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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. In the release version I played they grey "penalty" indicator was only being a factor due to a cap on Endurance where it couldn't go higher than your current HP. Never seen it before as part of Fatigue, and I dragged my team on with heavy fatigue pretty much all the time. Indeed, if such it would be correct, except the red part doesn't seem to be shortened by the grey, and as thus it can happen a full red/grey filled character is still standing since his actual 0 Endurance is underneath the screen.
  2. I don't recall it turning the portrait grey last time around (and he was fatigued a lot during the main game)... not to mention even if grey the red overlay being displaced should still not happen either. (or was endurance penalty added in a patch?)
  3. Going to Twin Elms is Chapter 3 (Defiance Bay is Chapter 2)
  4. Wouldn't it be multiple guards then rather than just the one. If it's multiple guards yes I would say it's correct, but as it isn't I still think it's wrong in this instance.
  5. So far I've seen... 0% "Iron Mode" users 100% "Waaaah, I have to use my pre-end savegame with which I was maxed out so the same stats, and the same gear... and nothing will change but I'm going to moan and whine anyway for god knows what reason I can't simply use the provided savegame waaaaaaah" users So... yeah... that's why.
  6. You mean, like ME3... who puts you pre-the end of the game... JUST LIKE THIS GAME. Boggles the mind doesn't it. Yet still people find it reason enough to go full "wtf modus" and 'These games did better' who did exactly the same. Talk about a plate infront of the face.
  7. 255Int wookiee yeah. But like I said, I avoided 1.0b like the plague, so I did play the release version for a long time. *shrug* 1.0b caused the most common and oft reported issue! (The Telos Academy one) even 10 years after release till the Aspyr patch fixed that even if you don't use TSLRCM. As for M4, the area was (and still is) not quite finished. Shoot through walls and such fun. Contentwise it was completely bare. So no, we did really have to build pretty much everything there but the still unfished and unfixable area build.
  8. Really? For me he was all like "we got orders to let no-one in, and I'm going to furfil my contract as given, so die"
  9. 1 area down, 2(?) to go. * Zahua runs... strange. Like he's using a speed up walking animation rather than running like the rest of my crew. He does have Boots of Speed though, do these make him walk so weird? * In regards to previous report it seems Hiravias is already grey even when there's no lead to it? (see screenshot) http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/432697860710861816/172AD19D091B996624B2B268ED76B21EF7A51007/ * First vision of Garodh you can loop each section. Probably best just to give the one next line, since there are no options? ("I had the vision when I picked..." "Maybe if you knew who you..." "I'll track down the other parts...") * I think the spider summons Purge of Toxins never works? It's always 'already activated' * Summon figures still use the old spell cast icon rather than cast/walk of 2.0 * Lake in the Flames-That-Whisper Lower Cavern unlock too early from the cave besides it, even though you need to fully walk around to get there and can't see it at all. * It appears lockpick drops are still set for the old system (as they drop in large quantities) * Vamrel trigger triggered twice(?). See screenshot: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/432697860710888352/55CC39125C2DEC5C783BBFDF3704B1E706DCEDBD/ * Fought wolves in cave, winterbreath of one wolf killed one of the wounded hunters. Surviving one still says "I though we were done for" even being all alone now. * Uldric still has 'you said I should make peace with Matron Beregan' option even if you *made* peace, where the dialogue no longer makes sense. Also Renengild doesn't acknowledge at all that you've made a peacetreaty with the Matron?
  10. Pretty common on forums. Just open any ANY random Steam game's forums... you'd think all games are busted. Just so many pages of people crashing on their toaster. Heck, open TSL's, the one I am most accustomed to. You will easily find hundred's of threads about crashes, bugs etc. Funny thing being... it's 50x "bug A", 50x "bug B" and 50x "Bug C"... 150 threads about 3 bugs? Yup. And instead of searching people keep out pumping more and more and more... always have. As the guy behind ridding TSL of it's bugs in TSLRCM I can assure you, it has a metric ****load of bugs. Almost every single dialogue has 'em, it was that severe. On the other hand, I can't find thruth with this either... and I know, I've never touched 1.0b till working on TSLRCM, a good 5 years later, mostly due to the Telos Academy and other assorted issues (that was a baaaaad patch). Can't say I ever had it crash at all though, rarely once a playthrough. Also you need to file me in on the "2 planets", since the only one I know is M4-78, and calling that 'nearly finished' would be laughable.
