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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. In a shocking turn of events it's the army blocking stuff now. You know, doing a coup and all. And being actually in Turkey, not Mongolia. Pretty much like Poetin. And Hollande. And everyone in London. And Trump. It's fairly common for exterials to hate leaders more than the people voting for them. And then there's the EU. In their "defense", no one actually voted for them.
  2. Also news reports shots fired on protesters. It might be people have no idea what's going on. I mean sirens and tanks my first response would be "what's going on?" if then you get no news till the President tells you it's a coup...
  3. Well, from my news I'm hearing they are responding. Guess they're a bit more government-faithful than us Western citizen's (but seriously, who would put their life on the risk for them?)
  4. How so... the EU thrives on supporting democratic governments being toppled (remember Ukraine? Yup).
  5. Well, this is... unexpected. And it's a bit guessing if this will be good or bad. Seeing our EU-incompetants put the refugee issue to Turkey, we can see it return again. And as shown in the past, we are too incompetant to handle it ourselves. If the government tries to fight it we might have another "peaceful" Ukraine on our borders (so much peace we've gotten). And as Turkey is our border against Syria that makes things from IS far more risky as well for all Europeans. Much uncertainty.
  6. How about sending them all to a nation that actually has the religion they aspire. Islam. Oh wait, they just FLED from that since it's a cluster****. And other islamitic countries in all their compassion said "screw you". But surely Islam would work just fine in this new country one fled to right? RIGHT?
  7. I must have missed a large number of terrorist attacks from Chinatown. Actually the only "terrorists" of old here are Molukkers, which were promised a country of their own but when Indonesia segregated they couldn't be given that and they started resorting to terrorism. That was about 40-50 years ago though.
  8. As Dutch citizen, the faster the EU dies the better. Pro-Europe all the way, but the EU is definitely not that, it's a disease. And should be destroyed completely. There's no saving it.
  9. You should be proud as political system if the majority of voters just voted remain out of being scared, and your actually policy's effect comes far later as second.
  10. Lol, clever politician? In the EU? Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. Especially since we still, for unknown reason, put so much effort in our Ukranian coup-de-tat for that oh so critical trading agreement. Also, for some reason I don't get. Weren't nationalist racist old people the "cause" of this most horrid Brexit? But I guess such reasonings are only valid when it actually furthers some agenda, and when not are discarded once more. That integrity.
  11. Ah, another fun one... "Think about those poor people that didn't vote" Well, if you didn't vote, you didn't vote. No post-event "boohoo" for you if it doesn't turn out the way you want, should have voted then. Seriously, it's like darn Ukraine vote here all over again. Except of course our anti-EU votes got ignored like the second time in a row. But the outcry and sad losers where all the same. EDIT: Actually, have to somewhat rectify that, I don't think I've heard any complains about how evil old people are and they shouldn't be allowed to vote and just leave all decisionmaking to the much "wiser" glorious youth. That's a new one.
  12. If it's members don't bail out now and make it fall appart, there are about half-a-dozen if not more ways it steers towards collapse. With it's inability to decide anything about the refugees it turned to Turkey, which does hold the EU ransom now for more money to do what they want. Also apparently they've said they would talk about EU-membership, something they would never give to Turkey due to human right violations. Even making that offer is reason for concern. Then there's the war they started in Ukraine and the tensions it keeps poking with Russia. There's the economic instability (mostly hearing about Greece) where more and more money from it's member gets pumped into the EU itself to save it from the Euro falling economically appart. The amount keeps rising and rising to staggering amounts, and it doesn't help at all, no way it's going to hold out without fully draining economies. Schengen has pretty much collapsed due to inability to decide anything and countries had to take their own steps. All the big decisions? EU is useless and countries need to do it themselves anyway. Why pump billions into it if the best they can come up with is "seek it out yourself"? Their entire purpose for existance; they aren't doing. Yet it keeps needing more and more funds to not do it. While other economies long been past the economic crisis Europe still dragged on. Other economies bloomed again with devaluating their currency, the EU can't. Several economies survived by pumping money in, we HAD to lower our expenses, dragging on the economic dispair further. National budgets got really tight due to all the extra money that had to go to Brussel to "save the Eurozone", but still had to keep under that 3% which meant making local economies worse again. So no, I have no idea where you got "world's strongest economy" from, but those past 10+ years or so we've seriously hanged onto a thread of life, thanks to the EU. The actual ideals of the EU... that got wrecked by mismanagement, too rapid expansion (just allowing a lot of unqualified countries in cause they wanted to be big soon), less bureaucratic nonsense. It should be an agreement between nations for free trade, open borders and unity. Not Brussel nitpicking every single little thing, being dictatorish over everyone, sucking giant sums of money (for WHAT?) and in the end when things have to be decided like on economic reasons or the refugee issue is wholesome incapable and out-sources it again (for more money, yay!). Back to the EEG seems a good way, just economic co-operation, not this political one. There is no real "instability"... it's speculators going bonkers over something unexpected happening. That pretty much always happens, so it's not really too much of a concern. Specualators wanted them to stay, expected them and that hope raised the stocks, then when they got a cold shower it dropped again, but it's pretty much an equal balance in the end, so all the fearmongering is people having no idea how financial markets work taking it as "proof" (as always happens). The stocks already started rising steadily over friday, and they will do monday. We'll see a more accurate presentation mid next-week, then I can give you a proper report of the "damage" it has done, as this is just as much fearmongering as during the campaign was done (still waiting for World War III here). All the doomscenario's all assume a break would mean Brittain would have no trade at all, but that's fairly out-of-the-world thinking, rationality of course says the EU trading partners Brittain has will not stop trading since it would seriously harm themselves. The EU is cutting their profits enough as is with the stupid trade ban with Russia without going onto another trade ban, especially seeing how fragile and weak the Euro-economy is. If they would, it would just show how class-act the EU really is, and mean their own termination too. Wasn't going to happen. So yeah, I seriously doubt much will change for Brittain at all, as only speculative economies (which are pretty prone to heavy fluctuations) will change much, and they will veer back. Them having their own currency helps too of course. No it will be far more interesting and unpredictable to see what happens if the EU falls and the Euro dies to all of us here. There are plenty of doom-scenario's too of course (have to threatnen people to stay in the EU since, well, that's pretty much the best argument they got) most of them being around having a very weak currency and being a trading country. Funny thing being, a majorly export based trading country like the Netherlands will very much benefit from such a weaker currency. And if the biggest scare-tactics resolve around a threat of something happening that's actually beneficial to us? Yeah, not scared, let the EU fall. We'll survive, we'll be stronger. I don't want us to be like a communistic USSR country by the time the Iron Curtain fell, let's stay way ahead of that time.
