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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. Endslides for companions are determined by a mix of (majorly) NPC Interaction and (secondary) Choices. At least thats the impression I got so far. If you don't really use a companion at all in conversations he doesn't get a seperate Endslide. That explains why I didn't get any end slide for Lucas & Reinhart
  2. Ye, this is game definately isn't Dungeon Siege, it's Dungeon Siege 3.
  3. I guess I played a different game than the reviewer at IGN. For the loot selling problem... Isn't there a buyback option that you can use in case some ***hole sells your loot? There's no lasting appeal? How about playing it with hardcore and different chars. 6.5 for sounds? Really? He doesn't even mention the great looking lighting when he discusses the graphics. Dull story? Gameplay gets 7.0 because he dislikes the loot. Dragon Age 2 got 8.5 :D
  4. Warding was just awesome for throwing mobs off ledges
  5. You do realize that no matter how long they tweak and crush bugs there will always be few people who will get bugs. Especially on PC since there are pretty much infinite amount of things that can cause problems. I personally use about 10 save slots (in every damn game) in case something goes wrong. I only saw 3 bugs during the whole game myself which were: - My char standing the wrong way in some end game cutscene - Bunch of mobs despawning at Spire Bailey - Achievements
  6. Those little gnomes that make your computer work are being lazy today Seriously though, hard to say. I only experienced memory leak/huge fps drops when I had Windows updates running on the background.
  7. I love it how Eurogamer is calling him Nick instead of Nathaniel.
  8. I think that would be not enough. Dungeon Siege 3 should have a more pseudo uber-dark, gritty and brutal fantasy world, with romanceable emo characters, more badass looking enemies, and more of a cinematic approach. You forgot the ending that makes pretty much no sense at all.
  9. I would imagine they are finalising the next patch and DLC at Bethesda
  10. That was pretty harsh review. It's pretty stupid how he goes on about how the controls aren't fine for PC, but I didn't see him mention once how you can use a bloody controller on the PC as well and the controls will be just as fine as on consoles. Maybe if Dungeon Siege 3 lasted 50 hours (20 of those using same maps over and over again) the game would have gotten a better score.
  11. Each one of Obsidian's games have their own strengths and weaknesses. So to get the "perfect action rpg" from Obsidian we would need: - Conversation system, Heck and perks from Alpha Protocol - The amount of excellent writing (story and dialogue) from Kotor2, AP and Mask of the Betrayer - Combat system/gameplay mechanics and engine from DS3 - Faction mechanics and the huge world from New Vegas Or it might turn into a complete disaster
  12. Try out hardcore difficulty, play it with other characters to see how the choices effect the ending and give co-op a shot
  13. You can, sometimes. From what I've heard it pretty much depends which Steam staffer handles the case
  14. One of you guys hasn't updated the game via Steam.
  15. I'm a PC "purist" too because consoles are a bane to the gaming industry, they are the reason Crysis 2 has now worse textures than 4 year old Crysis 1, they are the reason for complete standstill for years in graphics and physics. Consoles are antithesis to progress. That doesn't mean I don't recognize when something is good. Yes the consoles are realy a pain in the ass in the GAME INDUSTRY, ugly textures( I think they can only handle the DX9 crap) , old hardware and so on. I quite like what consoles have done to some parts of the game industry. No more do you need to upgrade your whole damn computer every 2 years. I've played with mine for 3 years and everything (except Crysis and it's stupid boss fight on deck of a carrier) works just fine. Only changed my gfx card in those 3 years...
  16. According to Steam finished in 14.2 hours. Bit shorter than I expected, but then again I was playing on normal and didn't really die that often. Gonna finish it few other chars as well and try out co-op for sure And I hope there's atleast few dlcs incoming that add few hours to the game.
  17. Had a blast with this fight on normal playing as Katarina. Good job whoever came up with it
  18. Most likely means you aren't tracking any quests. Had that few times and everytime I wasn't tracking any quests.
  19. Dragon Age 2 disagrees. Lots of bugs involving it etc.. And in Mass Effect most of it was handled by email... The amount of different scenarios you have to consider when you do that is just massive. I don't think game developers should even bother with this currently.
  20. I'm up for some co-op next week. Still finishing my 1st playthrough. And we need to make a drinking game co-op at some point. 1. Everytime Jeyne Kessynder is mentioned, everyone drinks. 2. You die, you drink.
  21. Achievements not working for me either. Reached level 20 but no achievement. Playing on PC.
  22. They might have started working on one already. Brennecke (Adam? cba to check) is a project director on a project at Obsidian. He worked on DS3 and just recently got the project director title. Just sayin...
  23. I have some disturbing news. There are barrels in the game that you can't attack. I don't know how I'm gonna sleep tonight knowing those 3 barrels in the Stonebridge are coming up with a plan to take over the world and enslave crates.
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