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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I hope they don't listen too badly to the press feedback though *cough* Alpha Protocol *cough*...
  2. FANBOY! Seriously, you talk like the serious flawed driving mechanic of GTA IV is an improvement. I can't take fanboys like you serious. Now could we please all agree with me, since, you know, I am right... (See how good this argumentation works? )
  3. While you don't get a flashing icon, I sure remember hitting grigori in the head with Vodka, or shooting Surkov in the leg. I think that would pretty much resemble ME2 Renegade actions, no?
  4. What point is there sneaking if gunning everyone down was easy as cakes, and required no effort at all? Then we would need EVERY enemy to have the HP of a levelboss (like Brayko), just like ME2 needed all kind of layered defenses aside from a gazillion HP just to pose a medium threat.
  5. Yup, sounds pretty fair to me... although obviously with his brandmark overexegorating.
  6. Have you read all the blackmail mails? They were...
  7. Balance? The Assault Rifle is extremely powerful (too much?) currently already.
  8. Complain about the graphics all you want, but I have a hard time thinking of any game (well, besides Vampire: Bloodlines) that does facial animation better.
  9. Oddly enough, you can still sell to Nasri, even incarcenated (sp?). Probably a bug though. Didn't try it when he died. You cannot ever buy them back though, as you usually can when selling items.
  10. Shield of Azunai, eh? Interesting...
  11. Play on and new items will unlock.
  12. Hmmm, this wouldn't quite work in DS2 because you have many party members. If it was incorperated, that would mean you could almost infinitely cast powers. While it would make sense in a 1 player kind of point, I rather want few powerfull powers than many weaker ones that can all be used at once, so you really have to make them matter. (As an interesting note, the DS2 beta allowed you to regenerate powers through any damage done. Which included crates. Made them severly overpowered as you could just use them, chunck all the crates in the area and then use them again 0_0. So they definitely would have needed to be tuned down for this to work, which probably makes them boring.)
  13. Kind of the point of an RPG, right? Why use skills if they are wasted and make no difference?
  14. System Shock 2. Although yeah, that was a Looooong time ago (and it's no really a FPS).
  15. Seriously? You want an engine... more VERSATILE... than UE3? I suppose UE4 will eventually come, but until then I can't think of an engine better suited for the task. Nope, not even Source or CryTek's engine come close... EDIT: Also, random generated missions for AP sounds like the worst idea ever IMO.
  16. It isn't magic. It's a skill. Like Chain Shot (which is impossible to do IRL). While I don't recall BG's specific "Hide in Shadows" routine (never bothered too much with rogues and stuff) I am pretty sure it was indeed still possible. One common tactic heard about fighting Basilisks in BG1 was parking a rogue to see them (in their FoV), then attack then with AoE spells from beyond their LoS. Also, KOTOR completely allows one to become invisible, and that's without the use of the "Force" (read: Magic). Guess that's a horrible RPG too, even if combat is completely stat-based?
  17. Nah. It's just a bug. I can frantically murder the entire embassy (marines and VCI alike) and Albatross can still wonder how I could be so friendly to VCI while murdering his bodyguard in cold blood :D.
  18. 4th playthrough now. Should say something . Especially since most recent RPG's like Drakensang or the ME's I didn't feel worth replaying just once.
  19. PvP ruined DS1 MP (combined with the rampant cheating), so I personally would not be sad if it's left out here.
  20. Yeah, that was kind of the idea of the Blood Archer of the DS2 X-pack, although it didn't work quite that good in said purpose.
  21. Mouse keys? Typo? Anyway, as soon as you realise your mouse cursor and the block aren't moving in sync, and you just IGNORE THE MOUSECURSOR you will probably notice, like me, that the mouseblock is *much* easier to lock into place than the slow annoying keyboard section.
  22. I suppose the general uselessness of shotguns and SMG's can be countered some by: * Cheaper SMG ammo. * 4 Skill points for both of them, keeping 5 for pistol (with fixed chainshot) but 6 for assault rifles. * Increasing the noise generated by assault rifles, so I can't just use it as semi-sniper and people still have no idea where I am.
  23. In DS2 you got XP per defeated enemy in your "active" attack. So mass spamming healing did nothing, or being a nature mage didn't let you drop 10 levels behind (as in DS1). Everything got evingly spread amongst the team (which would be nice for Co-op gameplay, no?)
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