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Everything posted by Barbedbeat

  1. Here they are! http://eternity.obsidian.net/eternity/media/stories
  2. Tough (albeit nice) question! Limiting my list to three won't be easy, but if I have to choose: -Pillars of Eternity -Fallout1 -Fallout2
  3. Navigating the seas with the aid of Concelhaut's skull, eh? ... OBSIDIAN, PLEASE!!! *Falls to her knees, hands clasped, tears welling up in her eyes*
  4. Both Carrie Patel's last update on Fig and this article will explain in sufficient detail what Aloth's possible narrative branches will be. And boy. BOY, am I -EXCITED-.
  5. Having more character-centered short stories would be simply orgasmic. Let's just cross our fingers and hope Obsidian writers will manage to carve some time and resources to type some more wordy goodness!
  6. http://www.mmorpg.com/pillars-of-eternity/interviews/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-returning-companions-and-continuing-saves-1000011515 Iselmyr's Watch talent. Keybreaker. Yes. YES.
  7. I don't think they'll go that way; I only believe that character was put into the game trailer in order to show off its improvement in the graphical department (that blazing model looks amazing!)
  8. No, it is confirmed that you will play as your old Watcher, who can virtually be any race.
  9. [At your request she resumes her duties on board the ship, Pallegina gives you a stern look from behind her sunglasses and starts sucking on her straw in an increasingly loud manner, until the gurgling roar of her orange juice occupies the deafened entirety of your consciousness.]
  10. Oh goodness, it would be all kinds of epic!! *imagines Matthew Mercer taking near-total possession of the recording booth while yelling "All your characters are belong to us!"* (Obsidian, I beg you: consider this for a possible easter egg for next stretch goal! ) Please, please, PLEASE somebody make these and put them on Redbubble- the official Obsidian store: I need those shirts in my life.
  11. Well it was your personal insults that brought forth my arrogant attitude. Personal insults? My playful "I can't imagine you reading a book" comment about your statement, "People don't talk in monologue for a few hundred words" was interpreted by you as a personal insult?! Oh blimey. I couldn't imagine. Of one thing I'm certain, though: I won't litter this thread any further with this appalling (not to mention off-topic!) nonsense. I bid you a good night.
  12. I'm no native anglophone either, dear Dark Devil. And, just to make things clear, I didn't want to make you feel bad because of your hurry-induced mistakes, not at all; all I was doing was trying to show you how inappropriate and out of place your arrogant attitude was.
  13. I can't imagine you reading a book then! But again, de gustibus non est disputandum. Parit enim conversatio contemptum; raritas conciliat admirationem.Depends on the book,if you are referring to comics then no i don't read [them].Maybe you don't read enough books and don't see the slopy sloppy writing? ... ^
  14. I can't imagine you reading a book then! But again, de gustibus non est disputandum.
  15. Yes. Yes, I did it. I transcribed the whole song, completing it with action tags to fit our PoEII: Deadfire returning companions. Please, feel free to tag yourself and join this choir of thieving balladeers! Original song from The Curse of Monkey Island: Iselmyr: We're a band of vicious pirates, Aloth: A-sailing out to sea! Edér: When you'll hear our gentle singing, Iselmyr: You'll make sure to turn and flee! Pallegina: ... Ach! This is ridiculous! Pallegina: [clears her throat and snaps her fingers, briskly] Come on, men! We've got to recover that map! Edér: That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap. Edér: [Puts his arm around Aloth's shoulders] We're a club of tuneful rovers! Iselmyr: [Puts their arm on Edér's and they both start step-dancing in unison] We can sing in every clef! Aloth: We can even hit the high notes! Iselmyr: It's just too bad we're tone deaf! Edér and Aloth: [Jump-dancing around a baffled Pallegina] A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina: [Wild eyed, energically pointing towards the enemy ship on the horizon] Let's go defeat that evil pirate! Aloth: [Winks mischievously] We know he's sure to lose, ´cause we know just where to fire at! Aloth: We're thieving balladeers! Iselmyr: A gang of cutthroat mugs!! Edér: [in a matter-of-fact tone] To fight us off ye don't need guns! Aloth: [shrugs] Just really good ear plugs! Edér and Aloth: A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina: [Takes a few deep, calming breaths and tries to behave like nothing's happening] All right, crew, let's get to work! Iselmyr: [stabbing Pallegina in the chest with a finger] Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'd never shirk! Iselmyr: We'll fight you in the harbor! Edér: We'll battle you on land! Aloth: When you meet singing pirates... Pallegina: [Feathers: ruffling. Composure: