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Everything posted by nem0

  1. Since the last update the proc is working correctly for the 50% fire lash but the +20 acc doesn't seem to do anything. I assume since FOD only procs after you score at least a hit, that it might apply to a hit to potently upgrade it to crit but as it stands it has no effect.
  2. Yes, I posted on thread about it here https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86044-whisper-of-treason-not-working-correctly/ I haven't heard anything about it yet either. Whisper is also an average cast time instead of the description of fast since the 3.0 update
  3. For reference these are my powder burns cone/range test number based on comparison of similar abilities(and holding ruler up to screen): Blunderbuss: 2m burn, 135° arc/ 8m regular shot range Pistol: 6m burn, 30° arc/ 8m regular shot range Arquebus: 5m burn, 45° arc/ 10m regular shot range The burn hits everyone in range and the shot hits the target separately. The cone length is modified by intelligence, hits everything including allies in the cone, and does not apply on hit debuffs of the weapon. The silver flash is special in that it adds the blind affect on its own in a cone, not dependent on powder burns(there were bug reports about this but it is supposedly intended they just have not fixed the description yet). The powder burns damage also seems to be independent of the gun acting like you are simply firing a fan of flames with every shot. The blind effect of powder burns on your character for me lasted approximately 5.5 seconds, but I do not know if it is modified by anything like intelligence.
  4. I believe that the resting bonus and gloves suppress each other unfortunately. At least prior to 3.0, I have not tested since then. From what I remember there were two traps needing 15, a handful of 14 in galvino's and the final act sun in shadow. The chest in cragholdt bluffs has a key to it on the captain mercenary I believe. I would get 11 mechanics and then on a normal character and have gloves handy to swap in, while having a skill slave character to grab the 15s when wanted. You will just a have to dodge a few traps in the final act though.
  5. The main problem I have with using chanters is that they are fairly static class who benefits from stalling and kiting disproportionately. Generally any fight you have with them it is better to have your party run around until your phrases are full using level 1 or the rime phrase. Their design is boring for me to play personally. I think it would help if there were a higher cap on the phrase counter so I could save up more to use when needed in a fight and possibly start a fight with a number of phrases like cipher and focus. Also, it would be nice if their summons scaled to match their enemy counterparts in POTD, as it stands they have their normal stats. I think that is pretty similar to your concerns, with the cheesing and all. I agree they have some very strong abilities but a lot of times they seem either very overpowered or useless. Other than that I just find it annoying when they get interrupted, stunned, charmed, etc resetting or stalling their current phrase which is more frustrating with some of the longer phrase times.
  6. I have one more question, do the summons scale in POTD to the same as their enemy counterparts or do they remain in their normal stats?
  7. I am having trouble figuring out how exactly cipher"s focus generation is calculating. I have noticed it being variable instead of the stated 33% from draining whip up to 55% percent on attacks made. While using bittercut with corrosive lash I was hitting normally for around 45 to 55% focus generation for attack damage and lash. I switched to drawn in spring to test a separate weapon and found a similar upscale in focus generation but none seemed to generate while the wounding lash was doing the DoT. I was hitting crits on some attacks but I am taking note of the total damage combined between the two. I don't know if it is a bug or if any might is directly added to soul whip similar to normal attacks, as in 3 might adds 9% whip to 42%?
  8. Sadly, the last time I tested it in 3.02, it wasn't a full attack. It's just a +20 Accuracy and +50% fire lash for your next attack. According to my combat log Vent Pick(most likely because it is triggered on hit or crit) does not add the +20 accuracy since the roll is already done. My accuracy on procs remains the same as my base.
  9. Cool, thanks for letting me know. That seems to just about match 44 frames(fast dw) vs 66(average dw). I agree the descriptions are often hit or miss and the two description on the attack speed contradict each other so it is nice to know which is which. I guess with DR being almost negligible at this high of damage the attack speed is worth more than the boars wounding ability.
  10. Has anyone tested the Cat Spiritshift form as far as attack speed? The description says it has a naturally faster attack as well as the 1 per rest 33% bonus, however in game the claws state that it is average attack speed like all the other forms. The casting animation for the speed buff is also an average time as well, I believe, which may cost you nearly as much time as it takes away from your attack recovery over ~20 sec max(thought the multiplicative stack with a DAM would definitely be worth it).
