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Everything posted by SChin

  1. Hello Nthaek, Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I submitted a report with the information you provided to the devs. In the meantime, I would suggest double checking your video card to see if there is an update that fixes the issue for you. If you notice any changes, please let me know in this thread as I will be linking it to the report for the devs to use as a reference. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the control issues you're running into. I put in a report for this so the team can investigate this. I was curious if the game recognizes the controllers while they're plugged in and not in wireless mode or if they still have the issue. If you notice any changes, please continue to post information about them here as I will be linking this thread to the report as a reference for the devs. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience the controller issues are causing.
  3. Hello Zero Kyrael, I'm sorry you are having these input issues. I was wondering what happens if you brought the game back to the first monitor you were using, if the issue was still present. Also, if you could try pressing Alt+Enter to force the game to swap between Fullscreen and Windowed to see if that fixes the issue. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  4. Hello sage, I'll let the team know that this is an issue for you to see if they can do something about it. if you notice any changes, please let me know in this thread as I will be linking it to the report I am making for the devs to use as a reference. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this has been causing.
  5. Hello Oran, I'm sorry that you've run into this issue getting stuck. We don't have an unstuck button, but we may be able to help if you can provide us with the save file for the team to use debug commands in their dev version of the game. If needed, you can find information on the save file locations here. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
  6. Hello Darkcyric, Thank you for letting us know about this issue. I added your information to a bug report we have made for the issue so the devs can use it during their investigation. Would you happen to have a save file where this is occurring that I could give to the team to use while looking into this? If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If you notice any changes, please let me know on this thread as I linked it to the report for the devs. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  7. Hey Wiseude, Thank you for getting that information to me. The link to YouTube wasn't working for me, but I attached the rest of the information you provided to a report I created for this issue. If you notice any changes, please add any additional information to this thread as I linked it to the report so the devs can see it during their investigation. Thanks again for your help with this issue!
  8. Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the silhouetted paperdoll issue you've all run into. I sent a report in to the devs with the information you provided for them to use while they investigate this issue. If you notice any changes, please continue to let us know in this thread as I linked it to the report to be used as a reference for the devs. Also, you may have already tried this, but I'd recommend making sure your graphics drivers are up to date. A likely thing you've all already done, but just in case I figured I'd suggest it. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
  9. Hey everyone, Thank you for reporting these stuttering and tearing issues. I submitted a report to the team so they can investigate the issue and try to get a fix in. If you happen to notice any changes, good or bad, please continue to post about it here as I linked this thread to the report as a reference for the devs during their investigation. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience the stutters and tears are causing during your playthrough.
  10. Hello Wiseude, I'm sorry you are getting these stuttering issues during your playthrough of The Outer Worlds. Would you mind providing me a bit of information to help us look into this issue? 1. A few locations where this issue is occurring. 2. Platform (PC, Xbox, PS4). 3. System Specifications (If on PC). 4. Save file where the issue is occurring. (Instuctions to find save files can be found here.) Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience these stuttering issues are causing.
  11. Hello Elygion! I compared the processors you mentioned and read the results from a great site that I like to use when comparing computer parts. From the looks of it, the CPU you have (8750) has more cores (or brains) to help split the work load the game will create, but it runs at a slower speed compared to the 7700 that is recommended. This being said is not terrible, you still have a decent device as it ranks 91 out of 1184 other devices and how the game will run will also depends on other hardware like the Graphics Card, RAM, and Storage Device. Your CPU also far exceeds the minimum requirement for the CPU. If all of your other hardware meets or exceeds the remaining recommendations, then I think you'll do quite well and be able to run most settings at Very High, if not Ultra. If you are interested in the comparison site I used to check the two CPUs, you can find the link I used below. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-8750H-vs-Intel-Core-i7-7700K/m470418vs3647 I hope this helps clarify things for you, but if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Thank you for reaching out to us and I hope you enjoy The Outer Worlds, fellow spacer!
  12. Hey everyone, Thank you for reporting these widescreen issues to us. I put a report together with the information you've provided so far for the Programming team to look into. If you discover anything else about the widescreen issues, please let me know in this thread so I can add that information to the report. Thank you, and sorry for the widescreen issues you are having.
