Well, it's 7:21AM Bethesda time right now, but Obsidian and Steam are both on the West Coast, where it's only 4:21. I don't know what Steam's general practices are, but it wouldn't surprise me if they only bother to queue up major titles with a lot of pre-orders for a midnight release, while more minor titles like DLC require somebody coming into the office to flip a switch.
It'd be nice if I could get the download started before I left for work, but it probably wouldn't save me much time in the long run. Hopefully, I can download and install it while I make dinner tonight.
They could easily have released the DLC in Europe by now if they wanted to. I know it's still early in the States but it's past midday in Europe...
Yes, and since they are European companies, it would be easier for them too.
I must have dreamed about all those midnite releases via Steam by multiple US companies.