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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Attached savegame I used for testing killing her; https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsx2ujvk6s2u5rm/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28TheBrassCitadel%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28773869452%29.rar?dl=0
  2. I probably missed the "true unique" items then under the myriad of bs like this; [images] This is how I remember PoE1's itemnisation... 3 years later. Maybe it wasn't that bad, but my memory is the items were attrocious, loot was junk and not fun at all, and the single worst thing of PoE1 was the lootsystem, thanks to enchanting. I can safely say none of these are the case for PoE2, which makes me very very happy, and EXTREMELY hesistant to return to the old times where I have such unpleasant memories of.
  3. You've been tricked. Easily over 90% of unique weapons had something you COULDN'T enchant yourself. In the base game or White March? I know they tried to improve their system in White March but it was too late, too little. Don't know if they retro-actively added more interesting stuff to the base game, probably not. The only loot-related thing remotely interesting to find in PoE1 was pets. Which didn't even have stats, they were just better since it was some reward that wasn't just "craft-components X and Y". You've been tricked. Easily over 90% of unique weapons had something you COULDN'T enchant yourself. Facts. PoE1's unique items were not necessarily compelling, but they were unique. Can't recall finding ANY in the base game. A few in White March but since I levelscaled since end-game save, and the loot didn't scale, they weren't all that enticing either. Exploring in PoE1 was extremely unrewarding due to the lack of good loot to be found, something PoE2 fortunately doesn't suffer from with every location to explore generally giving an unique item, which are interesting by not being just the sum of crafting parts. God I hate PoE1's crafting making loot 100% obsolete. Please this.Generic enchantments were usually weaker(as they should be, even making the unique versions of lash 5% stronger would have been enough to distinguish them) they allowed players to make usable(not necessarily good, but the game isnt a competition) characters that could finish the game with a weapon type that had no, or few uniques. Shouldn't be a shock I disagree. Even if the crafting allows weaker versions of unique's, it would ruin the unique's, well, unique-ness. Oh wow, 10% instead of 5%... yaaaay. Please, if there's anything from PoE1 I never EVER want again it's the loot system. Utter utter garbage. That isn't to say we can use more uniques from certain weapon types indeed. Or even some items overall. While my entire team is decked in superb, Aloth still has one Exceptional and one Fine(!) wand since apparently, nobody uses wands in this world except fine's :/ If the choice is "make more uniques" or "re-invent the system that made PoE1's loot the least interesting in a RPG EVER" I go for #1. Oh, and improve the enchantment UI of course, that's definitely needed too.
  4. But said effect seems also broken; Why stop discussion if nothing about this seems to work as intended?
  5. Where so? All I see is "It's seperate since one gives prone and other knockback"... we already established that is not the case. So basing 'it's intended' on THAT alone is out of the question.
  6. This one should be closest to Neketaka (and have all of them alive); Attached savegame at the start of Sakaya (shared in a few other bugreports here;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  7. I get this even if I do not own the Spyglass item (upon finding the map and leaving the island);
  8. Which is odd since she's the Valian Trading Company Bounty Hunting quest dispensor. Probably a muck-up since she's not on a Valian dominated map;
  9. Makes little sense since it's immune already and is lacking an icon like all other abilities.
  10. Seems it IS possible to have 5 stars... although this is likely a bug. Recruited the Cannoneer in Nekataka and this is how she joins my crew; So is that a bug, or the 4 star cap? Hmmm... (And yes, leveling my crew made a major difference and makes boarding just that much easier)
  11. Sorry for any mistakes I might have made (non-native English speaker here)... Having said that, latest finds; Pretty much everything calls him Embeta (without the ~ at the e, my windows doesn't even allow it :/). So either fix all these instances, or just rename him Embeta, problem solved. In case you pick option #1 though; Another quest with an enter too many after it's name; Cat says all enemy weapon attacks, but it's just enemy MELEE weapon attacks;
  12. Same for the Flame Nãga Sorceror (Flamewalker Vessali). Apparently Forgemaster Tythus in Drowned Barrows does give this. The Sentinels there give Maurader +1's and the Disciple's Archer +1's. Uvaala also increments this by +1, so I guess it's just the Flamewalker that's bugged.
  13. Seems this is the only savegame I got after killing Crookspur and before reporting my "success" in Neketara. Attached savegame at the start of Sakaya (shared in a few other bugreports here;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep6pqnwl5djsq0r/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28Sayuka%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28768663991%29.rar?dl=0
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g3brvj528zapy86/Hassat%20Hunter%20%28GlowingOutcrop%29%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20%28771199636%29.rar?dl=0 Just leave the Island and head west, should hit it pretty much instantly.
  15. Welp, so much for that theory. Killing Aenia closes ALL quests not completed for her yet. Same for Udita. And that should be all bounty quest givers murdered for testing. EDIT: Oh right there's one more. But I already finished all her quests so can't test her right now :/
  16. Killing Fleet Master Wakoyo doesn't close any quests. Seems it's the fractions ones that are broken?
  17. Updates: Nungata: Killing her closes the quest she's last given you. Okauru: Closes ALL quests not completed for her yet.
  18. Time to randomly murder other bounty quest givers later on to check them for me...
  19. Anything on this jlee? Considering Mule Kick definitely doesn't do pushback?
  20. Fairly quick to see if you see the last entry, and then read the "finishing note".. I also gained a minor reputation increase with the Vailians... probably shouldn't have with this ending, right?
  21. The Derelict Ship (South ofthe Black Isle Bastards) gives you 2x the 8 hour spent, physicker belt, 26 supplies if you enter and use strength to open the hold.
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