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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Well, arrived at Neketaka. He immediately starts the convo about the slavers being dead, so far so good... and the quest finishes without issue. He does mention sending in a fleet NOW to Cookspur to keep order, which seems odd seeing that happened right after starting the quest (and likely if I didn't kill Crookspur yet after leaving that island, still before that dialogue?) Anyway, no way to proceed Valian, Royal nor Principi questlines now, I hope there's just some condition missing to continue those and I didn't break all 3 with one Crookspur visit.
  2. Though I have literally no idea where I picked it up. Randomly searched for pistols (sorting please?) and noticed I had 2 different stacks for the Exceptional Pistol. One with 4 (good ones) and the broken one. Can't say where I picked it up since I didn't notice any strange pickups. Attached save; https://www.dropbox.com/s/pemldabfgn6uju5/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28CryptInterior%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28771148672%29.rar?dl=0
  3. Sand Swept Ruin - This conversation has 3(!) typo's in a single conversation block. Haven't seen that before... scored should be scorned one been should be once been it has surely better days should be it has surely seen better days
  4. Used this spot to get a bunch of XP before, so I know they're suppose to give it. But now that I return with better perception and mechanics, suddenly it turns out I get no XP at all any more. However the traps at the start, and after this giant patch DO give XP upon disabling, even being much lower level. What's going on? Attached savegame of returning; https://www.dropbox.com/s/iodjx95hwciyta5/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28SandsweptRuins%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28769677611%29.rar?dl=0
  5. So far 100% of the cases it'll spawn ALL of them. So if it's supposed to be a selection I think they broke that. But good to know I can make it considerably easier on myself then for future encounters.
  6. About the boarding, not the actual combat (is this thread the proper place for discussion of that too?) Anyone knows if leveling and gearing non-party members helps out? I got everyone level 1, ungeared except my party, with the exception of Maia (since I use her high perception to spot stuff I know is there but Serafen can't find). Would actually leveling them and gearing them actually help out during the combat sections, and I crippled myself so far? Or do they just use some default stats. Guess I should give Maia some passive boost gear and see if it's active during ship combat next time, but if anyone knows...
  7. I massively agree itemnisation is greatly improved. PoE1's loot was MASSIVELY dissapointing since every item was just a sum of parts you could craft yourself. Nothing unique to find, interesting to find. When a dungeon ends with "oh, just saved some crafting components... meh" rather than "Ooooh, cool new item" you failed. So I'm very happy PoE2 departed from that, even if enchanting the existing items could do with a big UI upgrade so I don't need to reload 4 times, make 4 screenshots and compare those outside of the game to make an educated decision which to pick. Which I'm not really interested to do often... As such I won't really support re-adding that system again to non-uniques. I've yet to find a better sword (65 hours in), while I got her around the, what... 15 hour mark. 50 hours use of a sword? How much better do you want it than that?
  8. Aaaaaaaw, I missed the furry moolahs. Such a shame... such a shame. [Racism] Hassat Hunter dissaproves of Obsidians censoring of nekkid Orlans with a frown
  9. 'Sir doesn't have a closing apostrophe. (Marofeto Liano) Pretty sure it's bare FEET, nor bare FEAR. Pretty sure that's supposed to be dent, not rent.
  10. When talking to Marofeto about training, the option to accept is missing, as can be seen here; I haven't tried to see if it's available if he didn't hand over his amulet. Attached savegame at the start of Sakaya (shared in a few other bugreports here;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  11. Finished Overgrowth, got the Clearing out Crookspur quest to report in Neketaka. I had already cleaned out Crookspur (but didn't report back to the Valians or Aeldys yet to finish those quests). When going to the worldmap, the fleet surrounded Crookspur, a boat approached me very rapidly. The dialogue made it seem it happened on the shore of Crookspur (it did not) and various references to already having talked to Atsura (I had not). The quest didn't continue or end, so I have no idea if it has any other influences rather than just feel hugely out of place. Will update it once I report back to Atsura and see how this quest would have proceeded. Sorry, didn't kept a savegame onboard :/
  12. In Sayuka you can find Tipa and Wetu arguing. Agreeing with one can give a minor reputation increase for the Huana or RDC respectfully. This conversation can be repeated infinitely. Attached savegame at the start of Sakaya (shared in a few other bugreports here;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  13. Laughing; Whispering to Tebe (should be unlocked in attached savegame) about the Undersecretary. Wordly when talking to Fleet Master Okaya; "what does the RDC hope to achiev?" "I've studied its history" Attached savegame at the start of Sakaya (shared in a few other bugreports here;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  14. I'll attach my latest save, though it doesn't look my party composition should make much difference since it showed the same for all party members; https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  15. I'm pretty sure I found the cause of this; https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104053-hazunui-karu-vo-gets-interrupted-by-weapon-master/ Savegame's in said topic. Yeah, that's it :/
  16. I hate it. Instant boarding for me, not going to waste time with a minigame that's basically shoot, jibe, hold, shoot, jibe, hold. Wow, such fun. The one thing I COULD see myself do is do this to lower their crew for boarding... BUT... for some reason they can heal their people in combat (no such thing for your side). Making shooting above-deck entirely pointless. Why? Who thought that was a good idea? 1. Same on narrator, but fortunately she's quite after the prologue bar some sparring "chapter changes". Which are okay. 2. Nope 3. It's a good thing from Tyranny. Rather than learning a billion terms in your head like PoE1 you can just look up stuff from time to time. I barely scroll over anymore at all, except if they speak in an unknown language (and it's good it can actually do that now). 4. I'm so-so on it. I wish they had seperate UI for food and drink, islands provide food for +1 morale, but drink of -1 morale as drops :/. Also cooks make food consumption (which is easier to find) more managable, but drink consumption not (while being less frequent). That seems a bit odd to me.
  17. Event claims Nia was the injured party stealing grog due to their injuries; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1449958385 Infact Worthless Idiot was the injured party; https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1449958758
  18. Sadly enough I only got savegames from way before setting foot on the island, or after finishing the "city" portion of the island already.
  19. IIRC this one should be right there at Tikiwara; https://www.dropbox.com/s/3q4u5o9l2yg9d42/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28DeadfireArchipelago%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28764690201%29.rar?dl=0
  20. Killing the Slavers in the Dungeon gives -Slaver reputation. However killing any on the courtyard or the Fort, heck the leader, does nothing. Also oddly enough clearing out the courtyard (not the fort yet) then freeing the slaves spawned a whole slew of new corpses to loot in the courtyard.
  21. That seems to work, but I still rather have it sorted by category than having to go waist, ring, head, feet for every character for clothing rather than just have them handly sorted side-by-side...
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