  11. That's... basically reloading the pre-endgame save... which, you know, is presented to you... and people whine about constantly for whatever reason I don't know.
  12. You've got a point there, and that's definitely a bug. But you should probably deal with Tech on a bug-resolution rather than just totally wrecking the entire storyline cause of a bug.
  13. Unlike what above poster says, it's perfectly possible to upgrade from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 and keep your saves. If using Steam I suggest: * Doing a full re-install manually clearing away everything bar savegames, so TSLRCM and M4 are no longer in the main folder. * Install TSLRCM from the workshop. * Install M4-78EP from the workshop. * Follow the instructions here: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/485560877/541907867755139661/ And have fun!
  14. So, went to Stalward instead of deciding to keep getting slaughtered and are just about to leave the city again to venture forth... a good moment to dump my list of observations, quirks and bugs of this new area, not? Shouldn't be that spoilery considering there's not much to do but start up stuff... * There appears to be a bogus '0' in the right-bottom of my Barbarian main character. It wasn't there with the old game (only played with release and patch #1) as old screenshots confirm and appears to have no functionality what-so-ever. * Sometimes it seems you cannot hover over contents of a chest, had one in the camp, again with the Fennlan Liquor container in Stalwart, exiting container and reopening still the same effect. * The offset "red" effect over portraits may have to do with low health. Seems to start at their "grey point" that's over portraits if HP limits stamina but still overflows outside the portrait after taking more damage/getting knocked out. * Commander Baelorian: "Our employer wants it found, and delivering it's going to see us paid enough coin..." Pretty sure it's is not proper in this context and it should be it is. * Upon entering the White Marches with my drained team, leveling up content... my party is fully healed. Not sure this is the intention since the last thing a harsh journey would do is restore all your serious injuries. * Upon loading a savegame after saving Stalward, during the loading screen "... is fallen, back to the Matron now" is repeated. * The Gref's Rest "barred door" location point is offset from the actual door into the wooden piles to the left of the door. * It appears the Drake spawn doesn't properly move for it's flame or knockout effect? I tried using it on a far-off foe but he just started burning inside a dense group including my party. Don't recall this being the case last I played. * Villager at burned house; "And the guard what went in to fetch her's surrounded by flames!" - that went, not what went. Also pretty sure another is (her is) rather than her's. First definitely sure it's wrong though . * "A Lovely Drop" claims Reyfald is the clerk at the fishery. This is obviously false. * Intro conversation with Thyrsc claims he's staring in the fire, but he's facing with his back to it towards the player, probably should be turned like Ulric. * Tealdor: "I thought you might could pick up a thermal pearl for me." - Incorrect English. Might OR could, not both * During the conversation with Renengild about Durgan Steel Kana interrupts talking about Battery Steel. Might be a different name for the same (been 6 months since I played PoE), seems like a bug to me now though, since no-one else mentions anything but Durgan Steel. * After Renengild's "But the place has a full... cracking of the fire." there are too many enters before the player options appear. * Entering the Gref's Rest the Bard cannot be interacted with claiming 'This character is busy'. Walking around he eventually opened up, but on a second entry of the map he seems to relock with no way to get him 'unlocked' again. Might be he's supposed to give a chant to the player upon entering that fails? * At the Gref's Rest cellar you can loot the chest without penalty, even if it's marked 'stealing' it isn't counted as such. * Dice game - evenly tied with towers - instead of going to a new role the game just ends and I need to repay 50c (see screenshot). http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/432697860707785489/6E039E64D3AD0EF59FA4F750B33CD460CEF48F94/ * The Fisherman's Penance starts when you talk to Grynde... but... it's not much of a task saying you met the guy, and that's it. Probably not supposed to already start at this point? * Effort was taking to change NPC's in the fishery at night. Hats off... but outdoors everyone's still fishing like normal in the middle of the night. Suggestions/requests: * Can we hide the auto-saves when saving. I need to scroll if I want to see more than one of my own made saves! * As probably stated before, give icons of "per encounter" levels on Priests/Druids/Wizards a different color than the per encounter.
