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Everything posted by Rolandur

  1. One hour ago, "in 30 minutes." F5 F5 F5 F5 lol
  2. You procrastinator scum! Go back the game right away and give us more islands! I'm procrastinator scum too! ha ....honestly though, while I have no direct problems with this company's crowdfunding [then and now], I'm just not big on the whole crowdfunding scene. With that said I have gifted the game (hero edition) six times and both me and my wife bought our own copies (hero and royal) so that puts me in the [above] Signed Elite Collectors pledge but no one will know that making my voice wimpy here. lol I look forward to gifting this game at a later date if it's as good as the first; I don't require knick-knacks.
  3. So drop a dragon into every encounter on PoTD? Got it. In all seriousness, I'll pass along the request to the system designers so you can be properly punished this time around. Many of the encounter changes we are making should vary up the tactics needed this time around as well. Are you guys considering addition of saving throws into PoE2 similar to say Bg2SoA? Isn't that the Fortitude, Will, Reflex checks? Or are you talking about old school saving throws like Save vs Wand or Save vs. Dragon Fart?
  4. If they're reasonable with themselves [and not us] ~3 months before release and if they're on the wacky tobacky in ~3 months (*cough* Torment; literally).
  5. That would of been my favorite ten extra chapters in the three four book series. the problem for most o' us is we suspect josh sawyer would agree with you. *shudder* HA! Good Fun! Ha! Well, I really do get it (not having background/lore to that extent) for this type of media but I really think they have a grand-slam here for a pretty unique world WHILE keeping roots in traditional. So for me the more the better.... but again, I get it from other perspectives. Maybe they can have a toggle [ X ] No Lore, More Drinking & Fighting. lol
  6. It all sounds kind of optional to me, the way I read it, so it shouldn't be of too much concern. Plus the longer people play, add challenge (or make the game easier with options) to the game the more people will buy, gift it, and stay on the radar through word of mouth, more inquiries, more posts on forums giving the game a longer lifespan. And all of that can add up to expansions and more content in other forms ~cough~ TTRPG, PoE3, more lore books & novels, and other ventures and every % longer people play is every % closer to more.
  7. That would of been my favorite ten extra chapters in the three four book series.
  8. The best remedy would be a two keybinds correlated to Up, Down when tapped (50-150ms) and Max Volume or Mute when held (400ms is usually good) on the same Up, Down keybindings. I found those particular timings work fantastic in many applications I've made.
  9. Well, that sucks. The world'll be destroyed by then.
  10. I know it may sound weird...I've just took a look at my table of base attack/recovery logged values, plus some old spreadsheet of frapsed data of [dagger+shield] vs [dagger+bashing_shield] and it looks like: - when you make an attack with main-hand, it is not considered as dual-wielding, and you get the Single1H penalty for that hand. - when you make an attack with off-hand that holds a bashing shield, you do not get that penalty. I will retest it later, but for now can say that attacks with bashing shield have the same recovery as attacks with an offhand dagger while dual-wielding. Main-hand through has the recovery as if not dual-wielding. In any case: at zero-recovery bashing shield is still a dps loss. Are you manually extracting the combat log text and using the frames as time-stamp data points? This shows how lazy I am asking for a way to write the combat logs to a text file with CPU millisecond time-stamps so I can automate parsing. =)
  11. They could balance the game to level our characters appropriately only for the main quest-line then have an optional toggle to [ X ] Shut Off Side Quest Experience. That would produce the results some seek to keep the Chapter Difficulties in line and [by having the optional side quest exp. off] would keep the ease of combat in-line with those that like their end game easier because the characters became overpowered. No need to fiddle with the creature/bestiary experience awards.
  12. The cartographer in me wants maps, maps, and more maps. I want to see the whole world from the Living Lands to the White that Wends to the birthplace of elves north of Aedyr to historical maps of Vailian before the Republics south of the current Dyrwood... and of course the Deadfire islands stretching from [north of] the equator to Naasitaq in the south. *Is the Deadfire Archipelago between Eastern Reach and the Aedyr Empire?
  13. I'll be the punching bag [in the sense I'll not reply back for rebuttal after this post] but I loved the lore-dumps and the Bombadil Writing PoE1 had. I couldn't get enough of descriptions of what was happening around the character and the backstory some of the companions told. Some game sessions I either solely looked for more books for lore or caught up with companion text focusing on them to proceed their dialogue. I never found any of the writing long winded (not that anyone here out right said this) and found they provided just enough to want more (though apparently it's just me in this boat). With that said, I get it, progress through narrative usually focuses on present events and current story in today's video games to keep everything moving without being inundated with description and flavor. By doing that they will have a larger player-base. I truly believe this is mandatory these days to be successful to make part III., IV., etc
  14. NewGame+ would be odd, being they had very distinct and specific reason to start us at level 1 in the first place and adding two more levels (to 20) is as odd as the first level cap increase because more character levels [should] mean more content but the Level Cap Increase is never announced alongside More Content. So if it was intended for level 16 to have challenge late game increasing it to 18 will make it easier... now potentially going to level 20 will make it trivial wouldn't it. UNLESS everything scales. Anyways, it's neither of those two now, right? I got nothin' refreshing except my next cup of coffee.
  15. Just can't play it on the By-tor network. ~grins~
  16. Do you mean the investors? That shows at $998,000 atm which is kind of close to your (440 * 2406).
  17. Looking at your avatar it seems they are touching you right now. ~laughs~
  18. For my 2nd, non-serious [about story-line], min-max play-through I'd let you name all the classes for my game! =) 18th Level Hobo Gypsy Annihilator
  19. Aside from potential detrimental effects of storms/weather, if that makes it in game, there could also be other beneficial effects like the Wizard not having to use Empower with Lightning spells if there's a heavy rainstorm and that character naturally gets the Empowered effect while casting in such weather... of course their enemies should too.
  20. I really like the notion that NPC quest givers and quest objective NPC's will have a schedule and will not always be in the same spot and have a [more] realistic life; be it going to the inn, sleeping, or tasked with other things around their town/region. It never sat well with me in most games and to a degree with PoE1 that some NPC's were just standing around forever and ever. For instance there's a quest from Dunryd Row an Orlan gives you quest to question three people and three missing persons. You can always find these three individuals to question in the same spot always and after you question them they stay there. It really detracts from the overall 'living world' to me reducing immersion and realism (the ultimate scary word of the decade in all RPG's). Another case of this [in a way] is that It's those kind's NPC's-have-a-life-too details I really enjoy and hope they build many more like this into PoE2. While I would love to explain more on why I like to have this concept in the game I ALSO know why it's not done and going into more detail then explained already... I might as well go lambast myself in the mirror instead. haha!
  21. Support this option as well but on the other hand I like the feature as well so I'll just throw this out there: instead of a toggle we have a color_slider. This slider at max shows the hyperlinks like normal in the chosen color but scale down to 0 it changes the color_value to normal text color. Therefore if we put it on say 10% it would show as a hyper link still but it would *almost* be the same color as normal text that surrounds it making it far less distracting.
  22. I personally will be calling my Paladin/Thief a Kleptoschiziac. I'll just yell it at my screen though being [my wife says] that's my full-time hobby lately.
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