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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Maybe tomboy wasn't the right choice of word there. English is not my first language, so maybe i misunderstand what it means. But basically i just want a female character that isn't a "strong woman" type of character. I know, i know, that's the current trend right now and all that, but i just find them to be very dull. I want a character that is fun and Ydwin's concept looked fun. Now her portrait, even the new one, looks like more of the same, which for me is disappointing. Yes, pretty much that. Fun. Misunderstanding via lanuage barrier, okay, that's understandable. Though, I don't understand how Ydwins portrait looks more the same, or rather, I'm not sure what you think a portrait of a woman that isn't a "strong woman" character should look like. Seems like Ydwin would be a more Fun type, but unfortunately she's a sidekick and sidekicks are pretty much gutted of personality. Probably the closest in PoE1 would be Sagani and Grieving Mother, except that GM is all dark, moody, and gothic. Sagani is a bit athletic due to being a hunter in her tribe.
  2. Not familiar with PST and the Annah character in it, what's the PST game?
  3. You didn't. You specifically said, all women in Pillars were boyish. But all of them are different. You have a motherly type (Sagani), an attractive but very serious woman (Pallegina), a warrior type (The Amaua woman), which wasn't unanattractive or manly either, dispite being a lesbian barbarian (Some forum user actually said, she was hot), a dark and creepy woman (Grieving Mother) and finally the evil, sexy one with boobplate (Devil). Saying that none of them was female enough basically means, that you consider 90% of women unattractive. P.S.: How about you describing what you consider a female and interesting character? He didn't say all women were boyish, just said that "there are enough tomboys" without specifying which ones, or saying all specifcally. Pallegina may seem a bit tomboy because she is in a paladin order that doesn't allow women, but in no way was her personality ever 'tomboyish', and she was taking advantage of the opportunity given by her 'godlikeness' and Vailian law to get into something that would otherwise be barred because of her physical female appearance.
  4. But she was fine in the visions, wouldn’t you say? Only at the end was it a problem? Perhaps the takeaway is that massive story dumps in a single conversation are not as satisfying? We also didn’t discover the truth about the gods; we were informed. In the same conversation, we are informed of Thaos’ plan for Woedica. We don’t even find Iovara on purpose. Contrast that with Planescape Torment. Find your journal. Find Pharod. Find Lothar. Find Ravel. And so on and so on. It’s a hunt, following thread after thread, piecing together the tapestry. Imagine chasing an unknown for an unknown reason and not meeting Ravel until the end of the game and learning everything then. Actually no, she wasn't fine in the visions either. In fact, one of the problems is that when we we finally meet her in person I thought we were finally going to get to see what it was about her that made all these people follow her, because I did not see it in the visions. She lacked that quality that would make people die for her that she supposedly had and just seemed like an obnoxious airy fairy who talked about finding your own way (as long as its her way) whose principles you are not allowed to confront or debate, portrayed as fact without evidence. If she had been portrayed as a fanatic like Thaos, just the opposing side, it may have been more satisfying, or at least not so fricking 'perfect'. And yeah, informing us the 'gods aren't real' didn't help, especially since her reasoning is not that they don't exist but that they were created: at that point I had no idea that the gods were NOT created beings or were supposed to have existed before the world. I knew at least some of them had portfolios that managed aspects of creation but then so do many of the Faerun gods in Forgotten Realms and half of them have been replaced by others including mortals! Real world religions have or had gods that came about after the creation of the world and were even created by other beings, the Greek gods in particular, so the bigger surprise was that I was supposed to think they were the ones who came before the world and that was supposed to be a pre-requisit for godhood. If that's the case, that ruins my goals for ascending to godhood then! Not to mention mortals (sometimes with a god/dess in their lineage somewhere) ascending to godhood in some manner, usually great heroes. I know this is gonna get smacked as heretical, but if you think about it, the various Saints in Christianity (and equivalents in Judaism and Islam) could very well be thought of as demigods or mortals ascended to godhood.
  5. They have talked about it a bit (forget where) and we've seen in the videos that there are near-instant loading times between areas (indoor-outdoor transitions for example), like travelling between parts of Neketaka. Haven't really seen it for larger transitions yet.
  6. I want historical RPG Josh is mentioning. In of the interview Feargus mentioned an idea to do Noir RPG which is something I have been wanting for a long long time. I would take Cyberpunk over space opera. Cyberpunk has been done - the Shadowrun games aint bad, and there are others. Anyway, I am sick and tired of grimdark. I want bright colours, rocket ships, ray guns, and small furry aliens from Alpha Centuri. Shadowrun ain't Cyberpunk. It has qualities from Cyberpunk, but it has dwarves, elves, orcs, magic, etc that detracts from the cyber and punk elements that are meant to be the heart of cyberpunk. Shadowrun has fantasy elements because Cyber and Punk alone = real life. Doesn't shadowrun have elements of steampunk as well? Plus it's in freaking outer space, or am I thinking of a different DnD spinoff? Or rather it has outer space as a 'plane' or something. Edit: Actually, I'm thinking of Spelljammer I believe.
