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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Thanks, I'll give it a try. Looked under "PoE 1 History" and found nothing and with that option gone after the intro... didn't continue far enough to get a prompt. EDIT: Worked. Though kinda annoying I had to do it twice getting the non-standard ending.
  2. I'm looking for an answer for this too for Steam. It doesn't seem to auto-read my PoE1 file, and I still have that game installed too.
  3. If it's any help it seems the DLC is listed as being aquired at the same date I "pre-ordered" (2nd of March)
  4. There a "misc" graphical option... which also has NO overlay what the heck it actually does. So, what DOES it do? And you probably want to have it be told by mouseover since the name is as vague as can be...
  5. After the pre-load was done 45M later the DLC still wasn't there, just the pre-order one. Considering the 2 items likely would be from that pack not something downloaded on the backer portal (which don't list them at all). If not they still should be a seperate DLC listed, which isn't the case :/ Thanks for looking into it!
  6. Might be a Steam issue (probably is); just mentioning. First tried it ingame when the prompt appeared, it wanted to know if Steam was installed so that didn't work. Tried in Steam client instead and clicking 'download' launched the game. Only when I closed it (AGAIN) did the 1.6MB download with the actual DLC install.
  7. Reached 100% then suddenly went back 25% and now has a timer (that keeps increasing. 1.30H now). No DL still EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand... it's done.
  8. http://eternity.obsidian.net/account/products
  9. Posted this in General but I guess it's more suitable for here... According to my Pledge page I should have all that content the Explorer Pack contains, but apparently I do not own it. Only the pre-order bonus DLC was added up release just now. What about this extra missing content???
  10. It's decompiling the pre-load. The time is pretty crazy though, yeah.
  11. Takes ages to decompile... then I assume first day patch. Wonder how big that'll be after the initial 16.9GB.
  12. According to my Pledge page I should have all that content the Explorer Pack contains, but apparently I do not own it. Only the pre-order bonus DLC was added up release just now. What about this extra missing content??? (Also no keys for the Season Pass on the pledge page? -EDIT: Those got added)
  13. Well, it WOULD be super-scummy if people buying it now and finding this later cannot get this stuff anymore, I don't think it should ever be going offline (unless replaced by a steampackage adding all items free on demand). Doesn't really have anything to do with the code-distribution itself.
  14. But will I be haunted by the spirit of Cosmo FOREVER for playing the game on release rather than whenever they care to release the final code?
  15. Cutting it awefully close. 20 hours left - still 9 codes? So if this extends past release, is that final item dropped when we get all keys, or you need to start an entire new game. This is why I hate this stuff...
  16. Is the issue really GOG? I mean, does the physical disk version of the game gets something out of the treasure hunt? If not, you can't really blame GOG can you since the physical disk doesn't have a storefront, it's pure Obsidian itself.
  17. I'm late to the party, but just adding +1. And if pets really got stats, I repeat what I said for PoE, I hope that's not tied to the creature. I really don't want to have to abandon the pet I want for the bonus rather than using the pet I do want to have around but it might have a really bad boon. After sending them to the ship, wandering about being able to swap them on the spot from a list as someone suggested here sounds good too.
  18. THIS. However, it seems not quite as bad as it's an ingame unlock code. Still, a cheatcoded pet reward somewhat limits the reward of unlocking them ingame, another potential loot-drop worked on taken out of the game for no good reason. And if PoE2's loot system is as bad as PoE1's, with the cosmetic pets about the only thing interesting to receive or find, that would be such a shame. Hopefully the code just unlocks the pet, still requiring work. Not just drop it off in your inventory as most DLC items. Still, why lock it behind a code then... ugh. I wasn't hoping for this from Obsidian of all people.
  19. Because it's basically on-disk DLC but instead of paying for it, you need to jump hoops. Why not just give everyone access? No issues with GOG vs. Steam either. It's just part of the whole "cut out to pre-order / tie to a promotional site" etc. Maybe I'm just spiffy since playing Mankind Divided for the first time and it has that one-time DLC, and immediately starting I find an object you need to scan with a mobile phone to get bonusses ingame. Like... where the hell is gaming going to. Makes me sad to see such micro-promotional in my backed games too. Did we really back for them to put work in items and then lock them away from a large subsection of people? Didn't WE complain about that ourselves about such practices in the past. DA:O for example got super-insane with this ****.
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