have translated it to italian https://mega.nz/#!G9ZliASR!vOK1JeV7mscCqEA05QDwua5Adb7aps_8fhlMritxQzY
  20. Ok unlocked Bird Companion for any Ranger class (unsadly not Ghost Heart) https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/140/ Check details about the pet name (if some devs can explain me how fix that in the proper way will be nice , here i've asked the same question )
  21. Steel Garrot it's already in the game you can use that to unlock all the classes (i added the missing description for woedica priest and Steel Garrote plus italian localization), this is based on that mod so credits to the original creator (Balkoth56) Cool mod just downloaded it now i'm trying to fix the bird companion of the gunhawk, cuz atm you end to have a izisha clone i have an old mod that did the job, but i have to update it for the last patch.
  22. Made it right now https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/116
  23. Steel Garrot it's already in the game you can use that to unlock all the classes (i added the missing description for woedica priest and Steel Garrote plus italian localization), this is based on that mod so credits to the original creator (Balkoth56)
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