  15. And we're back with the expansion, being a good old 6 months away from the game didn't do my gameplay much good, or it's just the new area pummeling me. Which of course I had to visit the forums for to know I was supposed to visit it after the Marshes rather than at the start despite the conversation with the caretaker of Caed Nua making it out to be. Also AI annoyances (thank you news for only appearing at second startup rather than first), and CAN I TURN OFF THOSE DAMN ICONS ABOVE HEADS? Hopefully most if not all bugs above have been fixed even if in the short duration of time (1- hour) I can already confirm the startup movie CTD and "trap pause" triggering from spell effects are still present in the game. So here's my short first impression with getting roflstompe... playing the expansion. Next time I boot it I'll make sure to go to the Marshes proper and hopefully make this thread much longer. Or hopefully not, but well... we'll see what happens. Also did I imagine adding mapnotes 6 months ago or did really get removed? Sorry for the not so helpful or detailed "how to reproduce"... just basically still messing about relearning the game and enjoying new content: * Several enemies after dying leave behind a black swirly animation on the ground. * Mind Plague and Spider (Eder figurine/need to look ingame name) ability were showing "already activated" even if not, preventing use. * Mercenary Sergeant fled and then got into a battle with Algul, polluting the log. Upon saving and reloading he returned from his new position to his original starting point (using a very loud VO 5 times) to be butchered by my party. * Edér after going dying (no HP or endurance) kept his icon in the bar (hovering over it did nothing) still appeared standing up on the screen. After that, combat 'ended' and my other characters got revived (party was fully down), they didn't last long though. * "red effect" over teammates is dislocated, starting about 90% from top for Durance and Kana (slot 3 and 5) and 80% for Hiavatas (slot 4), going visibly under the game screen if they're knocked out.
  16. Plenty of people also agreeing on Larian's forums. Hopefully they change before Alpha and if not well, it'll be easy to tell them then how we feel even if it sadly wastes precious time spend elsewhere :/
  17. Okay, then tell me... how did you 'loose' that auto-save? Cause apart from manual deletion there's not much that can make that happen. If you use Steam you can even wipe it from your PC yet recover it from the cloud. EDIT: Why did you think it auto-saved on... THE POINT OF NO RETURN?
  18. 3) Yeah, just got it loading the game to see the game version since some seem to have old numbers there, didn't get it first time around though. 1) Well, that's annoying... it's really, really annoying 2) Yeah, I recall doing that often in the base game, so did something just break? 4) Sadly I don't recall that 6 months later when the x-pack comes around XD
  19. Yeah, definitely nothing like that given to us. As stated rather the opposite ("You should really do that before going to the White Marshes")... which apparently I only read now on the forums is not the intention... :/
  20. Backed too, obviously. I seriously hope it'll be changed. *threaten with bodily harm* is just not the same as "If you do not answer right now, your intestines will decorate that beautiful painting behind you." Also I kinda hate their XP system, especially this one area where you have to reach a certain stone (to keep it spoilerish). 3 paths: * Going through lava (requires good gear) * Stealthing (freakingly hard! Invernable enemies) * Straight out piss-easy combat Now guess which is the easiest (yup, combat) and which gives about 15x the XP reward of the other paths. You got it right, combat again. Really showed off the "you can finish it anyway you want" system has merid, except if you bind it to a crappy combat-XP system :/
  21. No one seems to care about free games that I can tell, but still got these from humble bundle: * Broken Sword 1+2 * Vertical Drop Heroes HD * Zoo Park * War of the Roses: Kingmaker * Magicka * Defender's Quest * Stacking * Talisman: Digital Edition * Torchlight II * Arma II * Crimsonland * Syberia * The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief * Always Sometimes Monsters
  22. Actually, didn't Obsidian remark how hard it was to actually make the game look as crappy as the animated series? Also I doubt you could easily port of resources of one engine to another. Though you do have a point on them having some good looking 2D games on the market already of their own creation.
  23. "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE"... "Along with about 500.000 others" - SW:TOR
  24. Yup, 101. But 100 was from 1 July and there were about a dozen X-Pack threads here in news I missed, and ZERO (0!) on Kickstarter at all. I mean, they only promoted the card-game, but not the expansion? And then suddenly out of the blue "oh wait, we had this x-pack. It's released now... yeah, I bet you didn't know it was coming from our silence"
  25. Probably not... you were generally maxed before reaching the area, and there's nothing worth mentioning down there.
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