  13. I have no fear that Europe will be torn asunder if the EU falls. Greece, maybe, but they will become the better of it rather than being put on death's thread and not allowed to die by the EU for so long. I have little believe that the EU has any chance of saving, much like Greece, it just lingers on, un-death, barely above the brink of failing, but do so by pumping more and more money in it. It doesn't work, it just makes the corpse a more expensive corpse, and the fall the harder when it does spit it's last breath. Rather get out before it gets cataclysmic funds. Starting over will give a much better chance than trying to actually make something worthwhile of this horrid beast. We found the EEG before, we can do so again. And this time hopefully not get megolamaniac over addign as many countries in that are incompatible, starting wars if need be. Sometimes it's just better to have a clean slate. Rather than having to deal with several plates of **** before you can start the main course, the unlikely case you get that far.
  14. Nah, it was fun. Made you return to the store. Now you visit then shrug your shoulders and don't have to look for stuff to buy for 14 days. Heck, weekly sales on monday are more enticing than this sale stuff. Lacklustre sales doesn't help much either no. -20% is the new -75% :/ I still don't quite understand why people are actually joyous over this new system for "buying games for cheap", since infact you are MUCH more expensively off than during the heydays of dailies and flash. And if it REALLY bothered you for some reason, there's still the crap 14-day deal, you know, the one you are all fawning over now?
  15. Always interesting to see if someone's own view is shown by vote it's "the will of the people", but if they turn they other way? Well, "people are not educated enough to vote.", "democracy is a failure" or "the unlittered masses won now. If only highly educated people and well thinking people (like me, obviously) voted, this would be so different" ... Every single time again.
  16. Still amused at this united Europe talk by the German of all people. Not only of it being overdramatic by a small power but just from history's view Shame the next time I visit the lady in the bradwurst shop she will be a scummy German still.
  17. Europe rights economy... Trade human security future? Wow, that's some scary **** there... "I hate racist people, here, have me rant on and on about how older people suck, are the bane of everything, and should be completely disconnected from this vote. Old people suck!" ... wait... what...? Yay for hypocrisy I suppose?
  18. Fairly sure the pro-EU camp did their utmost best at indoctrination ("WORLD WAR III, ECONOMIC DESPAIR!")... yet it failed.
  19. According to pre-referendum statements we'll soon see World War III erupt... *takes popcorn*
  20. Hmmm, the same stastics who said most youth really wanted to stay in the EU, but conviently forgot to mention not enough to actually go out and vote?
  21. It's funny how TrueNatural say that mostly the uneducated vote to leave the EU... and then you see this: Yup, seems like the pro-EU party consists of prime examples of good educated humans... EDIT: Having said that if there was a chance, I would vote pro-Nexit. And no, I don't vote PVV.
  22. http://www.polygon.com/2016/5/24/11761242/valve-former-employee-lawsuit-transgender-discrimination http://www.pcgamer.com/former-valve-employee-files-31-million-lawsuit-over-wrongful-dismissal Related to this were the dismissal of the Italian and Spanish fantranslation teams after giving false promises by a Valve employee, the supervisor of the fired employee doing the sue. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:o0dAmHlG6p4J:https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/44yl24/how_a_whole_language_of_the_steam_translation/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  23. I would be interested. Anyone bough the Humble Bundle Telltale bundle? It only has 2 games I'm interested in (Borderlands, Game of Thrones) but was just wondering if the tiers are given as 1 key, or seperate keys? I really hope the second, since otherwise I waste a lot of games :/
  24. I didn't mind the dream sequence of the future (except what's with the flying things?). Established well that Batman was bat**** crazy at that point... but what the heck timetravelling dude from computerscreen... I seriously was headscratching there. Maybe it made sense to people actually reading comics, I just watch the movies people. And yeah, Luthor was rather bad. Also they utterly failed making a compelling reason for him to be evil rather than just "lol, he's evil. Now he's going to destroy the world cause... ehm... yeah... just roll with it" Going to quote my other words from somewhere else:
  25. Watched Batman v. Superman and I can attest that movie is just downright garbage. Also totally ruining Batman, Batman was horrible. Movie would have been way better if Batman was cut out of it (and the retarded final fight)
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