  13. Hello Blockhead22, I'm sorry you are running into crash issues during your playthrough. Would you happen to have a save file where this is occurring that I can send to the team to help them investigate the issue? If needed, you can find instructions on where the save files are located here. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience these crashes are causing.
  14. Hey everyone, I'm sorry you are having trouble installing The Outer Worlds on your computers. I reported this to the team so they can investigate it and try to get a fix in as soon as possible. In the meantime, I would also contact Xbox support to see if they have seen this issue before so that you might be able to get it resolved sooner. If you discover anything else about this, please let us know so I can add the information into the report. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  15. Hey @ShadySands! That is rad, I was able to reproduce exactly as you mentioned Thanks for the heads-up on this! I'll have our programmer take a look into getting a fix.
  16. Praise be to Yevon! Thanks for the heads up @Boeroer! If you notice that it stops working for any reason, please let me know
  17. OK, it looks like the new fix is in, and should allow the timer to reset if the forums are visited before it expires. If this is still not working for you, please let me know. I'd recommend wiping your cookies for the forums as this is all done with cookies. Thanks everyone!
  18. Thanks Ethics, I appreciate the report! I'll check with the web programmer to see if he's making any progress on this. Sorry for the trouble :(
  19. Hmm, that's odd. My non-admin account seems to be updating the cookie when I visit the site a day later. I'll have our web developer look into this again. If you really need more editing capability for some reason (Maintaining a list, polls, etc), let one of the moderators know and they will look into this for you. Unfortunately the formatting or use of BBCode we can't do anything about for the reasons stated in my prior post, sorry Thanks for the feedback everyone
  20. Haha not yet, but very soon!
  21. Yikes! Sorry for the absence everyone! Sorry for the issues you've been having. Our web programmer was working to get the login time fixed and has officially submitted and integrated the fix. Anyone frequenting the forums or any of the other Obsidian sites shouldn't have to log in again so long as they return within 5 days of the last page they've visited. Anyone coming back after a 5 day hiatus will have to log back in, but that should be way better than the 24 hour window that wasn't updating prior. In regards to BBCode, unfortunately I don't believe Invision supports this feature anymore and are taking a WYSIWYG approach going forward. As a person who admittedly doesn't know much about BBCode, it seems that it is considered a bit of an older technology that more and more places are supporting less. I grabbed a forum thread from their site as I was looking into why this isn't an option for us anymore. If interested you can find that here. Lastly, edits. It looks like the timer on that is set to 7 days which would likely be enough time for most posts, but you make a solid case for polls and lists. The mods have been giving special editing capability to those that request it and have proven to be trustworthy of the capability (not trolls). Because I have interacted with Boeroer and AndreaColumbo a lot in the past, they have been granted this ability. Should someone be looking to make a list or a poll and need this ability in the future, feel free to reach out to me or a moderator about this and they will look into it for you. I think that covers the major points of concern. Sorry again for my absence. If you notice myself or any mods not responding promptly, please feel free to DM me as the notifications for those don't get drowned out by the flood of notifications I get from forum thread posts. Should these issues or any others remain, definitely let me know and I'll have it looked into as soon as possible Thanks again for keeping us appraised of these issues and for your patience!
  22. Hey everyone, Are we talking about the Private Division link in the Release Date and Pre-order post or the one on the website? Just curious because they're still working for me. They should direct folks to the link below. https://store.privatedivision.com/the-outer-worlds/order Thanks for the heads up!
  23. The feeling you get when Ethics knows more easter eggs than you do.
  24. Hello future Spacers, We hope you've heard the exciting news about the release date for The Outer Worlds coming to Xbox Game Pass, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC on October 25th, 2019. Not only that, but pre-orders are now available from the Private Division store! The Outer Worlds website has also been updated to showcase some of the cool companions, weapons, features, and areas. So, stop on by the site and check out all the cool new goodness, brought to you by the Halcyon Holdings Corporation! Noncompliance by HHC employees may result in docked pay. See you in the future!
  25. Hey everyone, Sorry to hear you are getting this issue again. Would you be able to send me a copy of your save files where this is occurring? I want to take a look and see what might be causing this issue and see if I can get you out of there. If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If you could send that to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference, that would be great. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing your playthroughs.
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