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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. *Started the Shrewd Proposition line with the principi. *Continued the Vailian storyline. Got "Of Like Minds"... already curious that during my conversations I couldn't tell I knew Furrente *Reaching Dunnace and talking the conversation very awkwardly omits I already know literally everything being said. *Leaving the island I get a missive from Aeldys, I press "read", nothing happens. Turns out it's a second copy of the letter I got before due to Shrewd Proposition. Clearly these storylines weren't made to run alongside each other well, or if they were, something broke making it not properly recognising you're already on that storyline.
  2. Pretty much the title. When talking to her again it just repeats her cell convo (including "behind bars") and if you tell her to be free, she returns to the cells again before running outside again. Don't have a save since I didn't expect this and saving while she's running if you load it removes her entirely.
  3. The mouse-over and right-click menu add the +2 of Protective Runes to the armor rating, while it shouldn't. It's correct on the inventory itself, as can be seen in the bottom left (although it's lacking the +2 to spells, so is that working at all???).
  4. Should be luminous adra, not just luminous success in the region predate that (region is missing)
  5. Basically title I want to find another sabre? Look over all weapon items. All medium armor? Look over all armor items. All rings? Look over all clothing items. Why is the most logical sorting option missing?
  6. Making it rather hard to decide wheter or not I want to use said item. EDIT: Also seems a base element of pistols. No idea what it does.
  7. While mousing over a weapon if dual-wielding shows both stats (even if clicking "compare" on the right-click window only opens one weapon) rings only show one of the 2 rather than both?
  8. Talking to her several lines, apparently at random got interrupted. One of them could be repeated, and worked a second time, odd. Ending the conversation I noticed the conversation log being filled with Weapon Master quotes. It's fairly likely whenever his lines appear, the Hazunui gets interrupted. https://www.dropbox.com/s/snmg0oqeoy8wxmp/Hassat%20Hunter%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20autosave_0.rar?dl=0
  9. Sadly enough, I do not have a savegame anymore remotely near it :/
  10. Originally uploaded for another issues, this one should do here aswell as I got both of them without switching to another map; https://www.dropbox.com/s/ck7y0kajzx6r9v2/Hassat%20Hunter%20%2849dc7103-0c8e-4082-b3fb-1595c7877944%29%20autosave_2.rar?dl=0
  11. Small one; Coen's Training is given by Co'en. Should be Co'en's Training.
  12. Freed the captives in the town, approached the Broodmother and the "released them" conversation triggered, finishing the quest and giving me a necklace. Afterwards I can talk to the Broodmother and she will tell me how her hatchlings are captured (even if they are no longer), and the conversation even mentions her wearing the necklace she just gave me.
  13. Once, okay... but twice... that's just curious. Crashed the first time leaving the encounter with the dank spore. Reloading that it allowed me to progress, entered the fishies area, tried leaving that, crash once more... :/ Attached are the 2 crashfolders, and my last few saves on the island. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nrhpsc2mo1rghwg/Pillars%20of%20Eternity%20II.rar?dl=0
  14. Probably has to do with the store being shared with Vektor, a Vailian. While I get a -5% discount on my night sleep with Himuihi due to my rep with the village, I get a +10% penalty on the storefront as result.
  15. That sounds like a bug to me actually. An upgrade where the tiny graphical difference causes a gameplay glitch? If it's supposed to be Pushback as Jlee says, it's definitely not working as that, which again would make it a bug (but then please also adjust the description to properly reflect it's a pushback).
  16. Yes, it's the auto-save entering the area, Pim's about 5 steps away from the entrance.
  17. You through your paces, not your through your paces. Should I be happy (VO is correct). There needs to be [Lie] infront of this line. Unless of course the same string is used for both lying and truth, in which cases it's more than a simple text-error?
  18. I have given it a bit of testing, and I can't find any "pushback" what so ever. The description also don't mention this either, only Knock Up, which as far as I can tell doesn't do much rather than change the animation, the enemy will still be prone in the spot at the same location. So from what I can tell, yes, Mule Kick is 100% a numerical upgrade of Knock Down
  19. 2 appears after asking 1, both give the exact same answer. 1 probably should be gone after asking it once?
  20. Still got this issue in 1.2 She got regular palm stone, but no unripened :/
  21. Edit; nvm. Seems almost every location opens the worldmap without icons, just barren. Haven't found any other maps that open it by default when visiting though, my bad.
  22. From what I gather it's the members in your current party. I normally travel with just Sarafen out of all of them, so he was the only one missing. Took Maia along for her quest, then he and she were missing. The pattern became quickly obvious from then.
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