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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. Yup. Though by taking down the site/provider, you get loads of evidence if the files aren't encrypted. At least that's how they caught several "power users" when they raided that finnish server I was talking about. The only way industries can win the battle is if they can "destroy" all the groups releasing pirated copies (not very likely) or manage to take down every **** server that pops up (not gonna happen). Since they sure as **** can't ever fully take down the end users. Unless their fear campaign of random raids suddenly scares pirates into law abiding citizens.... ISPs don't want to do it because they would lose that customer and 2342342 others to the company that doesn't care at all. The extra work isn't that much and wouldn't really require all that much effort. Though the company I worked for did actually shut down 3g wireless internet connections from time to time. Due to "malware and other harmful software". No idea how it was being monitored etc. since it was done by an other department. Did get few calls from puzzled customers though
  2. Well they do raid/sue pirates from time to time. At least in Finland the biggest? server was taken down. No idea if new one is up by now... Can you see the proper full IP of everyone leeching/seeding the torrent just by downloading the torrent yourself though? I know most servers are located in such countries that don't give a **** about the piracy issue, so they can't raid the servers to get the ip's of every damn user. And to be honest, I guess at this point piracy is such huge issue if they sue everyone for the ridicilous amounts of money they usually sue people for it would bankrupt whole generations in multiple countries. And, yes. For ISPs it would be bad for business. They throttle some of the p2p traffic etc. to ease the burden on their wires. But for example my ISP won't stop their customers from getting to PirateBay even though some organisation in Finland demanded it. Because they know they will lose ****loads of customers if they act on it when the other major ISPs aren't doing anything about it.
  3. Not really sure how easily police can get the IP information from ISP's in different countries. But the poster would leave his IP from posting on the forums, and proof he pirated the game. Enough proof to get a warrant to have look at the person's computer? Even by catching one pirate you can get to others if they push hard enough and threathen with severe punishment if he doesn't co-operate. And by co-operating I mean naming other pirates from school/work. Just today I read an article how 1 out of 4 hackers are actually FBI informants, because they don't really fancy the idea of getting locked up in prison...
  4. Aye, I remember reading something about the player dropped into a gas that kills you. But I think you could still get past it. Can't really remember how it worked out since it's been almost 2 years since I've read about it.
  5. Yes, only if one/few companies does it. But let's say all of the big publishers team up on this, since it's safe to say they are all losing money because of piracy. Even then it would only help them catch a very small amount of pirates, the really stupid ones. And it would be business as usual for the rest of he pirate "scene".
  6. You know, you can make it more subtle. Like it doesn't crash the whole game. Just some weird *** bug that would stand out and people would react to it, that would make them go to the forums, post and get caught. Wouldn't work for long, but it would teach some stupid pirates a lesson
  7. I wish companies would put more traps like that in their games and then bust everyone comes out and whines about the trap "bug"
  8. I liked the demo. Not planning on cancelling my pre-order The lighting was very well done, liked the game mechanics so far though my old rumblepad isn't the best pad to play this after getting used to 360 pad. Died multiple times on Vera, guess I should have bothered to learn how to heal
  9. Now that I finally have the time, here's a short summary of the review: - Story is sorta of cliche at the beginning, but later on turns out to be pretty good one. - The game seemed hard at first, but once he learned the mechanics and got used to the controls he really enjoyed the game mechanics. - He thought some of the "bought" abilitity and skill bonuses weren't as "visible" as he would have liked. 4% more dmg seems nice on paper, but leaves you guessing in reality how much use it is in reality. - He liked the 9 "special powers", though they are quite fast seen and used. - Choices you make during the game matter and the game differs from Torchligt and Diablo with it and dialogue&story elements. He liked how the story&dialogue kinda balanced the game since there's a lot of combat. - Liked the level design and mentions the levels usually change before you get bored of the location. - Not much of replay value if you compare it to Diablo/Torchlight since the maps aren't random, though the multiple different endings are a reason to play it through more than once. - Technically the game is good, looks good enough, music creates an expected atmosphere/feeling and the interface/gui that is made (in his opinion) for consoles works on PC as well. - He didn't like the camera. Says the closer camera is completely useless and would have personally preffered a camera angle from further away to get a better view on what's happening around you. In conclusion he says the basic elements are working, story stays intresting until the end, but with even deeper character building and with more vary in content the game would have been excellent. In it's current state the game is "only" good light roleplaying entertainment. His copy didn't have multiplayer feature, so no comments about that. 87% and a recommendation stamp. Sorry subliminal, no scans. Though I doubt you would understand Finnish anyways... I guess you will just have to trust me.
  10. Just download x360ce emulator software and you can use your Saitek gamepad in the game. (Read the help section of the software though).
  11. I'm an idiot and I should learn to read the manual. Got it working on Logitech's pad now. But still kinda wondering how come it's not working on the 360 controller...
  12. Soo I've tried to get the game working on two different pads and it just won't recognize them. First one is XBOX 360 Wireless Controller via play&charge kit Second one is Logitech's Rumblepad, tried using the emulator program someone suggested in another thread, but even that doesn't help. Am I doing something wrong or is the game just hating me for some reason?
  13. Changed a car tire in +30 weather. I imagine it was more like +50 in the sun. Also mother******** dirt roads and the locals who don't bother to mark the huuuuuge holes in the ground / take few shovels of gravel in to the hole to fill it (where I come from, people always mark the biggest holes in the road). Had to move a bit to the right from the middle and BOOM straight into a huge hole in the road which you couldn't see from further away. Hopefully it was just the damn tire that got shredded and didn't break anything else....
  14. Good story, dialogue etc. are really important in a crpg.
  15. Finnish magazine Pelit gave the PC version 87/100 and a recommandation. Which is pretty good...
  16. Well that's a positive sign at least (no not MCA stalking funcroc). Now if only we would learn what they are working on
  17. Also would be nice if this topic would only include reviews from the full game. There are already loads of demo impression topics, so post those there imo.
  18. Romance with Heck... Now that would have been scary
  19. Sweet. Way too many good games coming out this year
  20. Keep still. Either way, let's get back to real games: Batman: Arkham City Catwoman trailer Wait, you can play as Catwoman too?
  21. I would imagine it's quite pointless to compare map sizes from two full games + expansions to a short demo of the newest game... In the end both games will be more or less corridors since none of DS games are meant to be a fully open game like Oblivion or Fallout.
  22. The amount of work that "Michelle Thorton" would have required pretty much made sure there was only Michael in the game. Properly that is from the narrative perspective. You can always do it the BioWare way and have every romancable npc in the game to be "playersexual" instead of reacting properly to the character the player is actually playing. Not to mention it would have required lots and lots of more different reactions from all npcs you meet in the game as relationship between let's say Michelle and Heck/Madeleine would have been way different than the ones those charachters have with Michael.
  23. Got bit bored of L.A Noire and I'm now playing Frozen Synapse.
  24. Clearly you are an Obsidian "fanboi" and your opinion doesn't count.
  25. They aren't making Icewind Dale 3. They would want to make it though, but it's up to Atari who owns the license. Not to mention the dreaded current edition ruleset and setting. Do the Dales even exist anymore? I have no idea. All my D&D knowledge comes from BIS and BioWare games + some old R.A Salvatore books
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