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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. *Shrug* I couldn't care less whether or not my character classes will suck. I don't pick them for their effectiveness anyway.
  2. Ok, I'm seeing some angst incoming from that scratched "Kind Wayfarer" plate. I'm guessing Watchers who nudged Pallegina in that direction should prepare for some backlash? I didn't nudge her in any direction! She made her choice! Also, the scratched out version looks way cooler.
  3. I'm not sure you need anyone's permission to use a custom portrait in your single player game.
  4. I didn't hate the 3D portraits in Dragon Age Origins, but i definitely prefer the 2D portraits. I feel they have so much more personality than a 3D portrait ever could.
  5. Well, i don't think Berath had anything to do with Raedric coming back. He came back as a Death Guard, with glowing eyes and all, and according to the bestiary it's the person's own determination is what brings them back. But being the Berath worshipping lunatic that he was, he might've just mistakenly attributed his return as the work of Berath (since Berath doesn't talk with its followers, if i remember correctly).
  6. Not sure if i posted here or not, but it's definitely Pallegina for me. Just found her horribly boring and downright unlikable. I would've preferred literally anyone else as a returning companion for Deadfire over her,
  7. Holy crap they look so nice. Except Berath's looks a bit boring, but Berath is boring, so it fits.
  8. Oh, i misunderstood the post, i meant that the skeletal hand is of the right arm, not the left.
  9. Unless Abydon has reverse-thumbs, i'm pretty sure it's his right hand.
  10. That is not correct. At least not for all godlike racials. Silver Tide is very powerful - which headgear can compete with a big AoE healing burst at 75%, 50% and 25% endurance - from lvl 1 on? Also Battle Forged (when used properly) is more powerful than any helmet you can find in PoE. While being pretty underwhelming at the beginning of the game at higher levels it can retaliate for over 200 burn damage. Wellspring of Life and Death's Usher are indeed pretty lame in PoE though. Also, considering the fact that in the base game there are very little helmets that actually do ANYTHING to you. Most of the helmets that give you bonuses came with White March.
  11. Oh god... is it gonna be like in the first PoE with the backer npcs? Oh Godlikes are so rare and mysterious! Literally every other NPC sitting around is some special snowflake godlike.
  12. Check the results, so many people picked this one! EDIT: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-83FTDGN58/ (also, i can't believe how many people sacrificed Grieving Mother )
  13. How can anyone hate Jeff Goldblum? He's an international treasure!
  14. There's an unwritten premise here: attractive young female nudity sells. Having a bunch of fat old naked men (a pretty common sight in bath houses) in your game doesn't boost sales. But honestly, even if Obsidian did fill the Deadfire archipelago with nubile and naked young women I doubt it'd have much of an impact on sales. Third person isometric nudity isn't much of a selling point in a world with games like the Witcher 3. Hey now, Witcher 3 taxed you heavily for its attractive young female nudes with stuff like nearly naked Dijkstra and that one chick's naked granny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7-BX4bWYvg
  15. *Shrug* I never picked races based on their viability anyway. But those racials don't sound that bad, the other ones (*fire and moon) are probably still better, but when everything is perfectly balanced, i find it to end up being boring.
  16. Oh no, does that mean a single classed wizard is better at being a wizard than a multi-classed wizard?! The horror! Oh my god. This means Josh wasn’t lying when he said that’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. How can I trust anything ever again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OsLu9loEiM
  17. Oh no, does that mean a single classed wizard is better at being a wizard than a multi-classed wizard?! The horror!
  18. Yeah. Here's hoping for plenty of dongs.With real-time dong physics!Xoti’s latern ain’t da only thang swingin’ ‘round here, amirite?
  19. Yeah. Here's hoping for plenty of dongs. With real-time dong physics!
  20. As opposed to sitting in a soul prison for an eternity? She knew exactly what she was getting there. Sit around in Breith Eaman being smug at the Gods for petty satisfaction. Given the Gods are kind of proud selfish ****, it probably even worked a bit. Oh, she probably thinks that way for sure, but i really doubt the gods give even the slightest amount of ****s about her in her position, if anything it's actually good for them to have her sit there forever, instead of being out there in the world spreading her heresy. Except that she wouldn't be spreading her heresy if she was out in the world. She would POSSIBLY spreading her heresy, as opposed to NOT spreading her heresy while in prison.
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