  7. What does "injured for 59 days" mean? That it will take that many "game days" before that toon is at full capabilities, sans Resting? It's a crew member though, not one of the companions/party members. I assume it means exactly that, how many game days it takes for the crew member to fully recover, however, given that it's a bugged result, it may not be intended to be that long.
  8. In that vein, Josh did a Twitter poll on Monday regarding whether to keep both "Easy" and "Story Time" difficulty modes in the game. (In this case, the venue makes sense. Folks hanging around the Obsidian forums--or the subreddit, or the hundreds-of-pages-long SA thread-- months prior to the game's release are probably not the kind of players who use either of those game modes.) I use easy mode....
  9. Minoletta is a she. Whoops, didn't know what gender. Would still be cool to run into Minoletta though.
  10. They've tried making Orlans furrier, or rather, fuzzier, but found that it was too computationally expensive and had to tone it down. So, there are computational limitations there, but otherwise your point is the same.
  11. You don't have to be logged on to lurk you know.
  12. And his last post on Obsidian forums was 1 year ago... He prefers to lurk around on the Obsidian forum, we know he looks around on the Obsidian forums on occasion.
  13. Not Arkemyr though since we know he's already in the game and the "He lives." bit wouldn't make sense. Ninagauth is out because he's either dead or is otherwise local to the Eastern Reach region. Maybe Minoletta? She's a famed Vailian archmage who specializes in missile and piercing damage based spells. Also, two of the named wizard spells, Citzal's, makes me think Citzal would be a melee fighting type wizard. edit: Fixed gender, whoops.
  14. Maybe that's what they meant by subjected/subject to change because they found out what it means in Italian?
  15. edit: Meant to edit this post and then posted what I meant to put in this edit.
  16. You should be able to do a fireball out of combat in PoE2. The update showing Neketaka has Aloth pranking some performers (not sure with what spell) and in the E3 vid, we see a fireball being used out of combat to clear a blockage. Also, there was one Josh Sawyer teaser video showcasing the directional positioning when casting something. Yes, the possibilities of the use of magic outside of combat are unlimited, but we're limited by what we can do in the game engine.
  17. Because it's expected? They already changed them once, so..... Remember Eder being called Edair during the beta? Well, I don't 'remember' as I wasn't there, but others have said that. Read the second line of my post. Oh. Maybe they were poking fun at themselves? They seem to do that on occasion. *shrug*
  18. Tsundere and yandere have no meaning to me because I don't know what they're supposed to mean. For whatever reason, I guess Lindsey thought we were interpreting it wrong or the way she didn't want it to be interpreted and decided to change it, that's her prerogrative as an artist.
  19. I suppose the issue of not being able to reduce the might attribute (or any attribute for that matter) beyond a certain point (on character creation that is) is that it can cause problems for the game? I get it from a roleplay standpoint, but would it work from a programming or game design standpoint? Though most of the argument here seems to be the semantics of it rather than the implementation of it.
  20. Because it's expected? They already changed them once, so..... Remember Eder being called Edair during the beta? Well, I don't 'remember' as I wasn't there, but others have said that.
  21. Gonna take a wild guess and say that a lot of people (this forum included) thought she looked really serious and Obsidian decided to make her look a bit less serious. but its nice to have serious people. True, nothing wrong with having serious people, but I guess that's not how Lindsey intended Ydwin to be portrayed or decided it was giving the wrong impression. The comments about looking like a vampire might have been part of it. As I said, Fessina's serious look has a bit of "I don't give a *bleep*." to it.
  22. I thought it was fine before as well and it's equally fine now. If Lindsey wants to change it due to feedback, that's up to her.
  23. Why even are we talking about 12 person parties? I doubt anybody thinks that is even close to reasonable, or even practical. Besides, there aren't 11 compnions, there are 7 companions with four of them being sidekicks that have even less content to them than PoE1 companions. ^This. Without actual play experience, we can't evaluate whether five is fine for PoE2 or if it needs to be moved back to six.
  24. Activist judge gonna activist. The travel ban is really blatantly political and not based on any sort of actual threat. That compounded with the way that the admin has been touting it before and the way it was done previously doesn't help them. Pretty sure some Republican judges did the same thing under Obama for ACA....
  25. Well, as Smijjames mentioned many users, me included, were pointing out that she looked too tired I see that Lindsey also slightly adjusted the background and her clothing. I don't think she looked too tired. Sort of looks like maybe her skin was made less ashen, which is probably what inspired the vampire comparisons. Although she does look a little tired in this iteration, her eyes do at least. Critics gonna be critics. Does look better than previously though. Basically Lindsey paid attention to criticism and adjusted how the devs want her to be percieved. Fessina is now the somewhat serious one, but it's a "I don't give a *bleep*." sort of serious.
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