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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Yeah I found whispers of endless paths was so bad. Not only that there are many stuffs nerf to Oblivion. Not sure if this is what the gamers want?
  2. This is the wrong way to look at it. The gain is very small because in optimized targeting situations spellshaping is all upside; you can do +1 PL at no loss of targets. (This is why wizard subclasses started off at +1 PL because if all you do is cast from that spell school you have virtually no downside; the problem is that PL scaling sucked for non-evokers so they bumped it up.) The downside is not even a downside; if you even get one more target it's likely worth the -5 PL. Spellshaping gives you flexibility for all upside; it doesn't force you to take penalties. Not sure i understand what you mean there. When i have spell-shaping on a chanter, when i reduce the aoe, i definitely get a loss of targets for +1PL (for example, thrice was she wronged). when reducing the aoe, definitely there are loss of targets behind the cone? correct me if i'm wrong -5PL means -15 ACC right? +1PL gains +3 ACC. Also if there is a 5% damage bonus per PL that means that's a -25% damage.
  3. you are right. i'm not on beta. wondering when obsidian will release a meaty big patch?
  4. Xoti always melee for me. It's also best to turn her evil for the damage bonus? Especially with her lantern. Her sycthe i find it useless though. If not mistaken, she deals better damage unarmed. Alwayse use willbreaker on her. The fort debuff helps Force of Anguish and also her reaper scythe ability. I only use it to interrupt. Her monk subclass suxs as it needs +1 resource. I don't use much of her wound abilites. As a monk there's versatility. But i tend to use her to max intellect for her duration buffs.
  5. These are all great combos. For rogue, i think personally Goldpact/Streetfighter is the obvious choice?
  6. Thanks so much. I will have to try. This is going to have so much hassle. Don't really want to restart for a wrong multi-class selection.
  7. All classes should have own form of resource generation. I find classes with resource generation obviously more fun than those without. Monk - Wounds (receive wounds when receive damage) Priest - Prayers (receive faith when praying) Paladin - Zeal (receive more zeal when holy slaying ) Barbarian - Rage (receive more rage when deal more damage) Wizard - Mana (channeling mana from absorbing essence) There's also a problem with resource generation. I find classes that can gain resource actively (eg. receiving or dealing damage) has inherent advantage over classes that generate resource at a time interval (for example, chanter). RP wise aside (my emphasis on the discussion is not more to RP but gameplay). When levelling, you pick the same spell/ability like in poe2. All abilities or spell cost resource (similar like cipher focus). You get 70% cost reduction for selecting the spell/ability you want upon leveling. For example wizard, fireball cost 100 mana to cast. But you have this skill upon leveling and it only cost 70 mana instead of 100. For spells/ability that you don't own it will cost 50% more mana. In this case it will cost 150mana instead of 100. This is just a general idea. Yes some will argue this is boring because all classes played the same. Which the point i want to make is that: it isn't fair. Some classes can have infinite resources (depending on time like chanter). There are pros and cons of this mechanic which is: time. Let's say you gain 1 chants per 3 sec. So obviously get 10 chants by 30 secs (for most battle last between 40secs - 1 minute?) And you can only do so much within this time period and you have NO other means in recouping more resources and therefore leaving not much choices where you can only choose the best ability for that time period. If you gain resource from other means than time (waiting, in this case of chanter), you don't have to waste time to regain your resource where you can end the battle sooner. This is the reason i find that Cipher is so much fun to play compared to other classes. Worst of other classes like caster, you only have 2 cast per encounter. When you miss (this is often the case you miss alot with your nuker) and after that your nuker is just useless. Otherwise the only thing they can do which is just auto attacking which is pointless (as it deals miniscule damage as that it's not their intended class or they have to multiclass) Thoughts and discuss?
  8. Yeah, this. Can anyone explain this phenomenon to any degree? I find it totally baffling. Some areas are perfectly fine, no problems whatsoever, and some are so slow you want to go and watch paint dry for some excitement. And I mean these areas are slow without any encounters. Just walking around. This totally baffles me. Either the unity engine is plain bad or the developers in obsidian aren't doing it right. There are places with really bad performance. For example Queen's berth where Cotta party resides. If you add in stealth, the frame rate can come to a crawl. Also another biggest gripe for me about Deadfire. Many screenshots look awesome but in game they are just plain flat. for example poko kohara ruins.
  9. I don't understand the popularity of turn based. I'm more in favour of RTwP. Sadly the market is really niche.
  10. +1 gain with very small aoe and -5 for bigger aoe. If the idea is just for making bigger aoe for party, might as well tweak that ability range cone instead? no need for this shaping just for measly +1 and -5 penalty. Looks exactly like some of the many useless subclass design where penalty outweighs a small gain.
  11. while i'm sure it's frustrating in general you really need to provide another output_log (or Player.log) as well as a save if it's still a persistent issue. developers can't magically instantly recreate whatever problem you have, no matter how severe it seems to you (especially because most people have no problem). It happened to me few times with latest patch. Where do I obtain this log?
  12. i can confirm this. seems that it happens everywhere. some sort like global. was in gullet old ruins. skuldr, rotgast, darguls all pulled together. making fights very difficult early game. although i still managed with a level 9 party.
  13. I'm going for a SC troubadour. Thoughts? Good pick in my opinion. i find chanter quite slow.. even for troubadour . yes the infinite resource generation is great but is tad slow even with brisk recitation. i'm also using sasha. i'm seriously thinking.. should i go with helwaker/troubadour instead? but i'm gonna lose 2PL, ed nary and dragon higher MIG better or SC?
  14. is there a mod that allows me to respec my attributes and reset companion class without breaking achievement?
  15. same here. xoti lantern disappear. she is holding air. same goes with eder with the st. drogga sabre blade.
  16. Yes i have this couple of times even during old patch. The amount of bugs in this game
  17. It would be nice if barbarian, rogue, fighter and.. perhaps all classes gain resource when they deal/receive damage. barbarian gaining rage attacking or getting attacked make sense. but for other classes it's abit hard to rationalize though. some abilities are really nice but i hate the idea that you can only have 1-2 HoF and the rest of other abilities there are no more chances to use. there's only one hope: ancestor memory... but obsidian has to just nerf it. . not only that, they seems to make alot of other stuff like proccing useless as well. i'm not really sure what's on their head.
  18. Sorry for asking in the same thread .. do we have scrolls for weather the storm? I can't seem to find any and i don't want to bring Takehu along.
  19. I'm kinda spoilt with this resource stuff. I wish every class can be like chanter or cipher or monk. For priest, wizard and druid. There are only 2 cast per encounter. Empower returns 1. Maybe i'm playing them wrong. After nuking (missed most of the time.... and you miss alot) and then your caster is just food. Other classes should have some form of getting back resources. Barbarian is really good especially with HoF (but only with Fire in the hold / Hand mortar / Kitchen stove)? There's one axe Amra, i think that's for a monk/barb somehow.
  20. Sorry for that confusion. You are right. Whisper of the Endless Path. Yeah i target on the enemy instead of the ground. It seems to register but maybe the interaction isn't that intuitive.
  21. I would go for PER and MIG. Make sure max these 2. The other would be DEX. If i go with goldpact, i will dump RES. I will stay at 10 CON though. If you want to dump it more is up to you.
  22. I like the new difficulty. Mages arcane dampens and the 2 paladin tanks come and sacred immolation. Lol Not to mention the are ciphers around.
  23. Blade of the endless paths. There's a cone when target. But after click it doesn't seems that it register it.
  24. I'm not sure if it's just me. There seems to be a targeting issue. Is there a mod to fix this?
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