I'm a PC "purist" too because consoles are a bane to the gaming industry, they are the reason Crysis 2 has now worse textures than 4 year old Crysis 1, they are the reason for complete standstill for years in graphics and physics. Consoles are antithesis to progress.
That doesn't mean I don't recognize when something is good.
Yes the consoles are realy a pain in the ass in the GAME INDUSTRY, ugly textures( I think they can only handle the DX9 crap) , old hardware and so on.
I quite like what consoles have done to some parts of the game industry. No more do you need to upgrade your whole damn computer every 2 years. I've played with mine for 3 years and everything (except Crysis and it's stupid boss fight on deck of a carrier) works just fine. Only changed my gfx card in those 3 years...