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Everything posted by Manveru123

  1. It does, in BG2 a Fighter/Mage eventually turned out to be an improvement over single class Fighter in every way. You basically had a Fighter who can buff himself to immortality and still do huge damage with hasted weapon swings. And if you wanted to powergame a bit, and went dual class instead, after mastering the weapon on Fighter levels.. oh boiiiiii **** just explodes.
  2. I agree with everyone who suggested Ghost Heart. Currently the best pet is a temporary pet. I suggest you wait a bit tho. After Obsidian is done with nerfing everything, they will start buffing obviously broken stuff like Ranger pets. Should take no more than 2 or 3 more patches.
  3. From what I've tried so far.. You can go Soul Blade/Lifegiver, which gives you a serviceable melee DPS who can heal himself. Make sure you also pick Storm spells, they are very useful for a melee character. I like running WotEP on this character and stacking Deflection so I can generate Focus with both Offensive Parry hits and standard melee swings. Not the best use of Soul Blade, but playable. A better option however is to go full support with Beguiler/Lifegiver. This character takes care of all CC and healing needs of your group. You can also pick Animist instead, so you don't lose access to creature summon spells, but you should judge yourself if you need them or not (I'm not a big fan of Druid summons tbh).
  4. Oh, nice find. Thanks for the heads up. Biggest reason I'm preordering this game.
  5. Vivienne doesn't get the credit she deserves and Tali has a solid, coherent arc that spans three games and is less fawny than Liara. Aveline is a character type I almost always dislike but they make her jive in DA2. Out of curiosity, what is it exactly about the three you mentioned that make them so exceptional? Jan and Minsc are one of the best comic characters I've seen in a cRPG game. They actually managed to make comic characters work in a dark BG story, and that's quite an achievement. They are very entertaining and simply fun to keep around. Edwin is great overall. His personal quest is so very well written, especially as contrast to his personality. Many of his quotes I remember to this day. I barely remember what was Tali's story about other than "geth are bad QQ halp plz". Even Legion was better written than her. If I was nostalgic I would say that Krogh was the best villain and Zubaran is the most epic hero ever, just for the sake of an argument, but I tend not to be a smug ****.
  6. 90% of those have nothing on Jan Jansen, Minsc or Edwin. Putting Aveline, Vivienne or Tali in there is just laughable :D But hey, whatever floats your boat.
  7. I use both. Start with Ninagauth, swap to Vaporous when I need an extra spell cast.
  8. They do, actually, but very, very rarely. I recruited Ydwin as soon as I could and brought her everywhere with me. She said something like.. two or three times.
  9. But there is a good reason for that. It's the Empower mechanic. Due to Empower, caster classes are actually immensely powerful. Sure, early game they suck, but mid-to-late everything changes. Empowered high level spells deal massive amounts of damage, and I personally find casters much more fun to play (most melee I can safely set to AI script and they do just fine). I can recognize the issue with multiclassing tho, most of the time offensive casters are actually better as a single class due to power level, and if they multi, they want a class that directly boosts the power of their spells. At the moment that just means you either multi with a Helwalker for huge MIG and INT bonuses, or maybe an Assassin for Fireballs from stealth. But the multiclasses themselves are not an issue. As I've posted earlier, every single MC in the game is good, assuming you pick correct subclasses and use them in a role that fits said MC instead of trying to force them into one.
  10. Which of the popular old d20 cRPG had an attrition-based gameplay? Because it sure as hell wasn't Baldur's Gate. I'm actually really glad that they removed those dumb resting limitations and health/endurance split in Deadfire.
  11. Every MC is good. Oracle is a great support, combining CC with powerful healing. Spiritualist trades healing for passive support auras and summoned monsters. Mystic can be a powerful DPS if you go Ascendant, but it peaks late because the most kickass buffs are high level. Hierophant works if you go Soul Blade and use Wizard for defensive spell buffs. Theurge can be as strong as Herald when tanking. All you need to do is pick correct subclasses. Sorcerer is the one I'm not sure about, but there's nothing stopping you from buffing yourself like a fat pig with Wizard spells and going Shifter pewpew.
  12. Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Haste, Dispel Magic, Stoneskin, Greater Malison, Breach, Cloudkill, Animate Dead.. Sure, many spells were useless at higher levels, but definetly not all of them.
  13. Somehow this topic reminds me of Xenogears. If god doesn't exist in our world, then... I will create god with my own hands! You folks might want to read up about Karellen.
  14. Hard to do, but possible with correct scaling. Magic Missile from BG is a great example, that spell was useful from the beginning of BG to the end of ToB.
  15. You can finish the game with any setup you want to, unless you gimp yourself on purpose and eg. run around naked for "RP reasons". Worst case scenario you will struggle in the early game, but that can be remedied with hirelings.
  16. Ah yes, playing every battle exactly the same for a game that could potentially last 100 hours, that sounds super fun. Watching your group and the enemies auto attack each other to death because you don't want to waste spell casts was worse.
  17. 'Cause why make a game with resource management (as in r/l) when you can cater to everybody's power fantasies? Because this is a fantasy game and not r/l?
  18. There is no reason to troll. I obviously meant a role-playing archetype, not a real life example. We're in a forum about a computer game.
  19. The skill is there, but only Rogues have access to it. Other classes have to use +X quick slot items gear, like Giftbearer's Cloth.
  20. The difference is that in POE1 you often had to be careful what you cast because you had limited uses between rests and Camping Supplies were limited. In POE2 you can actually play like a real Wizard should, casting best spells every battle.
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