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Everything posted by Parasol_Syndicate

  1. I don't expect to persuade anyone, but Nomad's Brigandine is a really good package. +5 deflection just for being with allies, enchanted to +5 more in melee, combined with high armor is boss. Reposition a front rank character for free to catch anyone trying to flank. if they're alone they get free DR. That is cheaper and less worrysome than many outcomes available.
  2. I forced him to come on the expedition (didn't persuade, out and out dragged him) and let him handle the explanations at the end. He said it was imperative that the other guy stay in charge, and that he was needed at the Duskspeaker's side. So given the option, he seems to want to leave.
  3. I'm in danger of losing (more) respect for the Valians, knowing their vineyards only produce rice juice. That's the sort of thing I would expect from brutes like Rauatai.
  4. Yeah. I can hack it okay for the first half of the fight, then his armor jumps up to 19. I have a melee party and can't do much about that.
  5. The difficulty curve feels off from the rest of the game. Because of level adjustment, the enemies are kicking my butt at level 20, there are a ton of traps which I can only see from inches away, and the dragon curbstomps me everytime I try to fight it. The soul allies I worked long and hard to gather do absolutely nothing to help. On the plus side, the new art and backgrounds are indeed gorgeous, and the Durance cameo did bring a massive smile to my face. Wish I could find out how it ends. Maybe someday.
  6. But, presumably Tekehu wouldn't object to that one, right? Does he still leave if you kill the queen on your own, as opposed to part of a mission?
  7. What happens if you attack the queen before taking the RDC mission?
  8. Dual wield battleaxes, simply for Magran's Favor, the most Rathun weapon in the game. No magic one for the other hand, but them's the breaks.
  9. Just make a Red-Dead Redemption style open-world adventure where Sagani is shipwrecked, and has to hunt, fish, kill bandits, gamble and deal with anti-dwarf prejudice from the powers that be. All in hopes in getting back to her family in Nasitaaq. Truly, the most reasonable extrapolation of the POE branding, right there.
  10. Seems like solid advice overall. Vatnir's default skill setup is a lot like a rogue. Lots of stealth and slight of hand, and no athletics. From that. I diverged into modest arcana, alchemy and athletics, with mental skills of religion and bluff. (without going too far into spoilers, that's what seemed to fit the guy's characterization) I'm not blasphemous enough to take a revive spell on a priest of Rymrgand, but I am still going to make full use of Aefyllath against the (presumbably) abundant cold based enemies. Rather than a swiss army knife, I'm just going to focus on summoning hordes of improved wyrms with spent phrases. Rapid casting, Tough, and Practiced Healer to round it out.
  11. Just a matter of perspective, I guess. Modwyr's a jerk. but an innocent jerk who doesn't know her origins and is trying to make the most of her extremely limited existence. What you decide goes, because no one else cares. Unlike the deadfire/eothas situation where seemingly everyone wants an outcome.
  12. So, I have completed the introductory fight of BOW. and have recruited the new companion. I haven't done too much with him yet, because I want to rebuild him right for my party. I'm level 20. What are the must have abilities/ skills for a Celebrant (chanter/priest)? Overall role would be buffing and healing with some party friendly damage spells. He seems a little more fragile than Xoti, so I'm thinking of keeping him in the back rank with a rod or scepter.
  13. Doing Modwyr's quest was kind of a bitter pill as a Devoted. "Okay, you've got some issues... I'll just set aside all my combat training while you remember the joys of a fresh kill..."
  14. What's your watcher like, and what do you see them doing in combat? Some classes have a predefined specialty (paladins tank, chanters buff and summon) and some are more flexible. The game hands you a capable tank and a healer close to the very start.
  15. I gave some thought to testing this in the house in the center of the Gullet, before basically deciding my time was more valuable spent elsewhere. With the games files having been assuredly mined for secrets, this is probably not a valid easter egg....yet.
  16. It's one of the requests in one of the portraits thread. I'll see if I can find it. GOT IT! https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96828-portraits-ii/?p=2014043 He's a little blurry in the smaller res versions, but Aumaua must make do.
  17. This happened in my latest game. Read the mood, Xoti.
  18. I'm a sucker for a weapon with a good story, and the Sanguine Greatsword has one of the best. Sadly, it's not exactly the second coming of Tidefall statwise.
  19. Wait really? But then the fruit thing is ruined right? No one gets punished, so I'd assume they keep doing what they were before.
  20. Even on her good path, Xoti has some, uh, moments.
  21. The worst part is, it's not recursive. No matter how diplomatic you are, to various parties, you will always be known as a little aggressive. That watcher guy? He's a heartless monster, but also kind to the needy. said no one realistic, ever. For maximum frustration, this can happen because of that thing you said to a voice in your head one time, in a dream.
  22. Am I the only one who got everyone to survive on this quest? You have to examine the village, confront the culprit, show the evidence to the accuser, then tell him you don't know. He hems and haws, but won't kill the guy with signs pointing elsewhere. Village is still screwed though.
  23. Accurate assessment. Assassinations are horrible. Wars are horrible AND senseless. A major disconnect of the RP and G aspects of deadfire was the RDCs announcement that there has to be a coup... ...and the fact that YOU have to do it. It just felt so gamey and artificial. The choice should have come down to "Interfere or don't."
  24. Here goes nothing. Yeah, that's sort of what I'm getting at. It looks like a tough guys armor, not particularly ornate or specific. Suited for the rigors of the climate, and occasional necessities like burgling wizards or shaking down random thugs. Certainly the sanguine plate would look better with these new graphics, and the frenzy is keenly missed.
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