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Everything posted by Barbedbeat

  1. A motion to get the Sanguine Plate back in Deadfire? Sign me the heck up!
  2. Was going on a little wardrobe silliness rampage when I noticed his pipe beahving strangely. Apparently, the smoldering tobacco decided to "fall" off of it, preferring to burn a his feet, it seems. (Whoopsie daisy, posted it in the wrong section. Could someone move it please?)
  3. I am very grateful to this Alyeh dude that took the time to make this album from Cohh's stream. He deserves proper recognition.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUdpITWm6GU
  5. I'm legitimately brainstorming out of my arse rn, but Helios One... maybe a possible decoding key could be H=1?
  6. Good idea, they are certainly doing a tutorial/prologue part again. Well, our Watchers will have to learn the ropes when it comes to ship owning & crew commanding, so I'm gonna guess she'll be a seafaring mentor of sorts
  7. BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw BFnWwPduSHbEXBcCedpotwCgw 6628 BFWPSHEXBCC tnwdubcedpotwgw I really have no idea
  8. Anyone in the mood for some sea battle? Behold a speeding shape A ship upon the waves Racing swift as death Torment from the pits of Hell In seas where pirates dwell The armada sets it's course Shadowed by skull and cross-boned force The crow's nest spots the flag The captain's plans have hit a snag With your lives, defend the gold In a fire fight yet to unfold Opposing ships steered side by side Fear on the bridge is realized Cannons blaze in wood they blast The Spanish ship is sinking fast Raiders board the ship Plunder all their fold As they're lunging for the kill Their riches will be ours Take no prisoners Leave no man alive For the ransacking awaits The decks awash with blood Fight to the death There is no other way Honour will say Kill That captains duel on the plank When all are dead and all is won There's riches here to steal Bodies scattered by the waves For sharks do make their meal in flesh Flesh Rain begins to fall Their fold becomes our wealth As they sink into the sea No mercy for the rich We wash their blood From our bounty gold We feast tonight We're heading due west For the secret island port The plunder divides But give a piece to the sea When madness of the fever grips and greed is taking hold Nothing can ever cure your thirst except for rum and gold Nothing can quench the thirst except for rum and gold
  9. Don't panic, @znin21. The beta works fine on GOG. First thing first: have you carefully read the instructions on how to activate it through Galaxy? You can find them here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94318-welcome-to-the-deadfire-backer-beta/page-1# Make sure to scroll all the way to the "Download on GoG" section and follow what it says.
  10. Hello, Also, vanishing UI And lastly, this corpse is very determined to level up (as you can see in the log)
  11. The bearded dude wearing a tricorne hat in the first row on the right reminds me a whole lot of André The Giant for some reason.
  12. Also, here is your proof. It's an IT/IT dictionary, but the second entry is pretty universal, methinks http://dizionari.repubblica.it/Italiano/F/fessa.php "Fessa" is a semi-old-fashioned word for, well, p*ssy, but it's still used today in many southern italian dialects. And, since the diminutive in italian is formed by noun + ino/ina depending from gender, well. There you have it. Also, in the current spoken language, the masculine form "Fesso" still holds the meaning of "imbecile", which is not a super good thing either.
  13. Definitely. I cracked up in a most shameful manner upon reading it. Even though I cannot wait to recruit her, so I can have someone in the party I can call "my li'l c*nt".
  14. I'm, uhm, proud to announce that this very topic served as the main inspiration for the collaboration between @fangmich and me. Thank you, OP for the inspiration. Enjoy! https://barbedwrites.tumblr.com/post/165757535530/a-matter-of-standard-arcane-practice
  15. Maybe that's Tekëhu's spiritshift form, since he will be a druid. It also fits with his supposed godlike connection with Ondra. If that's the case, he won't be my least favourite new companion anymore. This hit me like a speeding truck and made me go "ooooh!!!" And then I saw @Algroth's Street Sharks pic and just went "hhhhh-" xD
  16. I. Fully. Approve. Of. This. Allegra Clarke would make for an awesome Xoti (or Maia, perhaps, given the vibrant depth of her voice), and whoever it was who voiced Devil just NEEDS to make a comeback. I'm usually not into VAs too much, since I'm more partial to text alone, but when it comes to classing immersion up, those two ladies really hit the spot.
  17. Berath ... And then betrayed them. The Pallid Knight's out for my scalp still.
  18. > I have to ask... how do those figurines stay on the shelves here at sea?
  19. > Why, that's splendid! If the prices are reasonable, I'll get one for everyone in the crew!
  20. I'm being oppressed! Masculinity inherent in the system! Masculinity inherent in the system! You surely mean "muscleinity". And yay for muscles, Lindsey! I simply adore the way you drew Aloth and all the other characters.
  21. (Do we need to select our reply only or do we also get to continue the story? Which is amazing btw!)
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