  11. I assume it is affected by might and healing over time bonuses in a +% way. So if you had a 60% resting bonus you should have 110% of damage done healed during the duration.
  12. I made this post in the general discussion a while back and other people mentioned they were seeing the same thing. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85858-charm-effect-ending-prematurely/ The charm effect from whisper of treason on my PC cipher keeps ending prematurely at seemingly random times, not depending on the number of enemies or if they are attacking or being attacked. Also from the latest update Whisper is now a fast cast but it takes noticeably longer than other fast casts from cipher or other casters. It is difficult for me to get the exact cast time but it is closer to an average cast when I have cipher and another class simultaneously cast a spell to check their times.
  13. Ok thanks, that makes sense. Seems more like a bug since, if your idea is correct, will not be able to re-position myself if needed during combat. I might be able to test it by getting backlash to check if per encounter abilities refresh.
  14. It doesn't seem to matter, I have gotten a crit for around 20 sec that cut off at 10 and I have had a normal hit (~12 seconds) cut off with what was around 3 seconds left. It happens about half the time and I am watching the timer that shows up when I click on them, it just drops with no outside influence.
  15. They were attacking an enemy, but I thought that was the point of charmed, they fight for you side instead of theirs. However, it seems to be random because sometimes(~50%) the duration goes until full(while attacking their ally) but sometimes it stops in the middle somewhere no matter what their current action is.
  16. No, unfortunately it is happening while multiple enemies are engaged. I have used charm on a single alone enemies and it still works for a few seconds though but yes I have noticed it stops on those early as well.
  17. I just started a new playthrough using a cipher on POTD. Through whisper of treason my charmed enemies are randomly shedding their charmed effect during its duration without any other effect from other enemies or themselves(timer will go from like 10 sec left to disappearing). It has happened on xaurips, wolves, and bandits so far as I am only in the first act. I have not noticed this before and I can't find any information about a patch changing how it works.
  18. My rod of pale shades regularly stuns groups of close enemies, the disorienting effect as well I think. So yes on hit procs should work.
  19. Do things like minor threat( the 10% hit to crit when attacking same enemy) apply only when you are actively target someone with a physical or ranged attack? Or is it that spells count as targeting and supply/trigger the bonus for others? Also, if anyone knows do you have to be hitting them for it to stack or does simply targeting still work(as in you are running towards them or reloading)? I have tried to test minor threat and I have not seen it work but I could just be a bit unlucky.
  20. I did some testing with the various spiritshift forms and the cat actually does not have the highest dps unless the 1 per rest attack speed bonus is activated. The description says his attack is naturally faster but his weapon speed in the inventory screen is "average" just like all the other ones; I have not timed the frames but it seems consistent with the other forms attacks. The boar has a wounding property added to his attacks that does raw damage(though I can't remember if it is a DoT or not a the moment) on top of his healing property. The stag is probably my favorite due his +7 defenses and his 1 per rest carnage. Bear +2 DR is not much later on in the game and wolf prone is not needed since you have a bunch of spells that stun already. Shock is good because you can utilize the lightning talent better with your storms however it might be more useful to mix it up with corrode so that certain lightning immune enemies wont completely block out your elemental damage(if it is all the same type). The druid in general can do more "consistent" damage that any class in the game but you will need to keep him alive as his natural deflection and health are low, especially in spirit form when no items apply. Base damage at level 16 for melee attacks are 32-50 with 18 DR and 0% extra recover time on all forms. I don't think there is any weapon stronger than that in the game except maybe one wizard summoned weapon. You can easily be hitting for 70 or 80 damage a hit with wildstrike talents and a little extra might. If you spec him specifically to tank I would say middle of the road tank. Still outclassed as a tank by paladin, fighter, barb, monk but he has very useful spells of which relentless storm is probably the best spell in the game. As a spellcaster he gets better as the game goes on because of extra spells but I would say around mid game(level 9) when you get relentless storm he shoots up to incredible.
  21. I just have checked log in combat. There was one shot. Don't know why - for me it's two hits. Maybe I can check again and post a screenshot... I thought it might give two hits given its name and design but at least when not upgraded all the way mine just gets 1 hit plus the raw damage.
  22. I have only been able to get it to proc once with single handed versus a teammate. It has never triggered during combat. This thread (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84499-vent-pick/?hl=%2Bvent+%2Bpick) talked about it as well but I don't know if they filed a bug report so here it is.
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