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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Except you're talking about DnD, PoE1 and 2 aren't DnD. That's the difference between talking about DnD and something like Baldurs Gate or Pillars of Eternity. Again, what's with the fixation on pre-buffing? The OP wasn't fixated on pre-buffing.
  2. To agree with Lephys here, not sure why there is a fixation on pre-buffing since the origional posts point was to increase the options for doing stuff.
  3. Not sure if bug or just funny moment. Definetly funny though.
  4. TR was a man of his time, like a lot of historical figures. He had views that today would certainly be considered racist in a patronizing way. That we think differently now says something about us, not him. $20 says whoever did it thought he was a civil war general and had no clue who he was. http://nypost.com/2017/10/26/teddy-roosevelt-statue-doused-in-red-paint/ Wouldn't think you'd be much of a fan of Teddy since he wanted government oversight in pretty much everything. Irony much? heh.
  5. I assume that was at an airshow because that is pretty flashily painted for a combat helicopter.
  6. Someone is definetly trying to hide something.....
  7. One can also 'prebuff' out of combat when trying to get some conversation option or get through something, I've done that a bunch of times.
  8. I think everybody is fine with the historical site markers and battlefield memorials as long as they're in context
  9. Is Abjuration-Alteration the two types that the spell school has or is Abjuration the spell school and Alteration is the group of spells that it can't use? Illusion-Necromancery is the wierd one out here though.... *goes off to find the wiki for Baldurs Gate*
  10. The vast majority of those confederate statues aren't even artifacts of the Civil War though and were put up for a completely different reason than simply memoralizing the Civil War. So, calling them artifacts is dubious unless you put them in the proper context, which isn't the Civil War.
  11. Well, theres 'biological gender (which gets murky when you get into cases like having two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, and birth abnormalities)' and theres 'cultural gender', one isn't a social construct and one is. All in all, both that and abortion boil down to a cultural and political fight that ignores science on both sides in both my sense and your sense.
  12. Which 'denies established science' are you aiming at the Democrats? I know it's a political jab, but at least try to make some sense.
  13. Well, if there re any balance or utility or useability problems, they should get sorted out in the backer beta. I think Boeroer is among those going into the backer beta? In any case, I'm sure there are lots of people well experienced in RPG mechanics and stuff in it.
  14. @guard dog: Funny how that works out for you..... Also, I thought Trump didn't want them to touch the 401(k) stuff? The tax reform has nothing to do with spending, that's all decided in the budget, but they seem to be making a budget shortfall in the tax stuff without doing anything about spending, thus the debt keeps going up (because they aren't making as much money). They still have to deal with a debt ceiling, except it's been postponed to March next year I believe.
  15. Paladin of some sort? I see the scales on the breastplate. Where did you get that image from anyway?
  16. He's just joining a long tradition of directors/project leads inserting cameos into their work.
  17. Dang, he's ambitious all right. I guess all it took for Saudi Arabia to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the state that it's in is some fresh royal blood, and I don't mean in the sacrificial sense. That megacity though... I wonder what the Egyptians and Jordanians would have to say about that. Also, looking at Google Maps, such a city would have to either bridge the Red Sea or circle around the northern tip of the Red Sea, meaning that he might have to include the southern tip of Israel.
  18. It'd help if those third parties didn't do crappy candidates, and easier if the third parties went from the ground up (local, then state, then federal state, then top) rather than aiming straight for the top every time.
  19. I don't see how that's crazy, just calling as it is, Trump has some liberal leanings, but he isn't a 'true conservative' either. Anyways, if they end up nominating someone like Kelli Ward, the Dems will have it easy, or at least easier time doing it. Unfortunate that more Republican politicians won't speak out....
  20. Because it's unfeasible and unreasonable. What are the odds that someone, somewhere will be triggered by pedestrian things not directly related to trauma? This is exactly why you have cancer warning labels on cigarette packs but not on literally every cup of hot beverage served anywhere, despite both being carcinogenic. Cancer is cancer, but chances that someone will get it from one thing are greater than from the other. Ultimately, someone has to fully arbitrarily decide where to draw the line. Feel free to push in either direction, of course. *pushes in a direction*
  21. If the Republicans choose someone like Kelli (sp?) Ward, it'll make it a heck of a lot easier for the Democrats to grab that seat. edit: lel amentep, we're already changing topic.....
  22. SJWs going to ridiculous lengths with the trigger warnings may have something to do with that Amentep.
  23. Who's Alanis? Gfted1? Nice French name there.
  24. Guys, Putin is talking about robots while The Sun article sounds makes it sound like he is talking about flesh and blood soldiers. He has spoken that we should be careful with AI and it's a real thing to be concerned about. edit: Okay, he does mention genetic modification, but we aren't anywhere near that level of sophistication yet. Not to mention that said genetically manipulated person might not want to be a soldier in the first place.
  25. He's just mocking the whole trigger warning thing, though yeah he is leaning a bit hard on the mock part of it. Not that it makes him a bad moderator.... Plenty of other actual politics stuff to talk about....
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