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Everything posted by nem0

  1. I have had an idea but I haven't tested it(I know that doesn't really answer anything in your question, but figuring it out may help). Does anyone know if certain push abilities or anything that breaks engagement trigger disengagement procs? I ask because if so it might be possible to force overbearing as well as extra on hit attacks from say starcaller or spell steal of acuan giamas. If it does work then using spell pushes like cleansing/winter wind or the scath gwannek may be effective especially since fighters can naturally get extra engagement slots for triggering overbearing.
  2. Yes, you skip the temple and the bear quest; you will likely just have to try quests and if they are too hard move on and save for later. Getting figurines for summons helps a lot as well.
  3. Does stasis shell work for you? I have tried to use it but all it did was make my enemy immune to all damage for the duration; they still attack, move, and do damage.
  4. I tried the blast with the rod of pale shades and the puitente med principi(crit proc stun/ prone respectively). It seems that the on crit(stun and prone) affect is applied by both but the disorienting from the rod was not.
  5. I think that spell damage usually stacks; ogre's plague of insects stack has wrecked me before. I believe that in the case of chants as Dragon thrashed, it seems that from one source they will continue to hit but it will not begin to take effect until the earlier effect wears off, so one dragon DoT at a time. However, multiple sources I believe do stack over one another concurrently but I haven't tested that in the recent patches so it may have changed.
  6. I think it means that when you(or any friendlies) are within the Aura Range but further away from each other than the Area of Effect then you get the bonuses for the given AoE duration. It is a confusing item description but given the passive name solitary I believe that makes the most sense. Damage range i assume has to do with the minimum damage you can do thanks to Damage Resistance. So this might take it from 20% to 45%, however I have not tested it because it didn't seem like a useful item.
  7. Cleansing wind seems to be proccing the push faster than it moves causing repeat push procs until whomever it hits gets stuck against a wall or a miss /misses are achieved.
  8. I am still getting nothing from stag carnage in this patch 3.02 as well.
  9. I think it has a roll to save now, it is not automatic. It is great against certain enemies(lagufaeth broodmother, llengrath) but most encounters will not require it as only some enemies have buffs.
  10. Here is a picture of my book of chants. I do not know if I am doing it right but my save file is too big to upload though this so here is a link to google drive with it on it. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3p1oCgI-tzoalhuYWRVaFRqN0k Let me know if I did that right.
  11. Yeah I tried that but unfortunately it only turns it off on my characters. The auras persist on enemies until combat ends.
  12. I will have to go make a make a save file when the bug is triggering and report back. Basically anytime during combat a chanter will turn off whichever chant is currently reciting go on cooldown and not come back on. Occasionally it will create an identical copy of the chant in the action bar. I have not been changing anything about my chanter when it happens just during combat, I suspect it may be triggered by some problem in between getting stunned, paralyzed, etc. anything that triggers chanting to halt temporarily. If I go delete my chants and then repick them the chant will once more pop up on the music bars and then fully erase the second time I delete. Generally this stops the problem for a little bit until it is triggered again.
  13. If I am reading this right armor adds a flat recovery speed that is not affected by attack speed multiplier? Also row 3 has 20 Dex listed when I believe it is supposed to read 10.
  14. Yes but the percentage and overall dps boost is the same. 60/1.2 = 50 50/60 = 83.3% 30/1.2 = 25 25/30 = 83.3% It has the same overall effect regardless of what it affects. It is a smaller frame reduction in the second example but the number of extra attacks is perfectly proportional to the first.
  15. Maxquest did testing and Dex applies to recovery and attack speed, the only thing it didn't was the small frame delay for every action. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14NhcTK-yYZNNFdAs8dOPJWHi3_f9afIYqV7MFBIhMjs/edit#gid=0 That is the spreadsheet he released in the attack speed 2.0 post page seven I believe. According to that Dex should a apply the same bonus to attacking regardless of recovery speed(not counting delay frames). Stacking attack speed items is better until 0 recovery because they stack multiplicatively and Dex suffers from diminishing returns (1 / ( 1 + dex modifier)).
  16. I would say they are definitely worth it but I understand your frustration. They do 40 damage a hit for me at max level, 1 has a stuck effect, and the other a burn DoT for about 20 damage. It is a great way to use maxed out wounds and also take the heat off your monk or party if damage is coming too fast(summon and flagellant). You could anguish instead but there are a lot of enemies now that are immune to prone as well as fortitude generally being the highest defense of most enemies. I believe they also do their respective element in damage which means that you have another source of damage that isn't crush like all monk abilities. That said it is time consuming so you shouldn't spam it but it is a very good ability if you use it in the right situation and probably more impactful than any other single ability you can get as far as value.
  17. The same thing happens with the binding rope but the effect is applied, it is just the text that is messed up.
  18. Picture shows auras of Zealous Endurance and Lilith's shawl still on effect after charm wears off. Other enemies do not receive buff unless they have been charmed or dominated already.
  19. Whenever I attempt to use mind wave with my PC cipher it emanates from the character as opposed to the target, the spell itself seems to target correctly but it does not show whom will be affected correctly. Picture attached show it targeting far enemy but targeting myself.
  20. Yeah, I can't figure out if a specific situation causes it but it seems to happen on Kana by far the most. I haven't tried a PC chanter so I can't comment on that.
  21. I had a custom chanter turn off chant randomly but after deleting then reselecting chants it has not seemed to happen again. However, Kana consistently turns off or creates a copy chant next to his real one. It has been happening since before the 3.0 update. I am not counting whenever he is stunned, charmed, etc though those may be part of the problem; his auto chant icon turns off and will deselect seconds after selecting it.
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