melting] They'll be MORE than you can STAND! Edér: [beaming] Ooooh! That was a good one! Pallegina: [Fuming] NO, it WASN'T!! Pallegina: [Clapping her hands in an hurried fashion] No time for song! We've got to move!! Edér: [Clutching his sword with both hands] The battle will be long, but our courage we will prove! Edér: We're a pack a´ scurvy sea dogs Iselmyr: [sassy] Have we pity? Not a dram! Aloth: We all eat roasted garlic... Iselmyr: [Elbowing Edér in the ribs] ...then sing from the diaphragm! Edér and Aloth: A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina: [On the verge of tears] Less singing, more sailing! Aloth: When we defeat our wicked foe, his ship he will be bailing! Edér: [Puffing up his chest] If ye try ta fight us... Iselmyr: [slaps the air with Aloth's grimoire]...you will get a nasty whackin´! Edér: If you disrespect our singing´... Aloth:[Evokes a bunch of writhing tentacles with a flick of his wrist] ...we will feed ya to a kraken! Edér and Aloth: [Edér grabs Aloth and swings him into an elegant dip] A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina:[Covers her face with her hands and lets out an exasperated groan] I´m getting so sick of you guys and your rhyming!! Iselmyr: We´re ready to set sail, though the cannons need a priming! [shoves themselves inside a cannon's mouth, feet first] Aloth: [Now positively stuck inside the cannon] We're troublesome corsairs! Edér: [Grabs Aloth by the arms and pulls] And we've come to steal your treasures! Iselmyr: [Laboriously kicking her way out] We would shoot you on the downbeat... Aloth: ...but we have to rest five measures. [Plops on the floor, panting] Edér, helping the elf back to his feet: A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina: [Grabs Edér by the collar, seething with rage] Stop! Stop! Stop! Edér: [Casually spins out of her grasp and grabs a broom to fend her off with] The brass is what we'll polish and the deck is what we'll mop! Pallegina: [Finally erupting] You say you're nasty pirates, scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers?! From what I've seen I tell you: you're not pirates! You're just SLACKERS!! Edér and Aloth: [Edér is so happy to see Pallegina has joined the song that he reaches under Aloth's arms and hoists him up in the air, while the latter nonchalantly tries to pull a dramatic pose] A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea! Pallegina: [Her sigh unexpectedly turns into a wicked grin] ...We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an... orange. [she pronounces the last word with unusual gusto] Iselmyr: And...! [Their eyes go wide] Um... Fye. Edér: Well... Aloth: [Looking down at Edér for help] ...err...? Edér: Door hinge? Aloth: No, no... Edér: [Lets out a heavy sigh and puts Aloth back down] Guess the song's over, then. Iselmyr: Guess so. Aloth: [smooths his robes and clears his throat] Okay, then. Back to work! Pallegina: [Hands on hips, smiling proudly] Gellarde!
  16. That art. Those new designs. That Aloth. I... I need to lie down.
  17. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91074-symbols-spoilers-web-shenanigans/ :D
  18. OR, we might just get a disappointing nothing until the "real" countdown ends. Either way, we can do nothing but kick back, grab a beer or twelve and see what happens :D
  19. It's 1139 here. So, there's little more than 22 hours left for my browser clock to reach the zero; in the previous posts I managed to mess up both my own calculation and "time zone declaration" And yes: there should actually be 31hrs+ for the actual, intended countdown to end.
  20. I was thinking the same thing. We have one more page update in 8 hours or so, right? Perhaps that is when the clock was supposed to appear. Which would be 10AM PST. Then it would be counting down to the big reveal 24 hours from then. I have a little over 4 and a half hours until 10am EST which is my time zone. Maybe it will update for me then if it isn't a screw up on Obsidian's part that is fixed in the time between now and then.EDIT: You beat me. LOL Confusion-inducing shenanigans from my part aside, I guess they're gonna fix it somehow, lest people from diff timezones gets the Big Reveal at different times/wait for the clock to mark [time left: 00:00:00] only for absolutely nothing to happen.
  21. Sorry guys, I messed up. My timezone is actually CET, not EST. Been awake for 36 hours straight and it shows Timezones acronyms: Y U ESCAPE ME.
  22. Basically, Obsidian stated they would deploy The Great Reveal on Jan 26, 10:00 am pst. So, the countdown should have started on Jan 25,10:00 am pst. I am in Europe, and the countdown for me started at 10:00 CET. From where I'm standing there's currently 22 hrs and 42 mins left.
  23. Maybe it is triggered by the local browser time? So, instead of firing the countdown at 10:00 pst as it should have, the script just starts the clock whenever it's 10 am for every single user accessing the page? #wildguess
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