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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Sure, why not? Use the Golden Gaze as your standard weapon and cast Minor Blights after Expose Vulnerabilities triggerd - if you need more damage. I would use Alacrity as Spell Mastery option and not Minor Blights then.
  2. But with 2.03 that was not the case any more and still Swift Aim and Sure Handed Ila stacked. Or am I completely mistaken?
  3. Also the focus increase for cipher powers?
  4. It's just that it used to work and was not OP. So why nerf it? However - we will soon know if it's intended or not. Normally Aarik responds very quickly. Let's thank him for that!
  5. Sorry - read the patch notes again and it says: "If you have Resting, Camping, Injury, and Maimed, all bonuses are lost when you camp." I totally missed the "camping" - so that explains my issue. But maybe this topic help others who also experienced this and didn't read the patch notes... Keep on the good work!
  6. Hi, it used to stack with 2.03 - now with 3.0 beta Swift Aim's reload speed buff surpresses the one of the Sure Handed Ila chant. Is that intended? Both are kind of modal...
  7. It's a problem with all the items that give bonuses that are tied to a special "if". Blood Tempered Helmet, Drinking Horn of Moderation, Mantle of the Dying Boar and so on. They all suppress or get suppressed.
  8. Hi, all cross class talents became 1/encounter. Only Outlander's Frenzy still has 1/rest. I hope it's a bug...
  9. Hi, if you camp two times in a row an don't choose different bonuses your bonuses will be completely gone after the second rest.
  10. What, there is a special forum? Shame on me, sorry.
  11. No - not a squish. That would work well. Chanters have a quite good base deflection. In fact my chanter tankish build ("Drake's Ambassador") also only has 10 RES and is sturdy enough.
  12. Hi, while all the other cross class talents became 1/encounter, Outlander's Frenzy is still 1/rest.
  13. Hi, if you camp two times in a row and don't choose different bonuses from survival your bonus gets deleted completely.
  14. I think it's just a bug. It would make that talent so inferior to the other ones. If they intend to make it per rest it should have more uses per rest. Josh said a while ago on SA that all cross class talents will become 1/encounter.
  15. You only get them if you camp. Doesn't matter where. Did anybody else notice that if you camp two times in a row (I chose DR bonus both times) your special bonus is gone? It's a bug I think...
  16. You can give her two Rimecutters and Secret of Rime if you want...
  17. What the Frick? What are they doing? "Let's raise the focus costs into stellar heights and then ruin any means of getting more focus"?
  18. Outlande's Frenzy on the Devil seems also be a nice idea. Durgan steel, two speedy weapons, two weapon style and this should lead to a zero recovery build even with the armor.
  19. I find -5 with stacking to be quite balanced. -10 non stacking would just be good for very slow hitting builds while faster ones would be punished. Maybe they should just nerf the duration from 5 to 3 sec so a very fast char can't stack it to ridicoulous amounts.
  20. Noooo! And it's only one weapon with which you can stack it to a certain amount (Lost Thayn's Reach).
  21. Well the devil is a construct an thus has the immunities of a construct for example (poison? Sickened?). You could build something around this. For example you could use the Devil as bait and then unleash a ton of poison spells on top of her while the mob attacks her. Don't know if this works, just an idea. Edit: Oops - I somehow skipped that part of your post - sorry! But yeah - which build works with the companions could also be the question. For example Sagani can be build into a lot of ranger variants since most of them don't rely on minmaxed stats or a special animal comp. I also thin that Durance can easily be build into AndreaColombos support priest and Zahua can be the Juggernaut monk. But since there a lot of 1/encounter talents now that everybody can use - maybe there are some ideas how to build unusual companions. For example a shapeshifted Hiravas with Outlander's Frenzy sounds fun.
  22. We'll see how they handle this. Aarik said the way the effect gets applied will be changed. So maybe they apply a new affliction "disoriented" which can't stack instead of applying an effect that is named after the weapon. Or something like that. If they do this then even disorienting effects of different weapons won't stack. I wonder if they realized that the interfering enchantment also stacks...
  23. Hi! Now - with the 3.0 beta patch and some of it's changes (multi class talents 1/encounter, new items, survival buffs etc) I would really like to do some nice (and maybe weird) builds with the official companions. For example Pallegina could be build into a nice gun firing, missile throwing dps/support char now. Two FoD shots with haste, Wrath of the Five Suns, Prestidigitator's Missiles, Penetrating Shot and so on... I really like the multiclass talents now. For example Aspirant's Mark is really good. Do you have some nice ideas for companion builds?
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