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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. No, not 50%! You get two times 25%: 25% + 25% You might say: where's the difference? The difference is that one 50% lash would have to overcome 1/4th of enemy's burn DR while two 25% lashes will each have to overcome the same 1/4th of enemy's burn DR. Imagine 12 burn DR and a single lash of 10 burn damage compared to two burning lashes of 5. First variant would do 10-(12/4) = 7 burn damage while the second would to 5-(12/4) + 5-(12/4) = 4. So they do stack, but the percentages of lashes don't get simply added to a bigger lash.
  2. True - for full party playthroughs. Those late game abilities are pretty useful when going solo though. But generally PoE and Deadfire are party based games - so you are right of course.
  3. I guess White March would suffice. But I'm the creator by accident of things like "Direballs" and stuff - so what do I know, right?
  4. Doesn't make me play the Deadfire beta though. Every time a new version of the beta is out I will tinker around with some build ideas for a few hours. But I can't get myself to do another beta "playthrough". Maybe it's because it's rather short anyway and quite boring because you skip the first 6 levels and can't go past 9 - maybe it's because I don't like the whole Deadfire thing atm - I don't know. At the same time I'm doing yet another playthrough with PoE (to bring over to Deadfire) with Edér as fighter/monk (Take the Hit somehow totally fits the theme and is so nice if you skip mind control use in your party), Aloth as wizard/ranger (CB's Blackbow ftw) and Pallegina as paladin/wizard/ranger (Wrath otFS + blunderbuss + missiles galore) aka the walking artillery. This is just more fun than to moan about all the stuff I don't like about Deafire atm (game breaking stuff like Cleaving, Swift Flurry, Blast, Minor Blights, Spirit Lance - stupid stuff like casting times+recovery in general - totally awful stuff like scrolls, potions and explosives being more powerful than actual abilities and whatnot). And I'm not interested in the whole ship stuff at all, so that "innovation" also doesn't make me play it again. And I just don't want to waste time with that beta which will most likely change a lot until release. All insights I will be getting from playing the beta might be totally useless once the finished game comes out. And since the whole system was rewritten instead of doing a refined PoE we will have to endure the appliance of a lot of patches until Deadfire will be in the same good state as PoE was (also after lots of patches). I'm just tired of the beta. Big fat computer doesn't help it. But at least I managed to play it for ~160 hours. Most of it with the first version.
  5. I think there will be no special beards for dwarves - all haircuts and beards get applied to all races (as long as they can have hair/beards in the first place). So if you want longer beards they'd have to be introduced universally.
  6. It's just laughable. All of it. Making a niche subclass really bad is the best way to make sure it never gets played.
  7. Honestly: it's great when you use virtual machines and/or Docker containers, which I do because of my work. It's also good if you want to emulate disk space in RAM (RAM-Disk).
  8. Just did a quick test in game and it still is as I described above. Only the Scion of Flame on the recipient works for Mith Fyr, not the one of the chanter (the one of the chanter works for his own received lash only).
  9. What do you mean? Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr: only a char who gets the additional burning lash and has Scion of Flame will have a 30% burning lash. Scion of Flame on the chanter does not increase the burning lash on others, only on the lash he gets for himself. So there would be no +10% to Aefyllath's lashes if thechanter and the "wearer" have both Scion of Flame but only +5% if the "wearer" has Scion of Flame. At least that was the case last time I checked. May have changed of course. Also, with Spark the Soul of the Righteous only characters who have Heart of the Storm will deal +20% shock damage with it. If the preist has Heart of the Storm it doesn't raise the damage for the shocks the other party members emmanate - only his own.
  10. Fine maybe. But the idea to speed up certain actions that have nothing to do with weapon use is nice and would make the style much more appealing to all sorts of chars and not only dps or crit seekers.
  11. Haha - true. But he still doesn't suffer -4 INT because stelgaer are stupid like ogres.
  12. As long a Cleaving Stance stays like it is, Charge doesn't matter, right? It depends. Charge is very nice, but if you can multiclass two classes which get awesome stuff in the early to mid level tier I think it's much better for 75% of the whole playthrough than getting Charge once the game is in its final descent. Depends how much game is left one you get Charge. Same with Sacred Immolation.
  13. But because of the additive nature of damage bonuses rogues in PoE kind of stink in the late game. Deathblows for example only adds 100% base damage which in case of a dagger is +11 damage. Wow... thank the gods it works with spells and stuff which has high base damage. They simply lack one or two really good high level abilities in PoE. Look at fighter and how Charge makes that somewhat boring class totally awesome at lvl 13. Since we can't see the high level abilities in Deadfire yet I can't say anything about late game, but until lvl 9 they still are quite similar to PoE. I can't even say if Deathblows still works with spells etc. What does work: Assassinate (highly increased damage, penetration and crit range) works with spells from stealth (no range restrictions like with Backstab) and is pretty powerful. Streetfighter and Trickster subclass change the whole behaviour a bit, but not substantially (yet).
  14. And even if... A boar druid also isn't left with 1 INT and an appetite for truffles after shifting, is he?
  15. No bug. Lashes don't have MIN damage and don't profit from DR bypass like Vulnerable Attack. So if your initial damage roll is too low you lash will get eaten up by enemies' DR. Lashes only have to overcome 1/4th of DR by the way. Things like Heart of the Storm will raise a 25% lash to 30% which helps. A 5% lash from Turning Wheel will most likely never come through while a 50% lash (60% with Scion of Flame) is pretty powerful. Also have a look here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95974-i-cant-understand-lash-dmg-and-dmg-as-typedmg-on-weapons/?do=findComment&comment=1976105
  16. bump-bump-bump Also fix the malus to INT. I guess the wizard is only transforming his body, not his brains. Why nerf this fun ability with -4 INT?
  17. I always wondered why that conversion thing when you could also give additional bonus accuracy via style (that stacks with the +12 from one handed wielding).
  18. Their weapons can be obtained via console in the beta by the way. They look quite nice.
  19. The first unique arbalest "Hold-Wall" is in Gilded Vale (blacksmith's shop) by the way. The soulbound arbalest in Anslög's Compass (Deadfire merchant) is bugged atm. Once it gets upgraded it reloads more slowly - like, really slowly (first stacge -25% reload speed, then -50% reload speed). Somebody at OBS who is in charge of implementing those enchantments def. has hit his head on a brick wall or something. Those issues with accidently inversed reloading speed or no speed at all despite tooltips are all over the place in the Deadfire Pack and in the Deafire Beta.
  20. I'll answer with another question: If casting times are crap why would you want to cast a spell anyways? Short casting times = casting is used because it's fun and viable, but interrupts are more difficult because they have to be timed well (good for the player who is smart, bad for AI). Long casting times = casting gets omitted by most players because it's not worth it, interrupts are easy in theory, but because nobody is casting anyways there are practically no interrupts occuring (on enemies' side). I leave it to your judgement what seems to be the better solution...
  21. Right. It actually seems to do the same damage as before the "nerf" - only the tooltip seems to have changed.
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