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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Poster logic "Things are too easy if I get to level 14 early." "We should totally remove the cap, that should make it harder!" Me:
  2. You can also use Paypal: http://larian.com/kickstarter-divinity-original-sin-2-paypal/
  3. Hopefully that means it's fixed. I will give it another try if the game gets patched
  4. Well, I'm anti-social too IRL, and look here. That's not even taking into account my posts from my previous account XD. And then on Steam, DS and stuff for KOTOR2 things also very active. It's far easier to be 'social' on a forum than in real life.
  5. http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/139-whats-restored-in-tslrcm/ (Does not fix the numerous bugfixes, also not complete) As for the droid planet: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/579-m4-78-enhancement-project/
  6. Or if you don't know the answer click 'exit puzzle', read the hints, then solve the puzzle? It's not like you're locked into that screen with no way out till you resolve it.
  7. My main is a Barbarian. And I can play just fine still. Again, you put words and actions into the community which are only representative of yourself. Stop trying to talk for all of us. Yes, there are bugs. Yes, some can annoy. No, none are gamebreaking. And yes, of course we're going to call you out on it if you make a thread were you proclaim bugs as minor as the "accuracy display" as gamebreaking and that no-one can finish the game due to them and this is the buggiest game ever. Grow up. Play more games. Stop being so darn ignorant. Still complete bull****.
  8. Heh, I still care about KOTOR2's story even on the 50th playthrough. If I didn't well... who in their right mind would play KOTOR2 for it's combat. But I can understand not wanting to play it again numbercrunching min-maxing and with a team of purely tuned super-heroes. Heck, I wouldn't want to play the game like that once... Also for an universually rejected XP I seem to see a LOT of Durlags Tower love, a lot of it on these forums too. Actually Durlag is better than Watcher's Keep was the unanimous agreement I think.
  9. As I already briefly stated on, sadly, no I cannot be ignored if you don't want to use it. Imagine playing Baldur's Gate II, getting that +5 Greatsword from Firkraag. Does that feel awesome. Yes it does. Now imagine playing Pillars of Eternity, where your "awesome loot" basically comes down to what it's pre-enchanted with. Found that cool new item? Just a sum of parts. Sorry, but I don't see even ignoring the crafting how making loot instead of unique, varied and wanted to just a "sum of it's parts" whoop-die-doo it doesn't really matter anymore what you recover is an improvement. It definitely doesn't count as improvement to me. Quite au-contraire. Yay for unique loot, down with "just pre-enchanted 5/12 drop!" bs.
  10. I'm going to assume this post is one big mocking of the OP, right? My sarcasm detector has been bugged lately. Fortunately BugsVendor is on the job. It doesn't work and I use Windows 7. Now you should fix it DAMMIT! What more could you possible want to know? Sorry, but working on The Sith Lords and then going to PoE it's like going from Sodom and Gomorrah to Eden. Sure, there's that apple "glitch" but it's hardly making it the same as you make it out to be.
  11. I know someone of this forums who will now give 10K to Larian... come on, we know you want to! You know I'm talking about you! Show Larian the money!
  12. Yes they do. Tab shows up all 4 magnifier glasses right next to the door... the "clues"...
  13. That would be because Steam doesn't save cursors on Screenshot. Attached save and outputlog of a savegame travelling back to that destination. While outside of combat it works differently, it's probably the same underlying issue. As soon as you load the save (upperleft in 1920x1080) just selecting Harvias or Kana through their portrait they will immediately run of to trigger the waterfall investigation. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qguu43rmpzcne5m/Selection%20Issue.rar?dl=0
  14. Checking it out again it does seem an unmentioned reward of 10cp is given. Which is still pretty insignificant compared to the 3000cp the other bounty at that 'tier' gave. I'm not sure you still need my save since your reply has been updated, but attaching it none-the-less: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4cf751pvsh7dun/Meztla%20Bug.rar?dl=0
  15. Didn't had a save inbetween exploring the exterior and completing it, the first before the map was undiscovered. I tried the battle a few times again using the latest save they still lived; and this time everytime they could walk around the rock without any issues.
  16. Enchantment is the single #1 worst thing in PoE. What fun is finding loot if it's just a sum of freaking enchantments. It already totally sucked out any kind of "accomplisment" for finding loot already, I hardly want to see it become even more loot-breaking and thereby gameplay-fun-decreasing as it already is. Maybe PoE could have been a classic, but this Enchanting single-handedly dredged it down to being just a good game.
  17. Here's my most recent savefile which has it (then again so do all my other from the X-pack, haven't checked vanilla saves). https://www.dropbox.com/s/oq71yfkqha9eijb/7c7e3fb8-a50d-48a3-9ea8-3df64a49f88f%20autosave_2.savegame?dl=0 And my most recent output_log (has also been linked in the "Permanent Drake" and "Minor Durgan Battery issues" threads): https://www.dropbox.com/s/j89qbrw9pyy0k62/output_log.txt?dl=0 I theorise it's about these 3 errors which re-appear frequently throughout the log: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Consumable.CanUse (.CharacterStats character) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UIAbilityBarButton.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Consumable.CanUse (.CharacterStats character) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UIAbilityBarButton.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Consumable.CanUse (.CharacterStats character) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UIAbilityBarButton.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  18. Here's an output log for my Durgan Battery run (incidentially the same as posted in 2 other threads, the blank attack and permanent drake one): https://www.dropbox.com/s/j89qbrw9pyy0k62/output_log.txt?dl=0 Small correction; The "door" being mentioned in the great hall section is of course the entrance to the Battery, and is thus located on the Battery exterior, not the Great Hall. I only have savegames from before entering and the following is from it being completed. Would those be required?
  19. The "clues" don't need much seeking, it's the 4 plaques with the invesigating tool *right next to the door*.
  20. Nope, Gizka went belly-up. This is an entirely different beast.
  21. Funny, I've completed the game and expansion just fine with all those glorious "gamebreaking bugs". And I think it's less buggier than Divinity: Original Sin when I played that for 100+ hours. And the fun part there? I could complete that just fine aswell. Seriously, just compare my PoE list vs. D:OS... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72075-hhs-suggestions-and-bugs-list-revised-to-20/ to http://larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=506811Post506811 And I totally LOVE both of those games. Unlike some slick clean "balanced" modern RPG's from other developers.
  22. So, I'm confused here. * You want PoE2, but hate PoE1 (cluster**** #1). * What's the point of playing a RPG if you have the best loot? (cluster**** #2) HECK, THE STORY MAYBE? I can honestly admit I didn't even glanced much at the loot I've gotten during the expansion. So what? Why care about that so much? This is a CRPG not an ARPG where loot is pretty much the only point worth playing. Here's it's mostly to forfill it's roll, it's rather unimportant overall. * "only thing combat is good for is loot" (cluster**** #3). Whaaaaaat? * "You have a lot of very boring engagements". Hello. Story? This isn't Pillars of Diablo. In true tradiation a lot of encounters come with a pre-combat boatload of text. So it's hardly what you claim this game is. Please do us a favour, buy Diablo III rather than putting your ARPG stamp on PoE2. Please?
  23. I've had the dissapearing names (pic1) happen on the release version, so that's hardly a new 2.01 issue. The second is pretty odd though. You verified files right?
  24. Then do so on Steam and conclude that all Steam games are pieces of garbage NO ONE can run (says those forums). Then run your Steam games and have fun playing all those games. All those horrible broken games. Those games that CANNOT possible work on Windows 7 (I use Windows 7). Yeah, such sections are definitely representative of everyone, always.
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